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Chapter 405

"I still can't believe it. That I've been there."

As soon as morning arrived, the first to rush to Yuder's side was Ever, who didn't know precisely what had transpired with Yuder the previous night. Hence, she was initially startled to see the black spots gone, and his eyes cleanly healed, but soon congratulated him with a joyous face.

What followed was the revelation about the hidden basement on the fourth floor of the Security Management Team's dungeon, which she had uncovered with Pruelle the night before.

"Truth be told, I didn't think Prince Pruelle would take the initiative so aggressively at first, so I was thinking we should act after the Commander and Yuder arrived," Ever explained.

Though Ever had followed the secretly visiting Baron Willhem to discover that the basement's fourth floor truly existed, they needed to break through an ancient magic called 'Protection of Blood' to enter.

Only the blood relatives of the mage who had placed the enchantment could open the ancient magic entrance. The mechanism was hidden between the wall of the third-floor dungeon Yuder had discovered, and a place engraved with the Tain family's sigil.

Ever knew that blood, not completely wiped off near the sigil after Willhem's escape, was left behind. But asking Pruelle outright for his blood seemed awkward due to his sensitive status.

Even though he was a polite young man who was highly cooperative with her and dreamt of joining the Cavalry, Pruelle van Tain was still a natural nobleman, carrying the Tain family's bloodline. Therefore, Ever decided to proceed cautiously and waited for Kishiar to finish his warehouse work and join them, but no matter how long she waited, he didn't show. Surprisingly, it was Pruelle who persuaded her as time was running out.

"I must show Deputy Commander Beck the extent of my determination," he said, cutting his palm with a dagger. Fearlessly smearing the flowing blood on the Tain family's sigil and sprinkling it around, it didn't take long for the ground before them to shift, revealing hidden stairs leading down to the fourth floor.

"The cells of dungeon floor four really did have people trapped inside. I initially thought the bodies were piled up since there was a magic circle that forced the imprisoned to sleep, but I was able to gather information from the one person who was awake," Ever continued.

He was a captive brought with his siblings, fortunate enough to be tied in an area where the magic circle was slightly damaged, so he could stay conscious. Ever and Pruelle obtained information about the secret dungeon from him. It was protected by magic so strong that even Ever's mightiest punch couldn't break it, and could only be opened and closed by special means.

"Those who slept in there were only able to wake briefly to eat food brought by Baron Willhem every few days. Oddly enough, it seemed like they felt no hunger or thirst in there," she recounted.

"Not needing to eat or drink, not acting noisy, and having no chance to escape, it must have been the perfect place to hide people," Pruelle remarked.

"Who on earth created such a dreadful and disgusting secret dungeon?" Yuder asked, unable to conceal his anger about the basement's fourth floor from Ever.

"Ever, is the person who gave you information the Awakener who kept shouting to announce the existence of the fourth floor?"

"Yes, he was indeed someone who could control sound."

Although it was an ability useless for escaping, Yuder had taken the call for rescue seriously and not dismissed it as mere ghostly noise. Because of Yuder, the captive was able to meet the Cavalry.

He had spared no effort in sharing with Ever and Pruelle the information he had gathered from Baron Willhem, not just regarding the prison but other matters as well, and he promised to fully cooperate with the Cavalry's plan for escape.

"And I made that man swallow the fruit that the Commander gave."

The fruit that Kishiar had handed over to Ever through Finn Eldore for this mission made it easier to track the person who consumed it. Originally intended for tracking dogs, a few members of the Cavalry within the security management team had a sense of smell even better than dogs.

'Baron Willhem will surely go to free those who are trapped there, with the auction ahead. That's when the Cavalry will make their move.'

Even after Pruelle and Ever finished the mission and returned, Baron Willhem had not yet discovered the truth. It was a flawless success.

"You managed well by assessing the situation properly, even without me. That's reassuring."

"It's all thanks to Prince Pruelle."

Ever seemed to be very pleased with Pruelle's impression of the matter. Had Pruelle heard it, he would have been delighted, but unfortunately, he was not present. He had momentarily left to finalize the information collection, now that they were nearing the end.

"But what happened yesterday that prevented you from coming to the security management team? I was really worried when I only heard something had come up."

"Haha. Quite a few unexpected things happened here."

Hearing from Kishiar about what had happened in the warehouse the night before, Ever was relieved that everyone had safely returned but reacted gravely to the information about the southern merchants.

