At night, Ethan just woke up. Who knows how many hours he fell asleep in front of the door of his apartment which was already a mess because of his actions. The man got up and walked to the bathroom.

Ethan took off his clothes and let his stocky naked body get wet from the splash of water from the shower. He closed his eyes remembering all the sweet things he had done with Luna, but again the image of Edward saying that Luna did not love him again bothered him.

"I hate you, Edward, I hate you!" Ethan screamed in the shower, then punched the glass in front of him until it broke and his hand was bleeding.

Ethan sat back on the floor in disarray. He felt homesick for Luna, but his feelings of uncertainty about his wife's love made him reluctant to see her again. the man got up and wiped his body with a towel, then wore it at the waist.

Ethan walked out of the room to his room. He took a first aid kit and treated the wound himself. after finishing treating the wound on his hand, the man immediately put on the clothes that had always been available in the wardrobe.

Ethan came out of his apartment with his hair unkempt from being combed. He didn't pay attention to how people would judge his appearance. the man walked to his car, then got in and drove at high speed. I don't know where else to go, because he's not heading home.


Luna sat alone on the balcony in front of her room with a feeling of confusion. she looked up at the cloudy sky like her heart hadn't been bright since Ethan left. The pregnant woman recalled how she refused to be held by her husband at that place in such a violent manner. She even snapped at him and from then on they no longer slept together.

"I'm stupid! I didn't trust you and ignored you instead. You deserve to punish me, but at least come home, I'm so worried about you!"Luna sat on the floor leaning against the wall while hugging a photo of herself and Ethan.

Luna remembers every sweet moment on that balcony with Ethan. She couldn't stop crying cursing her foolishness. Even though she had cursed Edward, the pregnant woman was still not relieved that her husband had not returned.

"Aren't you coming back? Don't you miss me? I miss your sweet attitude that used to accompany me every night, I miss our intimacy, jokes, and laughter, talking about our future babies." Luna kept crying because she was imprisoned by feelings of regret and longing. She understood her attitude was outrageous and felt the pain Ethan felt.


Richard and his partner had just finished dinner at a restaurant. they took a short break to fill their stomach. Because after that they had to continue looking for where Ethan was.

"Where else should we look? We've been exploring the entire Jakarta area since last night." Johan is getting upset because he can't even find Ethan.

"I have no idea. if we go home without bringing Mr. Ethan, we will be fired, "said Juna.

Richard just didn't flinch at the attention of his two colleagues who were dizzy thinking about his employer who had not been found. He suddenly remembered that Luna had said Ethan left in a state of confusion and emotion.

"Where do you think people get emotional or get dizzy?" asked Richard.

"To the beach maybe," replied Johan.

"If I'm dizzy, usually go to the bar," said Juna.

Richard smiled after hearing Juna's words. It seemed as if he had found a clue to where his master was. the muscle man immediately got up from the chair.

"Let's go find Mr. Ethan to every bar," said Richard.

"To the bar?" Johan showed an expression of uncertainty. Because he admired Ethan too much as a calm guy and probably didn't like drinking alcohol. even the employer was not fond of cigarettes.

"Who knows he's there." Richard walked over without waiting for the approval of two of his colleagues.

"Come on, we're looking at every bar. Instead of not knowing where to go, who knows he's drunk to get rid of his fatigue and confusion." juna gets up from the chair and pats Johan on the shoulder. Finally, Johan can only follow his friends, even though he is not sure.

Richard and his partners immediately began a search of each bar. They don't even know how drowsy they are anymore, even though they haven't been resting since yesterday. because he felt sorry for Luna and was afraid of being fired.

Until ten o'clock in the evening, Richard arrived at a bar on the 15th which he went with his partner. Finally, the man found Ethan's black sports car parked in the yard of the building.

"That's Mr. Ethan's car." Johan pointed towards the car.

"I told you, he must be at the bar," said Richard with a triumphant smile.

"Let's get down quickly, then we take him and hand it over to his wife," said Juna as he opened the car door.

Richard and Johan just chuckled in response to Juna's petition, which seemed like they wanted to take a runaway child. They immediately went down and entered the bar which was already noisy and began to get crowded.

it took only five minutes, Richard and his partner found Ethan sitting with his head resting on the table. The man got drunk again and looked very messy. He wore a black t-shirt with long sleeves combined with black jeans and his hair was very matted.

"Sir, let's go home. Mrs. Luna is worried about you. Since yesterday she's been looking for you," Richard tried to persuade Ethan.

"Is it true that Luna is looking for me? That means she loves me more. Right?" Instead, Ethan gave a fuzzy smile.

"We'll just go home, he's very drunk," said Johan.

"Okay. you take the car," exclaimed Richard, staring at Johan.

They immediately carried Ethan to the car and took him home.


Luna is still sitting alone on the balcony. She's still crying over Ethan, who doesn't come home. the pregnant woman could no longer contain her homesickness and worries.

Luna's gaze was fixed on the two cars that had just entered the courtyard. She smiled in relief and roughly wiped her tears away. The pregnant woman immediately got up and walked out of the room.

"That must be Ethan," muttered Luna as she made her way carefully down the steps.

When they arrived on the ground floor, Luna saw Ethan walking with Richard and Johan in their arms. Instantly her smile disappeared because she thought something bad had happened to her husband.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Luna, worried.

"He's drunk, Mrs," replied Richard.

"Just take him to the room," said Luna.

Richard and Johan immediately led Ethan to the room, while Luna followed, relieved and worried because her husband looked pale and messy.

"Just go to bed," said Luna when Ethan was brought into the room.

Richard and Johan lay down Ethan's body on the bed which was covered with white sheets. after that, they came out of the room and rested in their respective rooms because they were very sleepy since yesterday did not sleep.

Luna stared sadly at Ethan's shabby face and matted hair. She took warm water and wiped the handsome face, then took off his shoes.

"How many bottles did you drink until you were like this?" Luna chuckled annoyed but also pity, she immediately covered Ethan with a black blanket and immediately lay beside him.

Luna's fingers slowly touched the handsome face that she had not touched since yesterday. Slowly the translucent grains flowed back from her eyelids. The pregnant woman feels sad to see her husband, who used to look fresh and tidy, now look even messier.

"I've hurt you. I am sorry, honey."

Luna moved to kiss Ethan's forehead. But just as she was about to fall back down, Ethan's hand pulled her so that she was staring at his face at a very close distance. It turned out that her husband was still awake with wistful and reddening eyes.

"You are so beautiful tonight. I miss this face all the time. Never let another man touch it. Because you're the only mine," Ethan said sadly.

"Yes, I am yours and I only allow you to touch me," replied Luna sadly. She could see the pain etched into her husband's face.

Ethan sat up and let Luna lie down. He lowered his position to kiss his wife's belly.,

"Hi baby. When you are born, don't let another man bother your mom" Even drunk, Ethan still remembered his future babies. that made Luna even more sorry for making him feel hurt.

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