"Oh there they are—" Rachael tapped Andrew's shoulder and pointed towards the direction Elsa and Justin were coming.

When she noticed their gloomy expressions, she raised her brows. "They don't look okay—" she looked at Andrew.

He nodded. "Hmm, maybe they fought over something or maybe…ouch—" Andrew winced in pain and frowned when she suddenly pinched his arm.

"Hey, we were looking for you two," Rachael smiled as she hooked her arm around Andrew's.

Without saying anything, Elsa grabbed Rachael's hand and walked away, dragging her along.

"What did you do?" Andrew inquired.

"I have no f*ucking idea." Justin pinched the space between his brows and sighed. "She has been like this since we woke up."

Looking at his cousin and wife who were walking in front of them, Andrew remarked, "You must have done something."

"No, I didn't," Justin stated confidently. "We had so much fun in the past three days and I even did the thing that she—"

Cutting him off, Andrew frowned, "Woah woah, cut the details. You are talking about my sister here."

"Okay, my apologies but my point is, I did nothing." Justin really had zero idea why Elsa was mad at him.

"Did you give her the ring?"

"No, not yet—" He shook his head. "But I have it right here." Justin patted his pocket.

"I have plans of doing it when everyone is present," he added.


[In a distance]

"Hey, are you alright?" Elsa had been quiet for the past five minutes they had been walking and this was very unlikely of her. This made Rachael feel a little worried.

"Arghh I am so mad at him," Elsa groaned.

"Why? What happened?"

"He forgot our anniversary," she snapped. "Can you believe that?"


"Yes, today is the day when we go together for the first time seven years ago," Elsa answered. "And I cannot believe he actually forgot such a big day."

Contemplating for a while, Rachael inquired, "Hmm, didnt you two break up for like almost three years?" When Elsa nodded, she added, "So does the anniversary still count?"

"Technically no but after we got back together, we decided to keep our anniversary date the same." Elsa frowned, "He always sent me a box of my favourite donut in Owen's hand on our anniversary even when we were not together. But now that we are officially together again, he forgot our anniversary. What the f*uck does that mean?"

"Alright, calm down first." Rachael gently rubbed her arm. "Maybe it slipped out of his mind or something. Don't take too much stress."

"How would you feel if Andrew forgot your anniversary?" Before she could answer, Elsa remarked, "But you know, that is not gonna happen because my brother is a very considerate person who never forgets important dates unlike my boyfriend who doesn't care."

Rachael: " "

Not knowing what to say, she awkwardly cleared her throat. "I mean, I would be upset if he forgot our anniversary."

"See? Everyone will be mad and hurt if their partner forgets such an important day."

"Mama—" Edward wiggled out of Owen's arms and ran towards Elsa and Rachael.

When he hugged Elsa's leg, she quickly picked him up in her arms. "There is my favourite boy." she exclaimed. "How have you been? Did you miss me?"

When he nodded, Owen frowned and complained, "Hey, you just told me you didn't miss anyone."

The little one chuckled and hugged Elsa's neck .

"So you people are finally done humping each other?" Owen smiled at the two ladies followed by Andrew and Justin.

Rachael: " "

Elsa: "  "

Andrew: " "

Justin: " "

"Mama, did you win the game?" Edward enthusiastically inquired. "Did you win the remote control car?"

"What game? What are you talking about?" All four of them did not understand what Edward was talking about.

"The game of.." Edward paused for a few seconds as he tried to recollect the new word he had heard. "S…S*ex.."

Elsa: " "

"Edward, who taught you that word?" Justin frowned as he took Edward in his arms.

The little one looked at Owen and answered, "Dada said it's a fun game." Pausing for a while, he added, "I want to play s*ex game too."

Owen : " "

"Are you out of your mind?" Andrew glared at Owen. "Why the hell would you talk to a three year old about sex?"

"Seriously Owen, you are sick," Rachael snapped.

"Hey, you people are the ones having s*ex continuously for the past three days and I am sick?" Owen scoffed. "I was the one taking care of him all by myself for three days straight. Instead of being grateful, you people are blaming me."

Justin sighed and helplessly shook his head. He then looked at Edward. "You shouldn't say that again, okay? S*ex is not a game."

"Then what is it?" Edward curiously inquired.

"Yeah, DADA what is it?" Owen crossed his arms in the front and looked at Justin. He wanted to hear his answer.

Thinking for a while, Justin answered, "S*ex is something that two adults do to make babies."

"A baby?" When he nodded, Edward exclaimed, "Am I getting a baby brother?"

Elsa: " "

"No you are not," Justin remarked. "Not so soon."

"Why not?" The little one frowned a little. His expression clearly said that he wanted a baby brother or sister. He was ready to be a big brother.

"Because we used protection."

"Justin—" Rachael smacked his arm. She then took Edward from his arms. "All of you are sick here." Who talks to a three year old about stuff like protection?

"Rach, let's go have breakfast with Edward and leave these three sickos here."

When Rachael and Elsa walked away, Andrew frowned, "Hey, why am I a sicko? I didn't say anything." When they did not stop, he frowned deeper. "Rach, where are you going without me?"

He was about to follow them when Justin stopped him. "Hey, don't go. I need your help."

"What kind of help?" Owen inquired.

"I want to propose to Elsa now and I want one of you to take capture each and every moment.."


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