Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 633: Battle of the Three Armies Part l

Chapter 633: Battle of the Three Armies Part l

In the Holy Land, a total of the three armies were gathered in the fields outside the city of Acre. The First and most powerful of these armies belonged to the mighty Byzantine Empire. Despite its technological advantage, it was a small force of roughly five thousand men in total. The Byzantines had not bothered to send the bulk of their forces to this battle and instead chose a small elite Brigade of Infantry who was equipped with Rifled Flintlocks, bayonets, and mirror pattern armor.

Supporting this Infantry Brigade was a single Artillery battalion which made use of the 1417 12 pdr Field Guns which the German Army had long since replaced, refurbished and sold to their allies. Unlike the German Army, these weapons were not issued explosive shells, rather solid projectiles and cannister shot.

The second largest Army present was the Timurid Army, which consisted of roughly ten thousand men. They were equipped with medieval weapons and armor. However, their forces varied in the use of infantry, archers, cavalry, and skirmishers. The Timurid Empire had yet to witness, or adapt to, the new era of warfare that had arisen in Europe as a result of Berengar’s interference in the timeline.

Finally, there was the Crusader Army, which comprised an English Detachment, a French force, and the Knights Hospitaller. These men were equipped with medieval pattern armor, but their weapons were more advanced than their Muslim counterparts. Matchlock firearms were common among the Crusader forces, employed as both arkebuses and primitive muskets. They were also supported by their own artillery, which came in the form of falconets and sakers. Though they were fewer than the cannons brought by the Byzantines. Int total the Crusaders had roughly fifteen thousand men, making them numerically on par with their enemies.

One could say the fact that the English and French crowns who were at war with each other for decades were now fighting side by side was a miracle. One that resulted from the threat that the German Empire posed to the Catholic world at large. Despite the enmity between the two realms, they were not brothers in arms in the war against the heretics, and because of that, they had put their differences aside for the sake of this campaign.

Aubry had a smirk on his face as he gazed upon the hostile armies that had gathered in the distance. He was fairly certain that their army would be victorious. Though the numbers were the same between the two armies, they had more firearms than their enemies. Aubry had witnessed how effective these weapons were in the field, and because of that, he believed the Crusaders would be victorious. Thus, he decided to make a friendly wager with his English rival.

“Tell me, Lawrence, how much are you willing to bet that my Knights outperform your poorly trained and equipped forces?”

When Lawrence heard this, he scoffed, wanting to ignore the little boy king, but Aubry did not know when to quit, instead he tried to seduce his rival across the pond.

“What, no response? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for me? Very well, I swear to God in heaven that if my forces fail to outperform yours, I will submit to you and become your lawful wedded wife…”

Lawrence could not believe what he was hearing. Was this boy right in the head? He had every desire to backhand his French counterpart across the face, but instead chose to calm his nerves before lecturing Aubry for his choice of words.

“Who the hell wants you as a wife? I’ll wager fifteen tons of silver that England will prove to be the most valuable asset in this battle!”

Aubry pouted when he heard this before accepting the deal. After all, his comment about becoming Lawrence’s wife was a mere joke. For the animosity between the two Kings could not be reconciled. Meanwhile, the Grandmaster of the Hospitaller Order gazed at the two European Kings with fury in his eyes. Could they be any more blasphemous in the holy Land? Thus, he chose to rebuke them for their foolishness.

“Can you two behave yourselves for a single moment? We are about to go into the field of battle, in the name of God. Your blasphemy will not be tolerated!”

In response to this, Lawrence remained silent, and Aubry chose to stick out his tongue when the Grand Master wasn’t looking. While the Crusader leaders were bickering with one another about whose forces would prove to be the most capable. The Byzantine and Timurid Commanders had a far more cordial conversation.

On the Byzantine side, the Strategos of Palestine himself was in command of the army. He was a relatively young yet powerful nobleman who had a proud lineage. Though he was not as capable as Palladius, or the late Arethas, he was one of the more trusted members of Vetranis’ court. This man’s name was Avienus Diogenus, and he had a wicked grin on his face as he gazed upon the Crusader army, with the Sultan of the Timurid Empire by his side.

“I never thought I would fight side by side with a Muslim against a christian army…”

Salan gazed over towards his Byzantine Counterpart with a pitiful expression. It must be the end of days for Christians to turn on their own brothers in favor of their Muslim neighbors. It was because of this that he wore a wry smile as he made a jest towards the Byzantine Strategos.

“You know, if it makes you feel better, you could always call off this alliance and backstab us in the heat of battle.”

When Avienus heard this, he broke out into laughter. They both knew such a thing was not an option. They had committed to peace in the middle east, and the Catholics were now intruding on that peace. If the Byzantine Empire were to betray the Timurids after coming to such an extensive compromise, none of their neighbors nor allies would ever trust them again. Thus Avienus merely replies with a witty remark of his own. Do you want to read more chapters ? Come to ***,com

“If you insist…”

After saying this, he did not wait for a response and instead snapped the reins of his horse propelling him forward to the front of his army as he issued a speech hoping to rally his soldiers together against the common enemy their feeble alliance was forced to contend with.

“It is by the wisdom of the Emperor that we now find ourselves fighting side by side with our former enemies. Peace has finally come to the Holy Land, and it is our sworn duty to defend it! The Catholics have come to intrude on that peace, and in doing so, force their heretical beliefs on every one of you! It is time for us to show our old rivals to the west that we are not the dying dog they think we are! For Glory, For the Empire, for the Holy Land!”

After this brief but powerful speech was concluded, the horde of Byzantine soldiers lifted their weapons into the air and called out to their commander in the same words he had spoken.

“For Glory, For the Empire, for the Holy Land!”

Upon seeing his speech had heightened the morale of his soldiers, Avienus issued the order to march towards the enemy army and begin the battle.

“Forward March!”

Similarly, on the Crusaders’ side, the Grand Master of the Hospitaller Order gave his speech to rally his soldiers into battle.

“Centuries ago, we bled to ensure that the Holy Land returned to the hands of Christendom. At the time, the treaty we had made with the Byzantine Empire had clearly stated that the Holy Land would forever be a part of their empire, ensuring that Christians of all denominations could have safe passage on their pilgrimage.

The current Emperor has spit on those agreements, negotiating with the Saracens and Heretics alike to establish a false state, where Muslims are free to harm the followers of Christ with impunity. Today we come together, as many Kingdoms united under Christ, to drive the Saracens and the Heretics from the Holy Land and reclaim it for Christendom! God wills it!”

The moment the Grand Master of the Hospitaller Order concluded his speech, the soldiers in his army raised their weapons in the air and chanted their battle cry thrice.

“God wills it! God wills it! God wills it!”

With the two opposing sides completing their rallying cries, the three armies began to march into the field. This battle would be the first of many during the Last Crusade to the Holy Land, and would determine which faction had the most favorable start. Should the Byzantine and Timurid Alliance fail here in the fields outside Acre, the Crusaders would have a mighty stronghold for themselves to prepare for their campaign.

Should the Byzantine and Timurid Empires trounce the Crusader forces, the Crusaders would be forced back to the sea, where they would have to search for a new landing point. Thus, this battle would determine the course of the entire war.

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