With his back facing Qu Yihong, Tong Tong fell asleep and closed his eyes to pretend to be asleep.

How depressing!

Qu Chenjiang f * cking wanted to offend the President Qu for a reason.

No, she had to slowly think of a way to make Qu Yihong accept the torrential water ??

As Tong Tong secretly thought of ways to go, he only felt a big palm sneakily coming from underneath her armpit, grabbing her whole body, then hugging her tightly to his broad chest.

"Don't touch me!" Tong Tong swung his elbow and collided with it.

"What a naughty kitten." Qu Yihong seemed to be sighing, as he hugged her even more tightly.

Tong Tong struggled as he said snappily: "I want to sleep."

Not being scared off by Tong Tong's bad temper, Qu Yihong smiled lightly and said gently: "How has Tingting been these past few days?"

At the mention of Tingting, Tong Tong couldn't pretend to be asleep, nor could he keep a straight face.

"She's the same as Tao Tao." Tong Tong said in a muffled voice, "I don't even need to care."

Not only did she not need to care about him, Tingting had even turned the tables on her.

Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I'm guessing that Tong Xing Martial Arts School is Tingting's territory now."

"You're still talking about it even though you know it." Tong Tong thought about the look on Tingting's face as he occupied the territory and couldn't help but smile.

Qu Yihong laughed silently.

"She is not inferior to Tao Tao at all." Tong Tong said, "It's just that Tao Tao is a bit more scheming than you. Tingting is more flamboyant, she was sent by an idol, I will show you wherever I go, she is the spirit leader of Tong Xing Martial Arts School now. "

Speaking of Tingting, Tong Tong really could not stop.

In just a few short days in Tong Xing Martial Arts School, if he told everyone about Tingting's mischief, he would be able to write a small biography.

Qu Yihong laughed lowly, "I knew it."

When he mentioned Tingting, a sense of happiness assaulted him. Even though Tong Tong's heart was still filled with unfairness, he couldn't get angry for the moment.

He hugged her tighter: "Tingting is also unwilling to leave the dojo, why don't you get Zhan Qing to send you guys over tomorrow? "How about it?"

The Madame Qu officially a

ounced that the Bai Guoer would be Tsunami's guardian, and after a stroke in the head, Qu Yihong thought that no one would force the two of them to adopt Tsunami anymore. That was why he decided to let Tong Tong bring Tingting back.

But now, it seemed that Tong Tong and Tingting would have to continue staying in the Luocheng ??

"We're still going to the Luocheng?" Tong Tong was shocked, he struggled to turn around.

"Right." Qu Yihong said gently.

Tong Tong met Qu Yihong's profound starry eyes: "The old gra

y's life isn't clear yet. I even brought Tingting out with me, so the entire Hua City's saliva would be able to drown us to death."

He raised an arm, and his fingertips slid down her pink cheeks. "I'm the one who's going to drown. It's not your turn yet."

"That won't do." Tong Tong's face tensed up.

Before she could finish, she yawned.

"Take a nap first." Seeing that, Qu Yihong casually raised his blanket and covered the two of them.

"Fine." Tong Tong muttered as he closed his eyes.

Sleep is big.

We'll talk about the old lady after we sleep.

Just as Tong Tong closed his eyes, a pair of large, warm hands crawled towards her chest.

Tong Tong patted his hand with his eyes closed: "You are not allowed to steal from me."

Before she could finish, her voice was swallowed by her lips.

Tong Tong couldn't help but prop him up with both hands: "Aren't you a germaphobe? I'm covered in dust right now ??"

Qu Yihong's clear laughter resounded: "Your obsession with cleanliness has almost been cured by you."

"??" Tong Tong was speechless.

She was so sleepy that she found a comfortable position and fell into a deep sleep. Allowing Qu Yihong to be busy all by himself...


In the afternoon, after handing the three children over to Driver Li and Uncle Wang, Qu Yihong brought Tong Tong to the hospital.

Madame Qu was still observing in the operation room.

"The Second Young Master is here?" Qian Zixuan was currently guarding Madame Qu, and when he saw Qu Yihong at the door, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He stood up to welcome Qu Yihong, and gave him a chair.

"What's the situation?" Qu Yihong then sat down, and focused on Madame Qu who looked like he had his eyes half opened.

His eyes were dull, his face haggard and lifeless.

This really was not the elegant old lady that he remembered.

From his point of view, it was hard to tell if the old lady was conscious or not.

"I feel better now." Qian Zixuan stood at the side and said respectfully, "The doctor just came over, and said that the old lady's condition is repeating itself, so it's hard to say."

Qu Yihong frowned as he listened, and did not ask any further.

Extending his long arm, Qu Yihong slowly grabbed onto Madame Qu's hand.

"Why don't we ask the doctor later." Tong Tong said softly at the side.

Although the Madame Qu was repulsive, the dying face in front of him was truly pitiful, and Tong Tong couldn't harden his heart.

Qu Yihong casted a sidelong glance at Tong Tong and was about to say something when a vague voice came from behind him.

"The old lady has woken up." Qian Zixuan said in surprise, "Second Young Master, the old lady is looking at you. She wants to talk to you."

Qu Yihong and Tong Tong looked at Madame Qu at the same time.

Sure enough, Madame Qu opened his eyes and looked at them.

No, to be exact, he was looking at Tong Tong.

"Huh?" Tong Tong was surprised, "Why are you looking at me?"

Madame Qu was still confused. She did not look at her own grandson but at an "outsider."

"# $%..." The Madame Qu once again made a series of sounds that no one could understand.

Qu Yihong and Tong Tong looked at each other, then turned to Qian Zixuan. "What is the old lady trying to say?"

Forgive them for not being able to understand.

Seeing that, Madame Qu panicked and tried to raise his arm.

It was a pity that the old lady was currently in a paralyzed state. Even if there was one more body that could move, it wouldn't be much better.

"The old lady looks worried." Qian Zixuan said in a deep voice, "Second Young Master, why don't you try to talk with the old lady and see if you can find out what she is thinking."

After a moment of pondering, Qu Yihong held onto Madame Qu's hand and increased his strength slightly.

"Qu Bai has already become the second shareholder's representative in the Taihuang Hospital. He is working today." Qu Yihong said indifferently, "If Grandmother wants to see him, you can ask Doctor Qian to call him."

#%..." The Madame Qu anxiously spoke in an indistinct voice.

"The old lady should be worried about the torrential rain." Tong Tong guessed.

Qu Yihong's starry eyes flashed ?? ?? It was possible.

"I'm at home with Tao Tao." "Don't worry, we will return the torrential water to his new guardian."

Since the Bai Guoer had come looking for him, of course he wouldn't keep him.

Even if the Bai Guoer didn't come to take him in, he wouldn't have held back.

"# $%..." The Madame Qu's vague voice became louder.

"It's not a torrential downpour, is it?" Tong Tong stared at Madame Qu in puzzlement, "Is there anything more important than this? How come I didn't know. "

Madame Qu stared at Tong Tong as huge tears suddenly rolled down his face.

Tong Tong silently looked at Madame Qu, and suddenly felt a little sour in his heart: "Grandma, don't tell me you still hate me?"

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