No one moves him

Without batting an eyelid, Lin Panxue glanced at the furious Tong Tong, and a smile silently flashed across his eyes.

It was obvious that Tong Tong's attitude had eased up a little since he had guessed at the Plum Blossom, and he had probably begun to suspect that it was indeed someone else's trap.

Of course, time was a good thing, as it could calm Tong Tong down.

"Pfft." Lin Panxue took his time drinking his tea, "Qu Chenjiang can at most be considered your brother-in-law. Whatever he wants to do, he might not even be able to control a single Hong.

Lin Panxue's tone was gentle and pleasant, but it was like a blow to the head, causing the high-spirited Tong Tong to wake up.

Tong Tong let go of Lin Panxue's arm in frustration and sat down listlessly. He held the teacup with both hands and muttered, "That's right! He is Qu Chenjiang, what does this have to do with me! "

Lin Panxue nodded his head: "President of Taihuang is not the throne, but it is a throne of wealth. Whoever sat on this would be in danger of being ambushed. Your mother-in-law didn't want Yi Hong to return back then, but that was after all, your mother-in-law painstakingly managed a company for dozens of years. If Taihuang Hospital collapsed because of that, no one would be able to bear it. "

Tong Tong's attention shifted a little: "Taihuang Hospital's chairman is Madame Qu, how is it managed by my mother-in-law?"

Everyone in the Qu Family knew that the wealth of the Taihuang Hospital was still in the hands of the Madame Qu.

If not for the fact that Madame Qu was the biggest shareholder, Qu Yihong would have easily pushed Qu Chenjiang out of Taihuang Hospital.

"This is a long story." Lin Panxue muttered to himself, as if he was trying to determine what information he could tell Tong Tong, "One Hong's grandfather was holding him in one hand, and the Taihuang Hospital was showing off in his hands. Unfortunately, his health was not good, so he retreated early. Madame Qu was not sensitive to business, taking over half a year made a huge loss. "Yihong's dad was a spoiled hedonistic young master, and couldn't support the big picture. In the end, Old Master Qu could only hand the company over to your mother-in-law."

"So it's like that." Tong Tong suddenly realized.

Lin Panxue nodded: "It can be said that the Taihuang Group is your mother-in-law's hard work in life. For the Taihuang Hospital, she travelled all over the world year round, to the point of completely ignoring her family, and had Yi Hong's father give birth to six illegitimate children while doing nothing at home. As for those illegitimate girls, let's not talk about them. "

"??" Tong Tong rested his chin on his hands and sighed.

Lin Panxue said in a melancholy tone, "Under the support of Madame Qu, these illegitimate children attempted to snatch the Taihuang Hospital that your mother-in-law had taken down, and directly threatened the interests and positions of Young Master Qu and Second Young Master Qu. Your mother-in-law has clashed with the Madame Qu several times over this, and always needs the help of a therapist to guide her. "

Tong Tong sucked in a breath of cold air.

She finally understood the cold and distant feeling that Lin Junhua gave her.

Most likely, Lin Junhua no longer dared to casually give his trust and sincerity to anyone when his most trusted wife had given him a bunch of illegitimate children.

And Madame Qu's selfishness had probably frozen his heart.

"It's a pity that everyone can only see her brilliance." Lin Panxue lamented, his voice gradually becoming hoarse, "No one can see your mother-in-law's suffering."

Tong Tong stood at the side and listened with tears in his eyes.

"That's one of the reasons she's depressed." Lin Panxue said, "She is sick for five years and has not fully recovered yet."

Tong Tong wiped away her tears.

She was born not to cry but to bicker and punch, but now she could not stop the tears.

Tong Tong finally understood that for Young Master Qu Mao and Qu Yihong, they only had a little bit of courtesy towards Madame Qu, not even respect.

Everyone will protect their mother.

Madame Qu was still alive and well, the three Qu Family siblings had really a good temper.

If she was Tong Tong, if her grandmother bullied her mother like this, she would definitely rush forward with her fists clenched.

