He's a real ma

Tong Tong suddenly raised his head, and looked at Yin Shaofan's back.

No matter which side Yin Shaofan was on, she had to admit that he was the most loyal and good assistant in the world.

Yin Shaofan had already walked to the door, but stopped unwillingly, as if he was talking to himself, "I finally understand why the divorce rate is getting higher and higher. There's no special reason. It's because everyone is becoming more and more unique! "

Seeing that Tong Tong did not respond, Yin Shaofan continued: "All of you are so arrogant, what are you all so proud of?"

After saying that, he pricked up his ears and listened for any movement in the room.

Unfortunately, no matter how high his ears were, he was still unable to hear a single thing.

In the end, Yin Shaofan could only step down helplessly. "Tsk, what the hell am I doing ??"

The room finally quieted down.

Tao Tao was a little depressed: "Dad is really stingy, he doesn't even want to order anything for Mummy."

"He's busy." Tong Tong said gently, "We don't even have time to eat, how would we have the time to order something here? "Be good, sit properly and serve up the dishes."

Tao Tao sat down obediently, and curled his lips: "When Dad comes back from his investigation, I'll definitely have a good chat with Dad."

"This child ??" Bu Changqing helplessly glanced at Tao Tao, "You're getting older and older."

"That's right." Tong Huiyun glanced at the quiet torrential water beside him, "This child knows how to enjoy life ??"

Under Tong Tong's calm gaze, Tong Huiyun finally stopped talking.

"Eat." Bu Changqing said gently, "You are not allowed to speak anymore at the table."

"Here it comes again." Tao Tao pouted, "Ah, grandpa is also learning from father's words, I'm not going to sleep anymore!"

He had gotten used to the big pot of food in Tong Xing Martial Arts School since he was young, and he still liked the bustling scene.

However, after returning to the Banshan Garden, he had to obey the new rules of the Hehua House obediently due to his father's power. Now that his grandfather had also learned to be his father, Tao Tao could no longer tolerate it.

"Eat!" Tong Tong said softly, "Tao Tao, after we finish eating, bring the torrential water with you and play for a while."

No matter how stupid she was, she could tell that this was indeed a purposeful di


However, her parents had come over a few hundred miles away, so she naturally couldn't run away. She could only obediently be an audience.

It was enough for her to be an audience, there was no need for Tao Tao and Tun Tuan ??

In the silence, the few of them ate their di

er and put down their chopsticks one by one.

Only the torrents were still eating.

In the midst of his satisfied expression, Tong Tong smiled comfortably.

The torrents would soon grow fat, she was sure.

Only after waiting for the torrential water to finish eating did Tong Tong finally carry the torrential water to the window ledge at the side, and called out to Tao Tao. "Accompany Little Brother here for a while, Mummy and Grandfather and Grandmother will bring you two home after exchanging a few words."

"Yes, yes." Leave it to me. " Tao Tao said full of vigor as he patted his chest.

After guarding the two little fellows as they started to play their own game, Tong Tong finally returned to the dining table: "There's no need for any services here."

The attendant who was waiting at the side immediately understood and bowed slightly. "I'll be going out first. If there's anything else, let me know. I'll be right over."

The waiter went out.

Tong Tong slowly sat in front of his mother and went straight to the point. "Dad, mom, if there's anything you want to say, say it.

Hearing that, Bu Changqing got up and closed the door.

"Child, you ??" Tong Huiyun became anxious, "You seem to be fine from the start."

Tong Tong tried his best to appear calm.

"But ??" Tong Huiyun said anxiously, "Why did I hear from Xia Lv that you and Yihong had a falling out?"

"Xia Lv is timid." Tong Tong smiled lightly. "I told you guys before, she gets flustered whenever she encounters something. Don't believe her. "

"Still trying to trick us." Tong Huiyun anxiously grabbed his daughter's hand, "You already moved out of Hehua House, and you still said you didn't make a scene with Yi Hong? Do you want to make your parents die of anxiety? "

"??" Tong Tong peeked at the ceiling speechlessly.

Xia Lv, this impetuous coward, had told her parents everything she knew!

She just did not know how much Xia Lv knew ??

"Tong Tong, if you have anything to say, say it." Bu Changqing was much more rational and calm as he said in a deep voice, "Yihong is a true man, I admire him. Your temper is also impatient, you must not go your separate ways just because of a misunderstanding. "

"That's right!" Tong Huiyun hurriedly struck the iron while it was still hot, "It's too hard to find a suitable marriage partner. Furthermore, if you aren't thinking for yourself, you should at least think for Tao Tao. Look how hard he was trying to get closer to his parents just now. You and Yi Hong both disappointed Tao Tao. "

Tong Tong went silent, and his eyes became slightly sour. "He shouldn't have come in the first place."

He came in to make some small talk and then broke his son's heart.

"Tongtong, your father will explain it to you." Bu Changqing locked his gaze tightly onto Tong Tong's face, "I got the gist of it. Then you moved out. Yihong pla

ed to leave for a period of time. Is that right? "

Tong Tong was silent for a moment, then said softly with a glint in her eyes, "Yes."

"Must we adopt Tuan Tuan?" Bu Changqing asked, "Can't we adopt them?"

Tong Tong's hazy eyes silently turned towards the torrential water. After struggling for a while, she said softly, "Father, I only regret that I did not adopt the torrential water earlier."

"??" Bu Changqing was startled.

Evidently, Tong Tong's answer had exceeded his expectations, and for a moment, he didn't know how to continue asking.

Seeing this, Tong Huiyun quickly continued, "Tongtong, honestly, tell mom, you really don't like Yi Hong anymore?"

"??" Tong Tong opened his mouth, but in the end he remained silent.

"I know." Tong Huiyun sighed, "There's still him in my heart. "Then why did you make such a fuss over a child?"

"??" Tong Tong wanted to say something but hesitated.

"Moreover, this is the son of the third brother of Qu Family." Tong Huiyun continued, "I also heard that Ol 'Three is not a good person. If you want to adopt his son, you're leading the way. Tong Tong, do you want to carefully consider this ?? "

"Mom, there's no need to think about it." Tong Tong slowly puffed out his chest, and said in a deep voice, "I have already thought it through, so I made the decision."

"??" Tong Huiyun's remaining words, were instantly blocked by Tong Tong.

After a long while, Tong Huiyun finally said out loud: "But you will regret it, Tongtong."

"Maybe!" Tong Tong turned his hazy eyes towards the window, "But I've thought about it more than once. If we can do it again, I'll still do it. "

Tong Huiyun and Bu Changqing helplessly exchanged glances.

"But, it's not so easy to do for a single Biological mother!" Tong Huiyun sighed softly. Tongtong, "I can hear what Assistant Yin is saying. If you don't give way this time, Yinhong will not be able to continue walking with you."

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