Before Yin Shaofan could finish his sentence, Uncle Wang rushed in front of the phone with his usual speed that was basically impossible.

The Uncle Wang anxiously said: "Don't speak nonsense, Assistant Yin."

"Huh?" Hearing Uncle Wang's voice, Yin Shaofan was stu

ed, "The old gra

y has left?"

"He left a long time ago." Uncle Wang carefully took the phone and placed it on the table, secretly looking at Tong Tong.

The tensed up face of Tong Tong seemed to emit a baleful aura, causing Uncle Wang's unease to gradually increase.

"I'm leaving!" Yin Shaofan's tone was filled with disappointment, "Before I even finished speaking, she had already left. I'm sorry. I still want to tell him that Second Young Master probably won't be able to return to the Taihuang Hospital Headquarters for at least ten to eight years, so I suggest that she should invite Third Young Master Qu back to take charge. "

Tong Tong quietly listened from the side. He closed his knees and clenched his hands into fists, his nails digging deep into the center of his palms.

Looking at this kind of Tong Tong, Uncle Wang was secretly shocked and raised his voice to stop him, "Assistant Yin, don't say it anymore!"

"Huh?" Yin Shaofan finally detected that something wasn't right from Uncle Wang's tone.

"..." It's all right. We'll talk about it next time. " Uncle Wang said nervously.

When Yin Shaofan opened his mouth this time, the old man really wanted to cover it with a piece of adhesive tape ??

He turned around and looked at Tong Tong, thought for a bit, and said gently: I will explain it to you ??

While talking, Uncle Wang was preparing to hang up.

In terms of hand and foot speed, within Hehua House, even if Tong Tong could not compare to Zhan Qing and Zhan Qing, the rest were still not his match.

When the Uncle Wang thought that he could successfully hang up the phone and put down the call, the phone suddenly disappeared.

He turned his head in astonishment, only to see that the phone had unexpectedly grown legs, and in the blink of an eye, it had returned back to Tong Tong's lap.

"Ouch!" The Uncle Wang became anxious and tried to snatch the phone again. The old man stomped his feet anxiously: "Assistant Yin your mouth isn't closing the door, now explain it to Assistant Tong yourself, I hope you can explain this mess clearly, if not it won't just be deducting funds."

Uncle Wang placed the microphone on the stage and started pacing back and forth, anxious and worried.

"Explain to Assistant Tong?" Yin Shaofan asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

Taking a deep breath, Tong Tong exhaled gently and said softly: "The person who just received the call was not the old lady, it was me."

"Huh?" After the faint cries of surprise, Yin Shaofan paused for a few seconds, followed by an earth-shattering wail: "Uncle Wang, you didn't say that Second Young Madam was home. Why didn't you tell me that Second Young Madam is home? "

"I ??" Uncle Wang rubbed his hands together fiercely, "Didn't I say I didn't have the time to say it?"

"Oh my god!" Yin Shaofan's voice sounded desperate this time, "This is it."

"Speak!" Tong Tong's eyes were red as he stared at the phone, he seemed to have lost control of his emotions and his voice became sharper, "Tell me everything clearly. I'm listening. "

"I... "Sigh!" Yin Shaofan became anxious, "Assistant Tong, it's not like that, listen to me."

Uncle Wang who was circling around rushed back to the phone after hearing what he said. "Right, you have to explain everything to Assistant Tong."

Tong Tong's eyes were red as he slowly raised his head to look at Uncle Wang who had lost control of his emotions.

"I ??" The Uncle Wang felt a chill in his heart as he was stared at by Tong Tong's sad eyes. He could not help but take a step back, "I won't disturb you, continue talking."

Uncle Wang slowly returned to the middle of the hall and continued to walk in circles.

"Assistant Tong, listen to me." Under the attacks of the Uncle Wang, Yin Shaofan finally managed to calm down a little.

"Wait." Tong Tong glanced at Uncle Wang who was so anxious that he seemed like he could rush over at any time, and his eyes darkened.

Facing Tong Tong's direct gaze, Uncle Wang felt a little awkward: "I ?? I won't interrupt your conversation any longer. "

Tong Tong's eyes returned to the phone, "Assistant Yin, I will hang up first, we will use my phone to make a call."

"??" Uncle Wang looked at Tong Tong helplessly from the side.

Tong Tong lowered her eyes, as if she didn't see the anxiety and helplessness in Uncle Wang. After putting down the phone, she called Yin Shaofan again.

This time, Yin Shaofan dared not reject it. In a split-second, he answered the call: "Assistant Tong, let me explain to you."

"Alright." Tong Tong walked to the second floor step step by step, "Answer my video."

"Good, good, good." Yin Shaofan replied quickly.

Uncle Wang felt absolutely helpless, he could only watch as Tong Tong answered the phone as he went upstairs.

They just saw Tong Tong, who usually walked as if he was flying, kicking the tip of his feet whenever he went up the stairs.

Fortunately, it was winter and his shoes were very thick, so he didn't need to kick his toes.

Every time he went up a flight of stairs, Tong Tong's body would stagger a little, as if he would stumble over and tumble down if he wasn't careful enough.

The Uncle Wang warned again, "Be careful, Assistant Tong."

Sigh, it was all Yin Shaofan's fault, he finally had an explanation.

Under the nervous gazes of the Uncle Wang, Tong Tong finally reached the second floor.

Uncle Wang heaved a long sigh of relief, then let out a long sigh, "This rascal is simply causing trouble, really."

Originally, they were busy, but now Uncle Wang was not in the mood to work.

He nervously sat on the sofa, straightened his chair, and focused all his attention on Tong Tong.

It was hard to say how Tong Tong's character was acting, but no one knew what her next step would be.

He didn't know how things would turn out, but he could only guard the living room, guarding the entrance, as he was worried that Tong Tong would do something stupid.

Tong Tong arrived at the balcony on the second floor and sat down on the slightly cold rattan chair.

Looking at Tong Tong's red-eyed, red face filled with sadness, Yin Shaofan knew that he had done something bad.

"Speak!" Tong Tong sniffed.

It took some effort to climb the stairs, which helped her to stabilize her emotions

She looked much more normal than she had when she was downstairs.

The Yin Shaofan in the video, after the initial surprise, became the special support of the Smiling Tiger Taihuang Hospital again.

"Assistant Tong, that was all fake just now." He explained with a grin, "Well... "Cough, it was the old lady who spoke earlier. That's why I thought it was the old lady who answered the phone, and purposely said it was so serious."

"Is that so?" Tong Tong quietly stared at Yin Shaofan in the video, as though he was trying to discern the truth from his smile.

"Of course!" Yin Shaofan laughed heartily, "If there is anything wrong with Second Young Master, will I still be able to smile?"

Tong Tong was silent for a moment: "Your acting is outstanding, you can laugh."

"..." "Ouch." Yin Shaofan exclaimed in vexation, "Assistant Tong, this time I really am not lying to you. Second Young Master really isn't that big of a deal. "

"Is that so?" Tong Tong said softly. "You guys like to take me for a fool. You think you can fool me with just a few words."

"Nothing." Yin Shaofan's reaction was fast, and immediately said, "In our eyes, Second Young Master and Second Young Madam are masters who are so intelligent that it gives one a headache, haha ??"

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