Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 264: Swimming with Sharks

“I guess it’s a good thing that this floor wasn’t the first,” Max stated as the party gazed across the half quarter mile of water that was covered in a rocky cave.

Lights shimmered underneath, different plants and the bioluminescence that glowed within casting oranges, purples, blues and pinks in the water.

Handing a pair of the fins to each person, everyone sat down on the sand, slipping them over their shoes.

“I’d make sure your belt is cinched up,” Fowl said as he pointed at Batrire. “If your robe starts to cover your head and everyone gets a view below, don’t blame me.”

A hint of red filled their healer's cheeks as she double checked her belt, Tanila mimicking the process as well.

“We’ll need to go slow and figure this out, as I wasn’t a horrible swimmer, but we all know Fowl is going to sink like a rock.”

“A metal rock,” their dwarven warrior added as he waddled toward the edge of the water, struggling to move in plate armor and fins on land.


Thirty minutes of practice was spent swimming near the entrance to the tower floor, overcoming the fear of needing to breathe, as well as the problems with moving around.

Fowl struggled the most, being almost half his normal speed while the Tanila and Batrire were about a third slower.

Cordellia was darting around, only about twenty percent slower than usual, while Max impressed everyone as always with his seemingly unchanged movement.

“It’s the boon,” Max whispered to Tanila as they swam near each other.

She giggled and both of them smiled.

“You sound so weird. The water makes everyone's voice hollow.”

Nodding, he shouted, knowing it wouldn’t travel as far, but in a few seconds, the rest of the group had gathered close.

“We know how stuff works now. Fowl will stay close to you three as he can’t react fast enough,” Max said, ignoring his friend's frown. “Tanila has the air wall to help him maneuver if needed or for blocking. Those spells are slower as we saw from testing and that means Cordellia, you’re our main point of ranged damage.”

“Besides you,” she scoffed.

“Yes, I’m going to play out ahead and do what I can to minimize any potential large groups from surrounding you all. In the end, we need to get moving as I have no idea how many days this floor is going to take and if there is anywhere to recharge our rings.”

Pointing at the quarter mile wide tunnel that led down, Max started to swim slowly, making sure that Fowl and the others were able to keep up.

As they moved toward the underwater cave system, Max couldn’t help but be amazed at all the different small fish that swam around, darting and dodging as they got near or other slightly larger fish got close. Sea life with tiny tentacles moved with the water, pulsing with light and illuminated the stone they were attached too.

A whole different world appeared before him.


“More Sharks!”

Tanila’s shout was almost impossible to hear as Max swung his halberd, using the wall of air he had just summoned to kick off of and dodge the fifteen foot long shark that had charged at him.

Blood was everywhere and the pack of three he had first faced was down to the last one.

When he struck the first attacker and sliced off a chunk of its face, all three seemed to enter a berserker state, thrashing and attacking faster.

Their weakness was turning, but when coming at him they were like an arrow almost from the speed at which they moved.

Two more red sharks came from the tunnel ahead, blazing forward at that same speed.

Huge lines of glowing pink light ran along both sides of the creatures, making their movements weird to see in the water.

The second shark had returned and as it came toward him, that giant mouth filled with countless teeth, Max began summoning an ice spear.

[ Power Strike ]

The axe blade cut through the shark from chin to tail as Max pushed off his ice spear, using it to reposition and avoid the charge.

Gore and guts entered the water, making it murky and sending the third shark into a rage again.

It was turning and based on the two new approaching ones, they would be attacking at the same time.

More mana poured into the ice spear, growing larger as the trio drew close.

The spell Tanila had formed was still waiting.

Left hand held high, the remaining seconds passed and Max dropped it, knowing her spell was going to be coming toward one of his foes.

Her stone spear raced through the water at the left one as his ice spear went for the shark on the right.

Bringing his shield out, Max prepared to block the last shark from the original three.

Tanila’s spell hit her target, colliding with its upper jaw and nose, causing the shark to writhe in pain as the stone stuck out from it.

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His spear missed as the shark moved slightly to the side, avoiding it by less than a foot.

A crunching sound came as teeth wrapped around his shield, clamping down and thrashing as the shark couldn’t close its mouth or swallow Max.

The new shark arrived, biting down on Max’s weapon that was thrust toward its face. Five feet of the shaft was swallowed as teeth clamped down and onto his arm.

Pain flared as the teeth felt like a vice closing tightly on his forearm. The armor held but he still bled as those tips pierced some of the links, increasing the rage at which these sharks seemed possessed by.

