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Chapter 624

Before anyone could express their surprise at the fact that a Duke of imperial descent had behaved in such a manner towards a commoner, Yuder's expression, which had been blank for a moment, contorted, and he violently withdrew his hand as if it had been burned.


Disgust. Confusion. Anger.

And all other negative emotions that he could not hide were openly displayed.

The fierce emotions that swept through his wide-open eyes were laid bare for all to see.

Gradually, the laughter around them died down, and silence fell.

As Yuder exhaled a hot breath between his tightly clenched lips, Kishiar suddenly burst into clear laughter.

“Oh, did you not like that? Now that you've become the Commander of the Cavalry, I thought you'd be worthy of such a greeting. It seems my little joke has elicited quite the response.”

Everyone gasped as they saw the scratch on the lips of Duke Peletta, who had just raised his head. The man who nonchalantly rubbed the slightly bleeding wound seemed to ponder what more to say before adding just one more sentence.

“Hmm… Well then, Count Yudrain Aile. I wish you well as the new Cavalry Commander from afar. Though, anyone would probably do a more sincere job than me. …Anyway, take care.”

With a nonchalant greeting and a wry smile, Kishiar turned his back before getting a response. He approached Emperor Katchian, who had been observing the situation, to bid farewell.

“Then, I shall take my leave now. I am about to depart for Peletta and have much to do before I go.”

It was clear from his expression that he wasn't actually busy with many tasks. Emperor Katchian, hearing his sophisticated yet frivolous tone, nodded with a cool smile.

“Then, there's nothing to be done about it.”

After showing his respect, Kishiar withdrew. As he moved away, the nobles, who had been silent until then, began to chatter and laugh again.

It wasn't unusual for the carefree Duke Peletta to draw criticism for his thoughtless actions, especially when he ended up bleeding from his mouth for trying to mock someone of common birth. It was so typical of him that it was almost laughable.

“Who said that the new Commander stood in Duke Peletta's shadow at this gathering? He seemed like nothing but an enemy.”

“It seems that even Duke Peletta can only toy with the Cavalry for so long, and that was all there was to it.”

After a few comments, people quickly forgot about him. Instead, their thoughts were filled with the new Emperor, who had shown a dignified and unshakeable power, unlike the previous imperial family, whose influence had completely waned.

Contrary to everyone's expectations that the Cavalry would be disbanded, the young Emperor had instead bestowed a great title and opportunity on the new Cavalry Commander. Wouldn't those who had been loyally serving the Emperor, even if they were of common birth, receive recognition? The thought quickly spread that under Emperor Katchian's reign, even those who had been unfairly pushed out of the center of power due to lack of family influence might now dream of new opportunities.

The nobles, quick to notice the changing tides of history, congratulated themselves for being there and began to make their calculations. Emperor Katchian, too, smiled willingly at their greedy gazes, his face suggesting he already knew what they were thinking.

The fact that a common-born novice had been granted such an overflowing title and name no longer attracted anyone's interest.

And there was Yuder, silently watching the back of Kishiar as he opened the door and left alone.


Could this be the last time with Kishiar La Orr?

He hadn't imagined a beautiful ending, but he never expected it to end like this either.

An indescribable feeling welled up in him, but the inexperienced youth didn't know how to express or resolve it.

Yuder watched the man disappear beyond the door without looking back even once and clenched his fist. Just as he was about to turn away with the cold wind and head toward the opposite exit,

“If you grip your fist that tightly, you might hurt your hand.”

Yuder stopped in his tracks as if he had seen a ghost. The man who had just disappeared was now standing in front of him.

How could this be? Yuder stepped back in surprise and caution, and the man smiled with softened eyebrows. It was a smile that seemed fragile and pained.

Yuder saw a smile he had never seen before, yet it was strangely familiar, and the unfamiliar Kishiar La Orr spoke.

“Can you see me now? So, who am I?”

“…Kishiar, La Orr.”

“That’s right.”

Yuder then realized something. Initially too shocked to recognize him, the man's attire was completely different from that of Duke Peleta, who was just in front of him. He was dressed simply, as if about to travel, and his complexion and eyes were different from before… in a way.

If he had to describe it, it felt more like a living person.

