Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 90.1: Contrary to Expectation

Chapter 90.1: Contrary to Expectation

“Why?” Sun Yi Lin still asked, not willing to give up.

“Looks like, you’re convinced.” Li Hong Yuan played with the wine cup as he looked to Sun Yi Lin with an ambiguous smile, following which he placed the wine cup onto the table, his fingers lightly tapping it.

Facing this living Enma, who completely refuses to walk the normal path, really was quite taxing. Sun Yi Lin leaned over and poured him another cup of wine, before sitting back down again. Don’t know if it was because he was lacking strength, but his posture no longer appeared that upright compared to before, in fact even appearing somewhat dispirited.

Li Hong Yuan turned his head to the side to look at the nearby Jing Wan. En, that’s right, in his eyes, there was only Jing Wan. The people around Jing Wan were completely ignored by him just like that. “You don’t want Sun Yi Jia to marry this prince, perfect, it just so happens this prince doesn’t want to marry her either.”

“What does wangye want to do now? This one’s younger sister is already like that, asking wangye to please have mercy.” Perhaps because he knew, facing Li Hong Yuan, having overly drastic emotions all won’t be of any help. Not only so, it also made one liable to losing one’s rationality, losing the upper hand. Thus, he slowly calmed down.

“If your Sun family had a few more people like you, or rather, have you stand in the position of Ding Duke, then even if Li Hong Yi (Kang Wang) was an idiot, when fighting with Li Hong Ming, he wouldn’t be as likely to be at a disadvantage either. Of course, the current you still won’t do, need to train for another two years. For Li Hong Yi to be where he’s at today, the Empress’s contributions cannot go unnoticed. That woman, regardless whether it was her means, resourcefulness, or patience, it was all first class. However, her rather fatal flaw was that her ambitions are a bit too big in itself. She’s a woman that wants to have her son held up as a puppet and rule the world herself[1]. The ending for people like her are usually never too good.” Li Hong Yuan was still watching Jing Wan, thinking about Jing Wan, yet he was able to do two things at once, as he nonchalantly spoke.

Even the once again composed Sun Yi Lin was startled once more. However, he didn’t immediately refute his words.

Even if he was her nephew of her maiden family, he was still an outside subject[2] after all. All year round, he couldn’t even see his Empress paternal aunt more than once. Just exactly what kind of person the Empress was, it really was hard to say. However, if what Jin Qinwang said was true, then their entire Sun clan might be in a lot of danger. That’s right, not just the Ding Duke Manor. Once his Majesty becomes aware of this, even if it shakes the country’s foundation, even if it makes him leave behind a tyrannical name, afraid he would still wash the entire Sun clan in blood without hesitation.

“The Empress is a clever woman, so naturally she won’t let anyone easily detect her ambitions. Of the people by her side, probably just Li Hong Yi alone is somewhat aware. But Li Hong Yi needs her, so naturally won’t do anything that’s disadvantageous to her. And for the same reason, it’s why she doesn’t completely restrain herself in front of Li Hong Yi.”

Sun Yi Lin very much wanted to say: ‘So you know too!’ Furthermore, even such secretive matters, he was all able to find out, his hands and eyes were practically through the sky! “What does wangye want this lower official do?”

“Why do you feel Sun Yi Jia is very miserable right now? Perhaps she herself feels this right now is very good.”

Towards Li Hong Yuan always being besides the point, Sun Yi Lin already didn’t count on him being able to talk nicely. However, his words still caused Sun Yi Lin to ponder. This younger sister of his, ever since ruining her appearance, her temperament changed a bit. But carefully thinking about it, she didn’t become gloomy, but rather more energetic. Sometimes, she can even be said to be in high spirits. Something that even he, as the older brother, didn’t notice was noticed by an outsider! “Wangye sure understands this one’s younger sister quite well. If one didn’t know, one would think that wangye has admired this one’s younger sister for a very long time, then her beauty got ruined, thus no longer pleasing to the eyes.” There was no lack of mockery.

“Indeed just that face of Sun Yi Jia’s can somewhat be considered good on the eyes.”

Sun Yi Lin inwardly choked, practically a mouthful of old blood that couldn’t be spit out and couldn’t be swallowed. Really shouldn’t be calling him something something living Enma, should be living poison king, poisonous mouth, poisonous heart, poisonous means…..

Truly a waste for that face!

Perhaps because he was continuously in shock, brought to him one after the other by Li Hong Yuan, that it wasn’t until now, did Sun Yi Lin finally notice that Li Hong Yuan had seemingly been staring in his younger sister and Miss Luo’s direction the whole time. He was certain that he definitely wasn’t looking at his younger sister. The alarm bells unconsciously erupted. “What is wangye looking at, your spirit appear rather high?”

“Naturally the most beautiful scenery in the world.”

This time, Sun Yi Lin got a reply as soon as he asked, but he wasn’t the least bit happy. He didn’t believe that this courtyard of his was able to get called the most beautiful scenery in the world by Jin Qinwang. And of those two young ladies, his own younger sister, naturally no need to say, and as for Jing Wan, because he didn’t know Li Hong Yuan’s thoughts towards Jing Wan, even if he only saw her briefly, it was still impossible to turn into the most beautiful, so naturally he also had her eliminated. Then, perhaps he was just randomly looking in a certain direction, and was actually thinking about his own matters?! Sun Yi Lin rather didn’t believe he was lying. There was no need to, and wasn’t worth it either.

