CHAPTER 473 - WIMM, I want to ask you a serious question.

Luo Wan quietly shook his head as he tossed all thoughts out of his mind.

After drinking the last bit of coffee, Tong Tong stood up and said, "Let's go out!"

The light and music of the coffee shop were more suitable for a lover's lounge. She was too impetuous and didn't suit the atmosphere at all.

"Let's go!" Luo Wan smiled, "I know you don't like these dark places, but you like the blue sky and white clouds. Oh right, you can let Qu Yihong bring you to the horse farm to learn how to ride horses, and also bring me along. "

"Alright!" Tong Tong's mood immediately rose, "When the time comes, I'll ask you out."

The two of them made an appointment and walked into the sunlight as they strolled around.

"Tong Tong, don't move!" Luo Wan suddenly shouted in a hurry and stopped. She stepped forward, narrowed her eyes and sized up Tong Tong's little face, "What's wrong with you?"

There were actually five finger marks.

"Looks like I really shouldn't have come out." Tong Tong touched her face in embarrassment, "I thought I couldn't see it!"

"What's wrong?" Luo Wan held Tong Tong's pink face in her hands, frowned and asked, "Tongtong, you can't possibly be so sad, right? Most people wouldn't dare to start a fight with you, right? Tell me quickly, what exactly is going on? "

Tong Tong opened his mouth, but in the end only a heavy sigh came out, "Cough, it's really difficult to put into words everything ??"

It was a very complicated matter. If she explained it clearly, it would take her at least an hour or two.

"Go ahead." Luo Wan urged, "In any case, let's go shopping today, we can pour out all the bitter water we've got."

Tong Tong was extremely aggrieved in his heart, he just needed a loyal listener.

Therefore, she told him everything about Bai Guoer, and in the end, gritted her teeth and said, "You sold me to Qu Er Bao, injured me to Qu San Bao, and in the end, I even had to arrange surgery for her, arrange a ward for her, and even got rejected by her for the sake of not being blamed on her parents. Luo Wan, do you think I am a bun with beef stuffing? "I'm going to suffocate to death."

"??" Luo Wan was at a loss for words, "She just finished her surgery and her fertility has been damaged again. For the sake of your parents, you really can't personally save her right now. No one can blame you for making a move by Qu Yihong. "

"Who said that wasn't the case?" Tong Tong curled his lips, "But Qu Yihong just happened to send Tingting there today, I don't even know what I should do."

"Let's wait a little longer!" Luo Wan said, "Send people to keep an eye on her, don't let her escape again. The remaining matters will be left to Qu Yihong to handle. "

Tong Tong spread out his hands: "This is the only way!"

As he was walking leisurely, Luo Wan's phone rang with a WeChat notification.

Tong Tong curiously looked at Luo Wan who seemed like he did not hear anything: "Aren't you going to look at the information?"

"I won't." Luo Wan smiled lightly, "There are only a few Xia Family's people in this WeChat. I don't want to bother with it right now. "

Tong Tong pursed her lips and smiled, "I know, does Xia Beicheng still want to control you? If it were him, I would agree that you should ignore him. But what if it was not him, what about the other good news from Xia Family? "

Luo Wan shook his head and took out his phone to look at it.

After sweeping his eyes over it, Luo Wan's mind suddenly shook. The hand holding the phone trembled slightly: "It's not my brother's information, it's ??"

Luo Wan's eyes suddenly became hot, and for the first time, her tears fell uncontrollably. With an enchanting smile, she said, "Tongtong, my brother has returned from his studies. I'm going to pick up my brother. I haven't seen him in four years. Tong Tong, we will meet again next time ?? "

With that, Luo Wan turned around with tears in her eyes and quickly ran to the side of the road.

"Wait a minute ?? ??" Tong Tong was shocked, and quickly chased after her, "Why haven't I heard that you have a little brother?"

Luo Wan waved her small hand with all her might. "I'm going to go to the airport to pick up my brother, I'll explain this to you next time."

By the time Tong Tong had caught up to the side of the road, Luo Wan had already stopped a taxi and quickly got in.

"??" Tong Tong stared at the taxi in astonishment, her mouth slightly agape, unable to utter a word.

Originally, even someone as open-minded as Luo Wan had relatives he could not abandon.

However, Luo Wan had been adopted by the Xia Family since young, so how could he have a younger brother?

Compared to Xia Beicheng, Luo Wan seemed to be unable to let go of this little brother of his ??

Tong Tong involuntarily grabbed onto the ends of her hair, and stared blankly at the two sides where Luo Wan and her brother met.

Cough, she missed her little brother too. Morning Wind was in his first year of high school now, and he didn't have much time to accompany her. They were not blood related siblings, but they were even more intimate than blood related siblings. It was probably the same for Luo Wan and her brother ??

Forget it, it seems like she should still return to Banshan Garden to accompany her son.

Tong Tong waved her hand and called a taxi.

Seeing a taxi coming over, a black luxury car stopped in front of her at lightning speed.

Just as Tong Tong was about to move out of the way, the carriage window opened and a burst of cold air shot out.

"Assistant Tong, please take note that I have already reminded you N times." Xia Beicheng looked at Tong Tong coldly, "Don't interfere with Luo Wan's life. Luo Wan will always be a member of the Xia Family, you can't change her life just because you want to. "

"Huh?" "Why don't you think about it? In this Xia Family who has no human feelings, Luo Wan has always wanted to break free and live his own life."

"Impossible." Xia Beicheng glared at Tong Tong coldly, "She has already gotten used to the life of a daughter of the Xia Family, and she is also unable to give up on my protection."

"Huh?" Tong Tong laughed, "Are you speaking the truth?"

She seriously suspected that Xia Beicheng truly understood Luo Wan?

She felt that Xia Beicheng did not know any women. Xia Beicheng's understanding of women still stopped at a hundred years ago.

Even though Luo Wan was already standing at the top of his profession, he still couldn't change his mind.

"Don't judge Luo Wan from the surface." Xia Beicheng said coldly, "She only has a little temper now and then. In her heart, she doesn't want to leave Xia Kai, nor would she want to leave me. Assistant Tong, stop thinking that you are clever, in case one day I have no choice but to fight Second Young Master Qu to the death because of you. "

"??" Tong Tong's eyes widened, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" Xia Beicheng stared coldly at Tong Tong, "Remember your identity. You are now a Second Young Madam, and every move you make involves the relationship between the Qu and Xia families. If you don't properly cherish the affection between the two families and insist on separating Luo Wan and Xia Family, don't blame me for being rude. "

Tong Tong thoughtfully nodded: "Alright, I understand."

If Luo Wan were to return to the Xia Family, he would definitely be bullied to death.

For the sake of Luo Wan's beautiful life in the future, she was determined to do whatever it took!

Tong Tong waved his hands as he held his head high and walked towards the taxi.

If she didn't help Luo Wan, she wouldn't be Tong Tong ??

Tong Tong did not immediately return to Banshan Garden, but instead went there.

She did not go to see the Bai Guoer, but to see him. The Dr. Wang was still the Dr. Wang who didn't have a response. Tong Tong had been busy the entire afternoon, but was still unable to get the Dr. Wang to have a response.

When it was dark, Tong Tong finally returned home.

Thinking that Qu Yihong should be off the plane, Tong Tong hurriedly called her. "Erm, let's ask a serious question."

"Speak." Qu Yihong's gentle voice came out.

Tong Tong took a deep breath, "Twenty percent, tell me, is Tingting our Erbao ??"

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