Quickly looking around, he saw the nobles still bustling. Emperor Katchian was quietly talking with the chief attendant. They seemed oblivious to Duke Peleta’s disappearance and his return in a different form. Only Yuder seemed to see Kishiar here.

How could this be possible? Lost in thought, the man slowly continued.

“It’s time to wake up from this dream.”

A dream? This?

It seemed unbelievable. Yet as he turned his head, the faces of the nobles and the emperor began to blur strangely. The Hall of Glory they stood in did the same.

Yuder, feeling the ground beneath him turn into darkness, reflexively grabbed the man in front of him. The man did not push Yuder away but instead held him tightly, as if invisible strings were binding them together.

Feeling the familiar scent from his embrace, Yuder faintly felt his mind waver.


Yes. Now it seems clear.

All that he had just seen was something he had experienced before…

Suddenly, a feeling of deep falling engulfed them. They fell like leaves into an abyss. Yuder clenched the embraced body tightly, gritted his teeth, and... opened his eyes wide.


Breathing heavily, he saw the shabby walls of a cabin beyond his breath.

‘A dream…’

He had experienced dreams of the past many times, but this dream was somewhat strange. The situation at the appointment ceremony was one thing, but what about Kishiar suddenly appearing in the middle of it?

Kishiar, who suddenly intruded midway through the dream, was wearing the same clothes as the man currently embracing Yuder with his eyes closed. This had never happened in his past dreams before… Could it be an effect of the heat period?

As Yuder pondered whether to wake the man with his eyes closed, lost in thought, the lashes of Kishiar fluttered slightly. A moment later, his eyelids opened, revealing his bright red eyes without a hint of sleepiness.

The man, after silently observing Yuder's features for a while, quietly spoke.

“...I once wondered why you reacted differently to the same action. I couldn't figure out why you welcomed a kiss on the forehead or cheek, yet recoiled from one on the back of the hand.”

Yuder felt a sudden sinking feeling in his chest.

Kishiar looked down, a faint smile on his face.

“Now I understand the answer.”

“Commander. You couldn’t mean, just now in the dream...”

Before Yuder could finish, Kishiar pulled him in closer with a stronger embrace.

“Yes. It was me.”

The idea that they had shared the same dream was already hard to believe, but this time, Kishiar had entered Yuder's dream with clear consciousness.

Even though he now knew what had happened in his past life, seeing it directly like this was a vastly different experience. It might even be better than seeing his own death, but remembering how until recently Kishiar had been endlessly reviewing the strategy game without even sleeping in secret, Yuder was at a loss for words.

“...I didn't intend for it. That…”

“It's okay.”

Before Yuder could slowly speak, Kishiar firmly replied.

“I was a bit surprised when I realized it was your dream. You didn't seem to fully recognize me, so I just followed and watched you. I never thought I'd see my previous game-self in this way...”

After a brief pause, as if choosing his words, the man chuckled.

“...Seeing it firsthand, I guess I feel relieved.”

Relieved? It was a different response than Yuder had expected.

But looking at his expression, he didn't seem to be lying. Even employing all his senses and subtle connections, he felt the same.

Still, Yuder cautiously sought confirmation.


“I've really lost a lot of trust after the last incident. It's easy to destroy but hard to build, isn't it?”

Kishiar made a pained face as he shook his head, then tapped Yuder's head with a clearer smile than before.

“But it's true.”


“I won't ask how you felt then. I don't wish to.”

Kishiar asked if he could talk about his impressions and question him. Slowly, Yuder nodded in unfamiliar feelings.


It took a little while for Kishiar to start speaking, unlike his playful words earlier. He caressed Yuder's hair and back for a long time, lost in thought, then slowly began to speak.

“Your outfit was really beautiful.”

“...I've never thought that way.”

“No. At first, I thought it was the same as mine, but upon closer inspection, I realized the embroidery and fabric were quite different from mine. But then... a question arose.”

“What is it?”

“I once saw you in a Commander's outfit in the illusion of Nahan.”

Kishiar, with an unsmiling face, brought up something unexpected.

“The outfit I saw then was the same as the one in the dream.”


“I didn't think much about it then, as the illusion itself was the issue. I only recognized that you were wearing a Commander's outfit. But seeing an outfit that I had never seen before in an illusion, what should I think of that?”

