Chapter 475

Regardless of the presence of the attendant, the expression of the man who poured the milk himself hadn't changed one bit since Emperor Keilusa had left. But just because his face remained the same, did it mean his thoughts did too?

Yuder opened his mouth quietly instead of telling him not to do it.

"Are you alright?"

"What's there to not be alright about?"

Kishiar, who skillfully poured the milk without spilling a drop, looked at the milk he had collected and responded.

"Didn't I tell you? The plan was just to introduce you and have dinner tonight. The Emperor has become familiar with your face and deemed you a valuable asset. That should be enough for now."


"The Emperor didn't leave in anger, so don't worry that I might be upset. Unless, of course, you are considering ending your attempts at treatment."

Of course not, right? Eyes filled with trust curled up gently with a smile.

Just as he had said, regardless of what Emperor Keilusa had uttered, Yuder had absolutely no intention of quietly giving up or retracting his attempt to treat him.

Yet the reason his heart felt slightly unsettled was because until just before the topic of treatment had come up, the two had looked at each other like the best of brothers. Even without exchanging affectionate words, one could easily guess how much they cared for each other through their gazes alone.

It was an aspect of Kishiar that Yuder had never known.

It was also an expression that Kishiar, whom he had known in his previous life, had never shown.

'More precisely, perhaps it's something I could never have seen,' Yuder thought as he swallowed the cold, sweet cream that wrapped around his tongue and set his spoon down.

"…Of course, I have no intention of backing down at this point. The Emperor seems to want a definitive solution, so I intend to provide one by the next time we meet."

"Good. And don't forget that I should have a place in that effort too."

After finishing dessert, Kishiar naturally stood up and led Yuder outside. His strides were unhesitant, as if it didn't matter that there was no one to guide them.

"Shouldn't we wait until the steward arrives?"

"It's fine. The carriage is probably still parked by the back door. We can just ride it back. They probably expect that I won't be returning anyway."


However, as they were heading towards the back door to escape, Kishiar suddenly stopped and shifted his gaze somewhere. The ease that had filled his face momentarily clouded, and a low murmur escaped his lips.

"I feel a familiar presence."

Sure enough, a procession led by a noblewoman and several maids soon appeared. Yuder was pondering this unexpected encounter when the noblewoman also seemed to notice them and stopped.

With her hair, which was almost silver, elegantly coiled up, she lifted the veil that had been half-covering her face and smiled.

"Oh my, Duke Peletta. I wasn't aware you would be here today. Has the Imperial ban on your entry been lifted already?"

"Your Highness, the Empress," Kishiar greeted with a reciprocating smile. Yuder too bent his knee in courtesy. The Empress signaled with her hand for them to rise.

"As you said, it hasn't been lifted yet. But I caused a small incident last night that startled His Majesty, and I received a letter as a result. So, I've come for a brief visit."

"Ah, if you're talking about last night then..."

The Empress slightly parted her lips as if she found a clue. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand, glancing around.

"My goodness, I thought as much. I figured if anyone could do it, it would be you, Duke."

"I'm not sure whether to say I'm pleased to meet your expectations or to first admire your wisdom in immediately identifying me as the culprit."

As Kishiar raised an eyebrow in mock contemplation, a small dimple appeared on one side of the Empress's cheek. Her face, previously as solemn as a wet flower, finally brightened.

'They seem...closer than I thought.'

Conversing with the Empress, Kishiar felt like a mischievous younger sibling, contrasting his formal demeanor around the Emperor. The Empress seemed equally at ease. She had previously always sat quietly, like a shadow or a statue, but now her gaze toward Kishiar was warm and vibrant.

"I came here to personally deliver flowers I've grown in the garden," she said. Indeed, the maids following her held bundles of delicately wrapped flowers.

"Would you like to have some refreshments at the palace before you leave?"

"While the invitation is tempting, I fear the Emperor might finally impose a permanent ban on my entry if I accept. I have a companion with me, so let's save it for next time."

"Understood. You've brought a Cavalry member, I see?"

Only then did the Empress truly notice Yuder's presence.

"If you've brought a Cavalry member, could it be the one that's been the talk of the town lately?"

"Yes, he is Yuder Aile, my assistant. He even greeted His Majesty today."

Kishiar responded with palpable pride, smiling at Yuder.

"As I thought. I heard he was quite young, so I had my doubts."

"My apologies."

Yuder bowed his head and responded dispassionately. The Empress hesitated for a moment before asking an oddly specific question.

"Since you are Aile, you must have also met His Majesty today."


"Considering the Duke's temperament, the sudden occasion must have been difficult for you. Did you also share a meal?"

It was a question laden with implications. After a moment of silence, Yuder answered.

"Yes. As you have mentioned, it was an unexpected occasion. However, thanks to His Majesty and my superior, I experienced no difficulty and had an honorable and overwhelming opportunity. Thank you for your concern."

"I see. I'm glad to hear that you had a good time. His Majesty also seems to take a liking to you, which makes me even more curious about you. It's a shame we don't have more time to talk."

She then put her veil back on.

"I should go before it gets too late. May both of you have a peaceful journey."

Just as they were about to part ways in opposite directions, Kishiar suddenly spoke.

"The truth is, I didn't just come here today to get scolded."

The Empress halted.

"Do you remember the last thing I told you during the harvest festival party?"


"I came to show you the result today. His Majesty seems to think it's too late, but I told him I don't think so. Because the one by my side told me so."

The Empress turned her head once more. Yuder felt her gaze on his face, but her expression was inscrutable, concealed behind her veil aside from her tightly sealed lips.

Moments later, the Empress turned away and left. Her attendants also followed, retreating from the scene.

"What did you discuss with Her Majesty the Empress during the Harvest Festival party?"

"I briefly mentioned the situation after the retrieval of the Red Stone. I assured her that everything would work out."

Kishiar responded softly as they walked towards their carriage.

"It seems you worry about His Majesty's health even more than I do."

The distance from the Dawn Palace, where the Empress resided, to the Sun Palace was considerable. Yet she had walked that far without a carriage, merely to deliver flowers and not to see the Emperor. This likely corresponded with the reason both had arrived and departed the welcoming ceremony in separate carriages. Yuder sensed this even without an explanation.

"Besides, mentioning it in advance ensures that Her Majesty will scrutinize why we visited today and perhaps support us in future endeavors, don't you think?"

The inexplicably bitter feeling he had earlier vanished as if it had been a lie.

Yuder realized anew that the man beside him never made a careless move.

"I didn't realize you had that in mind in such a short span of time."

"Hmm. It was a nasty trick I could pull because I know His Majesty's weaknesses better than anyone else in this world."

Finally climbing into the revealed carriage, Kishiar whispered with a secretive smile.

"It's unthinkable from the outside, but the only person who could bring down His Majesty is Her Majesty herself. Just like the only person who could bring me down is standing right in front of me."

Yuder's perception of the Empress had always been vague, in both this life and his previous one. But the moment she had looked at him, seemingly to indirectly inquire about the Emperor, her gaze was clearer and stronger than anyone else's.

Emperor Keilusa’s Empress, Rosa Faria La Orr.

Even the name, long buried under layers of forgotten memories, became vivid at that moment.


"And so... considering we wrapped up this evening's dinner well..."

As his whisper grew softer, almost inaudible, only Kishiar remained in Yuder's field of vision.

The carriage had not yet left the palace grounds. This shouldn't be happening.

Yet, even as he thought this, Yuder leaned his head against the hand that caressed his cheek and closed his eyes. Moments later, their lips met, and a sweet scent filled the air.

It tasted like the ice cream and cinnamon cookies they had just eaten.

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