Lin Panxue held Tong Tong's small hand tightly: "Look, for someone who grew up in this kind of family, even if they really meet the woman they like, they would put their responsibility for the marriage first. Even if the hormones were acting on him, he would still tightly control his lower body. For a girl that was invited by her family to be a teacher in the morning, how could he possibly take a fancy to her, and how could he possibly do anything to her? Tongtong, you're really thinking too much. "

Tong Tong remained silent and did not reply.

After a long while, she finally muttered: "Auntie Lin, I know your good intentions."

"What a clever child." Lin Panxue praised her generously.

Tong Tong sniffed, then stared at the Yellow rose that he had ripped into pieces: "But, this is not something that the Yellow rose can solve."

Lin Panxue nodded: "I understand Tongtong's point of view. As a woman, there should be a requirement for the truth of the matter. "

Tong Tong revealed a shallow smile, "Thank you for understanding, Auntie Lin."

Lin Panxue stood up with a smile. "Tongtong is an intelligent child, I will arrange a time and place for Yi Hong and you to have a good talk. He wanted Li Wanwan to come forward. Tongtong said that? "

Tong Tong nodded obediently.

How could these Yellow rose move her and change her mind?

What she wanted was precisely Li Wanwan's and Qu Yihong's competition.

If these two people didn't appear at the same time, it would be impossible to solve the problem in her heart.

The image of the master bedroom was still fresh in his mind. Thinking about that scene, her heart tightened, and she wanted to cut Qu Yihong into eight pieces. For the past few days, this thought had never ceased.

"Look, you are making things difficult for yourself." Lin Panxue pinched Tong Tong's nose, "Look at the few days that have passed, how much haggard have you become? "If Yi Hong were to see such a listless little appearance, he would feel so much heartache ??"

"He wouldn't feel heartache." Tong Tong said awkwardly.

Lin Panxue joked: "Just being stubborn. The two of them clashing against each other is really a

oying. "

"??" Tong Tong blushed.

Lin Panxue left with a smile on his face and made a phone call in less than two minutes. He then replied, "Yihong said that the company has something important to take care of today and it's not possible to leave for the time being. He will ask the Assistant Yin to confirm the time and place and inform Tongtong two hours ahead of time. "

Tong Tong thought for a bit, "Is Qu Chenjiang really punishing him?"

"If someone says so outside, the truth will not be known." Lin Panxue sat down and thought deeply, "However, for Third Young Master Qu to want to seize power, that is an open secret, and the entire Hua City knows about it."

Tong Tong listened obediently and thought.

"Actually, for the past five years, Taihuang Hospital has only been eating his old food. Madame Qu has been meddling in this." Lin Panxue seemed to be telling a story, "If not for Qu Shicheng occasionally coming back from the ocean to suppress them, the Taihuang Hospital would have dispersed long ago. To be honest, Qu Family's illegitimate children did not dare to take over. In this half a year, under the management of a Hong, Taihuang Hospital has regained his former grace and grace. Those illegitimate children of his naturally could not help but be stirred up. "

Tong Tong's eyes lit up: I understand, this is the legendary peach picking!

"Yes, picking peaches." Lin Panxue nodded his head.

Tong Tong blinked his eyes and got up slowly: "Auntie, my house is very stuffy, I want to go out for a walk."

"Alright!" Lin Panxue happily agreed, "Let's go out together."

Tong Tong hurriedly shook his head: "Auntie, I want to walk around by myself."

Lin Panxue instantly understood. "Good, good, good. Auntie is waiting for your good news... This is the keys to the car, your Herself will drive out. "

"Thank you!" Tong Tong bowed almost a hundred and eighty degrees, radiating with vitality. "Auntie is so nice!"

She took a step forward, tightly hugged Lin Panxue, and turned around as if she was a swallow, and quickly left.

Qu Yihong doesn't have time, she has time!

She had to go back and see how Qu Chenjiang, who had a bellyful of evil schemes, was going to deal with Qu Yihong.

That bastard Qu Yihong, no one is allowed to touch him!

Only she, Tong Tong, could cure it.

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