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Synopsis Jin Soram, the top-ranked hunter representing South Korea's Rift Phenomenon Management Headquarters, is stronger than anyone else and lazier than anyone else. As soon as he arrives at the office, he buries himself under a blanket and falls asleep. When he goes out on a mission, he causes accidents and returns to the office, often shirking his duties. "Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly." In fact, his true identity is someone who has regressed through three lives, trying to save the world from the Great Rift but failing each time. After repeating a life where he couldn't sleep peacefully even for a day, he became completely exhausted before this life even began. "I know. You worked hard, Jin Soram." And then there's Han Tae-un, the man who saved Soram and died in all three previous lives. As he did in every life, he comes to Soram's side once again. The Great Rift is approaching soon. It's impossible to resolve it in this life without any preparation. Soram vows to save Tae-un in this life and die himself. At least, he won't let Tae-un save a failure like himself again. "For now, until then, let's sleep..." As Soram sluggishly lives his life waiting for that moment, a gradual change occurs in his heart. 'I thought this was a messed-up round... but I want to live a little longer here.' Chapter 1 A desperate wish can create miracles. Steadfast beliefs, survival instincts, selfish desires, love, and devotion. Humans who throw themselves towards their wishes often exhibit godlike powers. All those things that are said to be aided by the heavens cannot happen without desperate wishes. However, the miracles that come are not always blessings for everyone. Because humans can never truly become gods. Crack-crack A high-rise building with a broken mid-section slowly tilted towards the ground. The sound of the collapse was like the footsteps of a huge disaster approaching. As the building debris fell, the surrounding buildings collapsed in a chain reaction. Behind the dust that blurred the view, a number of mutants several times the remaining survivors approached. The subjugation operation for the fourth level 0 disaster that struck South Korea, the 4th Great Rift, had failed. In the sky, so blue that it dazzled the eyes, there was a large black crack. As if mocking the desperate defense over the past two days, it spewed out monstrous mutants once again. "Mom, I'll make your favorite japchae right now. Until I finish making it and eat it, I'll try to hold on." Soram turned his head at the sound of someone talking on the phone next to him. ...I love you. After ending the call with those last words, Ayoung tightly gripped her cell phone and then threw it aside. She wouldn't have the luxury to see it again anyway. Lee Ayoung, a 20-year-old hunter, forcibly gripped her weapon again. Tears fell from her trembling chin. She was too young to calmly accept a situation with no hope left. "Aaaaah!" "Why, why is it getting bigger! Why! After devouring so many lives!" "I, I don't want to die! Damn it, I want to live... Sob...!" Screams spread among those who had been fighting while clinging to hope until the end, not just Ayoung. Hearing the sound, the vibration on Ayoung's cheeks also intensified. The only person without any change in expression at this moment was Soram. Standing next to Ayoung, he took a step forward. "Hunter Lee Ayoung." "...Yes, Chief." "Step back. Stay as far back as possible." If she went to the rear, it would be easy to leave the front lines. Quite a few hunters had already realized there was no hope and fled the scene. If Ayoung went home now, she could spend her last moments with her beloved family. It was the final hypocrisy of the leader who hadn't even played a proper role for several years. As expected, Ayoung looked at him with an expression that said, 'What is this person suddenly saying?' However, Jin Soram had already gripped his sword and stepped forward. His body was covered in injuries, as much as the weapon stuck with blood and dust. His steps approaching the oncoming horde of mutants were not steady either. But Soram increased his speed even more as he approached the monsters. The first to spot him was a goat-shaped mutant with black horns all over its body, including its face. The mutants of the 4th Great Rift were large animals grotesquely transformed. Soram thought as he drew his raised sword in a long line upward. This time, I will die here. ―Kiaaaaaaah!!! The mutant, deeply cut in the side, screamed. The swung sword was sharply raised towards the mutant. The blue mist, the unique form of his power, shrouded the surroundings. The sword was thrust into the back of the mutant's ear. Poof! ―Kieeeee......! The mutant, whose breath was cut off, disappeared into black ashes starting from the critically injured part. However, that was only one of the tens of thousands of mutants pouring out from the rift. Around Soram, dozens of mutants had already gathered, and various mutants were still descending from the sky. Soram took another step forward. The leg of a huge bull, which seemed to be about one story tall, was cut. In the gap where the mutant's body tilted, this time he aimed for the neck. Fortunately, his body still moved properly. He twisted his waist back and cut off the torso of a new mutant. The skin thicker than the length of the sword was sliced off. Even before it turned into debris, he attacked the next, and then the next mutant. As Soram moved conspicuously at the forefront, the mutants advancing forward also changed direction. The bloodshot eyeballs of dozens of mutants were fixed on a single human much smaller than them. An unidentifiable beast drooling saliva rushed towards his neck. Clang! The teeth that charged in front of his face were blocked by the sword. However, at the same time, he couldn't block the claws of another mutant approaching from behind. "Ah, ugh......" Blood splattered on the ground. The left shoulder that was attacked didn't move, perhaps because the muscle was severed. Fortunately, the sword was held in his right hand. Soram gritted his teeth so hard that his cheeks bulged and moved the sword. He tore open the mutant's open mouth