Wen lichen said to Xing lie, "if you will send Xiao Nuo back and Liang Yao back together, I will not go back to Wenzhai tonight."

"Good!" Xing liehan answered, and said to the little guy in his arms, "do you want to accompany my father to see my aunt to Uncle Wen's house?"

Xing Yinuo is already happy. "Xiao Xi, come with us!"

"Mommy, can I go with my aunt?" Little guy asked Tang Siyu.

"All right! Just go home early. " Tang Siyu has no opinion.

At this time, Xing Yinuo said to Suxi, "sister Suxi, I'll find you a piece of paper and pen in a moment. Can you give me a signature?"

"No problem, of course." Suzy frowned.

"Well! Wait for me for a moment. My bag is in my brother's car. "

Tang Siyu didn't expect Xing Yinuo to be a Star chaser, and he liked Suxi so much. Suxi also felt honored to have the little princess of Xing family as a fan.

The elevator jingled to a stop on the first floor. Tang Siyu and Su Xi stepped out first. In the parking lot, three cars were also close. Xing Yinuo asked Xing liehan to unlock the car lock. She went in and quickly found a piece of paper and pen.

Suxi takes over and signs her name on the car frame. Her name is very poetic. She also draws a picture of love. Xing Yinuo gets the signature and jumps up happily. "Thank you, sister Suxi. Can I see you later?"

"Of course."

"Well! Goodbye, sisters. " Xing Yinuo waved politely and walked to brother's car.

Wen lichen and Xing liehan drove out first, while Tang Siyu's car drove out slowly.

In the car, Susie breathed a sudden breath, as if her nerves could finally relax.

Tang Siyu couldn't help chuckling, "what's the matter? A meal will make you fight! "

"My heart is tired!"

"Why didn't you settle the bill?" Tang Siyu asked curiously, because when she left, it seemed that Wen lichen intended to force her to settle the account.

And on the dining table, Wen lichen ordered so many valuable dishes, which seemed to have intentional ingredients.

"I wanted to check out! However, who knows that Wen lichen has come back and robbed my card without saying that I will not be allowed to settle the account, saying that this meal will not count. " Suzy was speechless. She wanted to pay for the meal she owed him so quickly that she didn't have to see him again.

Every time she saw him, her mind would automatically appear the scene of the last hot eyes, and she would have amnesia.

Although he was dressed in an elegant suit tonight, with a handsome and straight body, the appearance he didn't wear made her remember more deeply.

Tang Siyu looked at her sympathetically. "He is carrying it with you, isn't he?"

"Who knows, his mind is so unpredictable." Susie leans wearily on the copilot's seat.

Out of the window, the night is sultry and the wind is gentle. Her mind seems to be covered with a layer of confusion.

"I didn't expect Xing liehan to bring him here tonight."

"Forget it, I don't blame you!" Finish saying, Su Xi Mi Mou curiously guesses a way, "this man is what in the end!"! He has the temperament of a successful person, but if he is a famous person in the business circle, I will surely know! "

Tang Siyu also wondered, "I don't know."

"Last time I saw him in the show, it was a senior show. He didn't show up in the grandstand, but he had his own suite Lounge!"

Tang Siyu guessed, "maybe he has a mysterious and powerful identity."

"I can't find any information about him on the Internet."

Tang Siyu couldn't help laughing jokingly. "However, although he is mysterious, he has a recognized fact."



"Let me tell you! Xing liehan is more handsome. " Su Xi doesn't admit that Wen lichen is very handsome. After that, Su Xi looks at her vaguely and says, "have you lived with him for such a long time, and anything interesting happened?"

Tang Siyu's brain immediately hummed, "no!"

"Have you seen his figure?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Is that what it is? How many ABS are there! "

"Let's talk about Wen lichen first! Don't you see all of him? Even there. " Tang Siyu is not willing to show weakness.

"I won't say." Sushi snorted and killed him.

Finally, the two girls immediately giggled, and the car was full of laughter. The chat between the girls was not simple!

The Wens and xingliehan enter the hall with their sister's gift box. The Wens have come back. They are very happy and welcome to see xingyinuo.

"Yinuo, come and have a look at the room I've arranged for you. It's similar to your room." Mrs. Wen takes Xing Yinuo's hand and goes upstairs. The little guy also follows him.

Xing liehan is in the hall, chatting with old man Wen. Wen Liangyao goes upstairs to visit the room arranged by his mother.

Mrs. Wen pushed open a room with good light and sweet and warm temperament. Xing Yinuo's eyes lit up, "it's so beautiful! Thank you, aunt Wen. ""You don't know how envious I was when your mother gave birth to your daughter," sighed Mrs. Wen. "I don't have the courage to have another daughter. Otherwise, I've already had another daughter. I like my daughter."

So, she is very happy to stay with Xing Yinuo in Xing's house. In this way, she can feel the life of having a daughter. Moreover, Xing Yinuo may come to live every week in order to let her son tutor and study.

She had to make the room pink and cozy so that Xing Yinuo could live comfortably.

"Mom, how old is she? You decorate this color." Behind, Wen Liangyao's voice whispered to Mrs. Wen's ear.

"Xiao Nuo is still small." Mrs. Wen gave him a look.

Xing Yinuo is holding a pair of dolls, looking at them happily. "Thank you, auntie. I like this room very much."

Xing liehan looked at the time, went upstairs to find his son, and looked at his sister's room by the way. He said, "the room has been arranged for you. This month, you have to work hard."

"Ah What time is it? I have two pages left in my homework yesterday! Mathematical. " Xing Yinuo thought of it.

Xing lie draws a black line on his forehead, "take it out quickly and let Liang Yao teach you how to do it."

Mrs. Wen turned to look at her little son. "Liang Yao, then you can teach Xiao Nuo here. Let's go first."

"Well!" Wen Liangyao nodded.

Xing liehan leads the little guy and Mrs. Wen down.

Xing Yinuo brings her study here. The first thing she does is not take her homework book, but draw a big heart shape on the page Susi signed for her just now. She cuts it with scissors and sticks it in her diary with a little glue.

Wen Liangyao waited for a while, his brow slightly twisted. "How about homework?"

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