Li Hong Yuan although couldn’t have Jing Wan directly taken into his arms, just looking at her like this wasn’t bad either. It was more than enough to soothe his heart.

“Just what exactly does wangye want, asking wangye to please inform, so that this lower official can be prepared.”

Getting repeatedly interrupted from viewing the beautiful scenery, Li Hong Yuan naturally was irritated inside and finally gave Sun Yi Lin a glance, “You really are stubborn.” His gaze swept across Sun Yi Lin’s neck, “You should be glad this prince is in a good mood right now. Else, with such clamor, this prince probably would’ve already snapped your neck off.”

This wasn’t a threat, but a simple truth. Sun Yi Lin instinctively stiffened.

Seemingly having suspended Sun Yi Lin’s appetite enough, Li Hong Yuan finally magnanimously opened his mouth, “This prince doesn’t need you to do anything, just do whatever you think you should do. As for the reason why this prince is letting you know these things, it’s better for you to know than to not know. If you know, then if by chance you do something irrational, this prince, perhaps in a moment of anger, might just end your life, but no matter what, you’re still considered a talented person, losing your life to the Yellow Springs[3] before you can even help the common people, more or less would be somewhat of a pity.”

One male peacock letting another male peacock guide one’s strength and ‘beauty’, if not for seeking a mate, then what it was for, wasn’t it obvious to see?

A servant girl walked over and respectfully bowed, “Wangye, young master, Kang Qinwang has come.”

Li Hong Yuan picked up the wine on the table and downed it in one gulp, then causally had the cup tossed back onto the table, “This is Li Hong Yi worrying that this prince might eat you? Sure came rather quickly. Looks like he really regards you quite highly. You are recognized by imperial father, brimming with talent, and also the backbone minister he’s reserved for himself in the future. Getting defiled by this prince, he would indeed heartache. However, since he dares to go against this prince, don’t know if he’s prepared to pay price?”

This was going against you? Clearly it was you that stirred up trouble first!

Knowing that Kang Qinwang was coming, Sun Yi Jia naturally felt relieved. Although she felt that if Jin Qinwang really wanted to do something, afraid even Kang Qinwang wouldn’t be able to stop him. But, at present, Jin Qinwang will at least restrain himself and won’t do anything too excessive. Thus, she dragged along Jing Wan carrying the basket full of flowers and left.

Unable to see his wife, Li Hong Yuan inevitably sighed in regret inside.

When Kang Qinwang’s figure faintly came into view, Li Hong Yuan suddenly striked, one hand removing Sun Yi Lin’s crown (headpiece), one hand pulling open his clothing……..

Probably because no one expected Li Hong Yuan to suddenly do something like this, the nearby servants’ mouth widened in shock, and Sun Yi Lin was also momentarily somewhat stupefied. However, seeing Li Hong Yuan casually tossing the crown, his fingers faintly sliding across his collar, then hearing Kang Qinwang’s violently raging roar, “Li Hong Yuan….”

Sun Yi Lin instantly returned to his senses, watching Li Hong Yuan calmly retracting his hands and sitting back down with an indifferent look, his one hand propping against the table, and his other hand lightly tossing the cup from time to time. His appearance was lazy, yet his eyes were particularly cold and gloomy, as if he really was upset because of his good thing getting disrupted. Actually, he really was upset, but exactly for what reason, this was unknown.

Sun Yi Lin can be said to have personally witnessed this man’s moodiness, doing as he pleases, as well as the mischief craved into his bones. He expressionlessly tidied his clothes, glanced at the broken crown on the ground, stood up, and then just as he turned around, ran into Kang Qinwang face to face head on.

Seeing Sun Yi Lin’s clothes in a mess, his black hair loosely draped over his shoulders, his face ice cold, and his eyes indifferent, where was he anywhere still like the usual gentle like jade, graceful in elegance, beautiful gentleman in the least.

“Greetings Kang Qinwangye, this lower official is ill-mannered, asking to allow this lower official go tidy up.”

What else could Kang Qinwang say? He quickly waved his hand, letting Sun Yi Lin leave. Once Sun Yi Lin entered the house, Kang Qinwang’s anger completely erupted, “Li Hong Yuan, what exactly do you want to do? Those lowly peasants can’t satisfy you, so you stretch your hands towards Yi Lin? Never mind that you yourself have abandoned yourself, and don’t cherish your own reputation, going against virtue and acting rashly, you even want to let Yi Lin get tainted? Do you think that having imperial father backing you, you can just do whatever you please? This prince will tell you, if you dare lay a finger on Yi Lin, even at the risk of getting ruthlessly punished by imperial father, this prince still won’t take things lying down!”

Kang Qinwang, with that loud voice of yours, even the people outside the courtyard all can hear it clearly.

T/N: And thus was how the rumor of the love triangle between Kang Qinwang, Jin Qinwang, and Sun Yi Lin spread.

[1] So I went and looked up women that ruled during imperial times through their children, at least in recorded history, the ones that did were very successful at it actually. And by that I mean like two people, Empress Lu Zhi and Empress Dowager Cixi, and both these women were terrifying, especially Empress Lu Zhi, she makes cnovel villains look harmless in comparison. She’s most infamously known for the mutilation and torture of her husband’s favorite consort.

[2] Outside subject – As in he’s not considered a part of the imperial family

[3] Yellow Springs – underworld of Chinese mythology

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