with the blade and turned around to pounce on the other monster with blood on its claws. Like a branch shedding leaves as it faces early winter, blood droplets pooled wherever Soram moved. Soram swung his sword constantly, not even paying attention to his tattered body. Fighting the mutants until the end, being torn to death by them here. That's how Soram anticipated his final moments. He continued to fight alone at the very front. Although there were a few more hunters left on this battlefield, no one approached him. Jin Soram was the chief hunter who always stood at the forefront in exchange for wielding command arbitrarily. ...In this life, he tried to stop the Great Rift with such an attitude but ended up failing like this. It was his own mistake, so he had no reason or right to think of this situation as bitter. Thump, thump, thump, thump...... Heavy footsteps shaking the ground were heard. Each time the huge foot stepped on the ground, the asphalt cracked. By the time Soram raised his head while dealing with another mutant, a mutant so huge that its shape was hard to guess had already lifted its claws high. The shadow quickly fell over him. Kwaaang!!! "Aaaah!" The cruel mindless beast couldn't send Soram away at once. Instead, it completely crushed one of his legs. The merciless force completely tore off below the thigh. "Ah, ah..., ha..." The unimaginable pain rather numbed the senses. Soram knew that death had come right in front of him. A pale, trembling smile rose, unlike his pale complexion. Now that he couldn't move a single step, he would surely die with the next attack. "Ch, Chief Jin! Are you alright!" "Don't come near!" Soram shouted, squeezing out his remaining strength. The hunter trying to approach him hesitated. "Get lost! If you come this way, I'll kill you with my own hands!" He said fiercely. Since the primary goal of stopping the 4th Great Rift had failed, no one should come near him to achieve the second-best outcome he hoped for. The dust rose so much that it was impossible to see ahead. Behind the yellow clouds, the shadow soared once again. Time always flowed slowly in the face of death. Soram took in the sight with his eyes. If he died alone like this, he could at least avoid the worst ending. If he died 'alone' for sure. For that, Soram had jumped out in front of the mutants and deliberately sent one of his team members, other than Ayoung, to a different location. Now everything was ready. At the last moment, Soram slowly closed his eyes. And. Bam! Someone pushed Soram to the side. His body, already half-collapsed, fell backward without resistance. Soram, pushed onto the dust, barely raised his head, propping himself up on the ground. At the same time, a groan much lower than Soram's voice was heard. "...Cough." In the spot where Soram originally was, a man with his upper body pierced by the mutant's claws was bleeding. "Why..." Soram's white eyes, stained with blood, widened greatly. He had arranged it so that he absolutely could not come near here, so why. "Han Tae-un." Why did you, once again. Despair clouded Soram's face for the first time at this moment. It was the worst situation among the endings he had anticipated. "No, no!" Soram reached out, barely crawling and grasping the cement pieces on the floor. Even with that desperation, the attack continued. The claws that had penetrated Tae-un's torso pulled out from the back, and the sharp claw tips swung at him again. For a brief moment, Tae-un's dark eyes slid towards Soram. "...Chief, Jin." And Soram knew how his blood-clotted lips would move. "Don't!" Even when Soram screamed, his lips moved just like in his memory. Even if the form of death was different, the words he left to Soram were always the same. "You have to live." The shadow engulfed Tae-un. The face that was clearly visible, the body stained with injuries, and even the legs wrapped in a black combat uniform. As soon as he finished speaking, blood splattered from where he was to Soram's face. "No..." Tae-un's body collapsed to the ground, and the blood flowing from his whole body created a dark red puddle. The thick, sticky liquid flowed to Soram's arm that was propping him up on the ground. In the lump of flesh with almost no form left, only the closed eyes were clearly visible. He wasn't breathing and didn't move. Han Tae-un died saving Jin Soram. Once again, like this. "No, no! Damn it, Han Tae-un! Don't die! Don't die before me! Han Tae-un!" Naturally, there was no answer. Soram grabbed the cement powder caked with blood and screamed. "You, you bastard! Why! Damn it, why are you doing this to me again! No! Don't!" The blood on his cheek flowed down like bloody tears. No matter how much Soram raised his voice and shouted at the top of his lungs, there was no response from where Tae-un had disappeared. "Ah, ah..." Soram stared blankly at the place where he died. With the time Tae-un had bought, he might have been able to choose to run away. But even if he lived a little longer, the ending was already set. Other hunters tried to approach to save Soram. Soram pushed them far away with the last strength drawn from resentment. And he sat there with unfocused eyes. "Let's meet again. You damn bastard." The words he spit out as if chewing became his last will. Until another mutant approached, smelling the blood, until his whole body was crushed under its foot, Soram stared at Tae-un's corpse as if rooted there and met his death. . . 2024. 08. 07 South Korea, 3rd Great Rift stopped . . 2025. 10. 15. South Korea, 4th Great Rift occurred. Emergency evacuation order issued for residents in Songpa-gu area. 2025. 10. 17. Hunter (1st Grade) Han Tae-un died. Chief Hunter (1st Grade) Jin Soram died. All of Seoul turned into a dungeon. 2025. 10. 19. Dungeonification of areas except for parts of the metropolitan area. Large-scale rift occurred in Busan. 2025. 10. 21. IRDRU (International Rift Disaster Rescue Union) declared to give up rescue in South Korea region. 2025. 10. 2― ―...... ― . . ... . . 20......― ―......... 2015― ......― 2014. 02. 07. South Korea, 2nd Great Rift stopped. (2...th round) . . 2014. 02. 07. South Korea, 2nd Great Rift stopped. (...th round) 2014. 02. 07. South Korea, 2nd Great Rift stopped. (4th round)