[ Regeneration ]

Both sharks now thrashed and fought against Max as he held onto his weapon and shield. Sometimes they tried to push toward each other and most of the time it was pulling him apart.

Arrows struck the shark on his weapon and soon an ice spear plunged into its side, causing the creature to finally go limp, allowing him to yank his arm free.

Slashing with his now free weapon, Max hacked at the shark’s nose, realizing it was a weak spot on this beast. Its own grip on his shield gave Max the ability to deliver stronger blows without having to worry about kicking his feet to set up for the strike.

Soon, only one injured shark remained, and a final spell from him ended its life.

With the threat gone, the other four swam closer, helping to collect some of the body parts and the orange crystals that appeared.

“Glad you’re getting bit on and not me,” Fowl stated. “How did they not tear you limb from limb?”

“It’s all the strength I’ve gained from carrying you around when I run.”

Chuckling, his dwarven friend nodded and pointed at the tunnel that continued to descend.

“It’s a good thing the tunnel doesn’t have any off branches at the moment. Means we can only be attacked from one path.”

“True, but if something makes it past me, you're our only hope.”

Grinning, Fowl nodded and kicked his feet, trying to adjust his positioning a little as the others gathered again.

“Nice work on that fight,” Cordellia said. “Sorry, most of my arrows missed until they were still. I think I’m getting the speed and leading down and should be able to hit them.”

“Don’t complain, I missed, and I was only twenty yards away when I sent my spell. This water makes it tough.”


Over six hours of steady fighting of shark packs began to subside as the group swam downward now, bright light appearing underneath them.

“It’s a city,” Tanila said, as they saw the massive world beneath them take shape.

A large circular system of buildings was arrayed beneath them. One section was enormous, while all around it were smaller circles of buildings. Each one appeared to be on a round platform and then rose upward in round buildings made of rock, metal, and something else.

Lights streamed from so many different areas that it looked like stars in the water.

Some sections had large lighted areas, almost blinding to stare at.

“Look at all those creatures,” Batrire said as she pointed to a section of the city where it appeared something was taking place and from this distance so many creatures were moving.

“Water people… or merfolk if that is their real name,” Tanila stated, her eyes drinking in everything possible. “Only two books ever mentioned a race like this. Some are known for being just like other races, while the opposite is nothing more than a savage group that eats everything, including themselves.”

“Did that book mention which one built a city?”

Shaking her head, Fowl sighed at not getting a solid answer.

“Does this mean they might be friendly and not attack us?”

Tanila shrugged, seeing Max frown slightly.

“The information was more about the race and their culture. Somehow, based on the size of the city below and the number of lights we see, I’m not sure we can fight that many.”

As they swam in place, Cordellia pointed at some moving figures.

“Looks like we’re about to find out that answer soon enough.”

A group of eight individuals, all toned and muscular, moved toward them with a speed that spoke of haste, and yet Max could tell they were not moving at their top speed.

Six of them were male, wearing armor made from something he couldn’t recognize, holding spears and a shield. With them came two women that wore loose fitting outfits that glided with their bodies and carried what looked like a staff and not a spear. All of their hair was jet black, and scales covered their skin. Almost like a snake’s hide, it was so tiny one might not notice as he had.

As they drew closer, the group slowed down, spears held out slightly and spread out.

They shouted something and Max tapped his ears, shaking his head.

A few murmured, and then one of the women rotated a bangle on their wrist.

Once more they called out, getting no response from the party and rotated it again.

Five attempts later, Max and the others all heard words they finally understood.

“Why have you entered our home?”

Max looked at Tanila, who shook her head and motioned to him.

“We are here because the tower has brought us here. A portal to leave is somewhere in this area and we are seeking it.”

Expressions changed as their lips drew together and eyes narrowed, highlighting the dark black eyes they had.

“A tower climber? In our world? Impossible! That has not happened in–”

The male, who appeared to be the biggest of the group, went silent as one woman touched his shoulder.

“Forgive him. If you are what you say, we will need to take you to meet our King and prove this. Know that if you are lying, we will kill you and feed you to our pets.”

Max wanted to laugh at the way the woman’s tone had changed from a simple command to a threat in so few words.

“We would be honored to meet your King and prove that we are who you say we are.

Chatter between the eight took place once more and after what appeared to be some unhappy discussion, the group sent one of the men back toward the city.

“We will wait for more to come before we escort you to our King. My name is Joza Nar. Put your weapons away and do not make any sudden moves, and I promise upon my gills that you will not be harmed.”

Max nodded and everyone stored their weapons and shields, monitoring the seven who were just as keenly studying them.

“Never a dull moment,” Fowl muttered.

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