Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 1552: Ten-Headed, Six-Armed

The stellar rivers transformed into dragons and shot out alongside Zhang Lie's punch.

They smashed into the sun, which exploded in a burst of fiery light before being replaced by pitch black.

A wave of annihilation exploded forth. Pitch-black energy swallowed everything in the vicinity like a storm at sea.

"[Solar Tortoise Fist]!" the man in dark green robes shouted, extending his right arm. Thick yin qi surged forth from his fingers, dark like ink, and the image of a black tortoise appeared to his back.

He clenched his fist tightly, transforming it into a golden sun.

The combination of yin and yang energies gave rise to a curious transformation and the production of chaos. Even the void began to shatter in the vicinity of the attack, shocking all the onlookers.

The man in dark green robes' chaotic energy infused his fists and countered Zhang Lie's energy of annihilation.

The storm of annihilation tangled up with chaos in a wave of uncontrollable energy. The energy of annihilation was weaker in status than the energy of chaos and was quickly diminished by the chaotic energy.

"[Fists of the Silent Sea: Hundred Dragons Soaring]!"

A horde of dragons launched out of Zhang Lie's left arm as he expended half his genetic energy in one supercharged attack.

Howling with the force of thunder, the hundred stellar dragons soared through the air.

The man in dark green robes struck in an instant, summoning six golden arms that each manifested the [Solar Tortoise Fist]. A huge wave of killing intent surged from him.

He would meet Zhang Lie's fist with his fingers. He was glowing with light, both golden and rosy-hued. He felt like a furnace that was suppressing the auras of those in the vicinity.

After Zhang Lie and the man in dark green robes struck each other, the world itself quaked.

The man in dark green robes could take down a single stellar dragon with every fist. These explosions formed a chain reaction as sunlight illuminated the entire hall.

The [Solar Tortoise Fist] had manifested on the man in dark green robes' two arms, with black and golden energy swirling around his body in addition to chaos. His outline seemed to blur.

He punched forward, repeatedly taking down stellar dragons one after another amidst the storm of annihilation.

Zhang Lie charged forward and met the man in dark green robes head-on. He drew Guicang from its sheath.

If the man was going to spawn more arms, then Zhang Lie would draw his weapon.

Zhang Lie struck the man's shoulder in a crippling blow. If not for the [Arms of the White Tiger] radiating with strength and blocking it in time, he would have cleaved three arms off the man.

The man inclined his head and roared, his voice rumbling like thunder.

"[Fist of the Azure Dragon]!"

A howling gale formed around his arms before he punched forward, azure dragons manifesting from each fist.

Six azure dragons shot toward Zhang Lie from his six arms.

"[The Boundless Blade: Daybreak]!" Zhang Lie manifested a sword will that rose into the heavens, strong beyond human understanding, vast as the ocean.

The sun glowed with splendor. Golden runes patterned the air. Starlight shone through the heavens.

His surroundings were resplendent and blazing, so bright that the spectators had to look away.

The spectators found their souls trembling.

Heaven and earth resonated with the will of the sword that rose from the sea and quelled the sky. The six azure dragons were swept away.

"[Arms of the White Tiger]!"

A huge white tiger manifested from the void, clawing at its surroundings as though it was about to destroy the world.

The sword slash left a wound on both his arms, but nothing more.

"[Wings of the Phoenix]!"

A scarlet haze formed to his back as a pair of wings extended from it. With a wave of his arms, all manner of avians and mammals came within sight, manifesting from his bright-red wings. A frightening aura filled the air.

"[Feet of the Qilin]!"

The void creaked, as though it were about to shatter.

Purple scales formed over the man's feet as they gigantified.

"[Solar Tortoise Fist]!"

Thick yin qi surged forth from his fingers, dark like ink, and the image of a black tortoise appeared to his back.

He clenched his fist tightly, transforming it into a golden sun.

The combination of yin and yang energies gave rise to a curious transformation and the production of chaos. Even the void began to shatter in the vicinity of the attack, shocking all the onlookers.

"[Fist of the Azure Dragon]!"

A howling gale formed around his arms before he punched forward, azure dragons manifesting from each fist.

Of the man's six arms, two formed the [Arms of the White Tiger], two formed the [Solar Tortoise Fist], and two formed the [Fist of the Azure Dragon]. In conjunction with his phoenix wings and qilin feet, he simultaneously channeled the strength of five divine beasts as he shot into the air and began to fight earnestly against Zhang Lie.

Sword slashes rent the hall as blue genetic energy surged like waves. Dragons keened, wind raged, a tiger roared, and killing intent filled the air. The clash of metal against metal resounded in a shower of sparks. Flaming feathers landed on the altar and set everything ablaze.

The fire spread until the whole altar was a sea of flames. Chilly, cold air formed overhead, thick and concentrated, with cloying dark clouds. Then, a sun shot into the air and broke through the clouds, sunlight raining down on the land. Chaotic energy swallowed everything in sight.

All sorts of unusual manifestations appeared around the man in dark green robes. The azure dragon, black tortoise, phoenix, white tiger, and qilin roared simultaneously. Sound waves caused the air to vibrate with force; the man was like a one-man army. Even Zhang Lie seemed to be suppressed for the moment.

"[The Boundless Blade: River Lethe]!" The temperature dropped to sub-zero values, and a strong wind buffeted the battlefield. Blood-colored frost appeared around the two combatants.

A stellar river materialized in the air. As though the doors to hell had just been thrown open, tens of thousands of serpents rushed out in a flood.

Each serpent was pitch-black like the abyss, like the dark of night, and speckled with starlight, a miniaturized version of the Milky Way. The serpents were guides and ferrymen both, leading departed souls into sky and space, freed from the mortal coil.

As Zhang Lie's sword swung down, the stellar river struck the mortal world.

With every slash of Guicang, the serpents fell like meteors, whizzing down to the ground and clashing against the man's blades.

Starlight exploded in blue and gold, black and red, purple and white. The stellar river was the backdrop of an overwhelming mass of explosions.

The man charged forward, slicing apart all that lay in his way. In this transcendent state, he was like a machine of war. No quantity of netherworld serpents could stand against him.

As light illuminated the ancient hall, the wings to his back turned black. Nine fierce avian heads appeared between his feet, hidden by his robes.

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