Chapter 2

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[BL] Bermuda

Leonardo Blaine, the true war hero of the Raina Logia Empire and the commander of the Armsilver 11th Squad, is dishonorably discharged for disobeying orders during the final battle that could have led the Empire to victory in the territorial war. People criticize and point fingers at him, and after being released on parole from prison, he disappears without a trace.

Three years later, his name has been forgotten by the world. The Council has been persistently pursuing him, but he has proven difficult to capture. Frustrated by this, Hugo Agrizendro, the commander of the Council's army, decides to personally apprehend him.

"Since when have you been watching me?"

Leonardo was calculative and astute, so it wouldn't be surprising if he had been observing Hugo for some time now. However, Leonardo's answer was something that even Hugo had not anticipated.

"From the very beginning."

Check out the new project 2:

[BL] Cloudless Sky

Jin Soram, the top-ranked hunter representing South Korea's Rift Phenomenon Management Headquarters, is stronger than anyone else and lazier than anyone else. As soon as he arrives at the office, he buries himself under a blanket and falls asleep. When he goes out on a mission, he causes accidents and returns to the office, often shirking his duties.

"Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly."

In fact, his true identity is someone who has regressed through three lives, trying to save the world from the Great Rift but failing each time. After repeating a life where he couldn't sleep peacefully even for a day, he became completely exhausted before this life even began.

"I know. You worked hard, Jin Soram."

And then there's Han Tae-un, the man who saved Soram and died in all three previous lives. As he did in every life, he comes to Soram's side once again. The Great Rift is approaching soon. It's impossible to resolve it in this life without any preparation. Soram vows to save Tae-un in this life and die himself. At least, he won't let Tae-un save a failure like himself again.

"For now, until then, let's sleep..."

As Soram sluggishly lives his life waiting for that moment, a gradual change occurs in his heart.

'I thought this was a messed-up round... but I want to live a little longer here.'

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