"It's a relief that you finished everything in that situation, but... the fact that such a skilled Awakener is a close aide to Duke Tain concerns me. Prince Pruelle seemed completely unaware that there is an Awakener among them."

"I would bet not only Prince Pruelle but also Baron Willhem and Duke Tain don't know that there is an Awakener. If they knew, they would never have been able to build such a relationship of trust."

That thought had occurred to Yuder yesterday as well. The idea that such a highly skilled individual was a mere merchant was hardly believable.

"The fact that we don't know their purpose is troubling."

"Fortunately, through yesterday's fight, a clue has emerged."

Kishiar casually replied to Yuder's muttering.

"Did you notice when you poured water on the bag of Calanesa yesterday? That person tried to protect the bag."


How could he forget? It was the first time the Southerner, who had successively faced Nathan and Kishiar without caring about the items breaking around him, had tried to protect something. Of course, everything inside had already been replaced except for the shelf, but the southern merchant didn't know that.

"Everything inside was secretly brought by Duke Tain through the Great Sarain Forest. Then, where did they come from?"

"I've heard that most of the goods traded through the Great Sarain Forest come from the countries that border the forest."

"Yes. But that's just the last destination of those goods in the western countries, not the first place of origin."

Kishiar responded as if posing a riddle, then continued, looking into Yuder's eyes.

"The raw material for Calanesa is the Calain flower. And the climate where that flower thrives is hot and dry."

There was only one place on the continent with the hottest and driest climate. The vast and distant land south of the desert: the Southern Countries.

"The Empire, of course, and even in neighboring foreign countries, in order to bring in such a large quantity of a drug that has not even spread its name properly, there must naturally be those closely related to its origin, mustn’t there?”

Kishiar let out a cold smile.

Yuder's mind raced as Yuder looked at Kishiar.

“Then... Baron Willhem and Duke Tain seemed unaware of the disturbance that happened last night, and the reaction of the tavern was quiet all along. It could be related to them as well.”

“I think so,” Kishiar responded, offering a look of praise.

“The power that can hide an incident that happened last night so that no one knows, and thereby seems to gain something, isn't there only one at present? Even though so many items were broken, it was deemed to be something that could be hidden. It also means that the swap for the fake items wasn't detected, but at the same time, it allowed us to guess the intentions of the southern merchants.”

They had come here to move Duke Tain's goods, but in reality, the most important thing they likely cared about was Calanesa powder.

‘They might have arranged for the profit gained by importing and distributing it to go more to their side than to Duke Tain, or perhaps they came with the intention of making a big gain without properly informing the Duke of the value of the drug. In that case, they wouldn't want to ruin the Duke's trust by unnecessarily creating a big fuss.’

“Truly despicable people. To bring such a drug so casually into the Empire and try to sell it off...”

Ever, who had heard from Kishiar what kind of potent drug Calanesa powder was, grimaced without mercy, imagining what might happen if it spread.

“Yes. There are a few more points to be caught, but the answer is not yet certain. Therefore, if possible, I would like to catch them all this time.”

“Excuse me for a moment.”

Then, a polite knock came from outside the door. The person who opened the door and entered was a Tain family servant, but his appearance soon changed to that of Pruelle van Tain. He smiled, apparently happy that Ever was still there, and then respectfully handed a small bundle of paper to Kishiar.

“Did you have a peaceful night, Your Highness? I have finally completed the list of those who came here during last year’s party.”

“You must have been busy visiting the security management team yesterday, and yet you completed this too?”

“The surrounding information was already collected, and it only needed final verification when Baron Willhem confirmed the party date and sent out invitations, so it was not too much trouble.”

Pruelle, who humbly responded, watched Kishiar's face as he began to read the paper, his eyes tense. The time had come for the final evaluation of the information and efforts he had brought.


“How is it?”


Kishiar laid down the paper, filled from front to back, and praised it.

“To have organized so perfectly the list of those invited last year, those who sent out invitations this year, and even the southern merchants who visited at that time. It will not be difficult to detect any foul play just by reading this. You have had much trouble checking and recording everything individually.”

“Not at all. I'm glad if it was helpful.”

Pruelle's freckled nose reddened slightly.

“Then are you now planning to leave for the capital as is?”

“Yes. The work is all finished, and I cannot delay another day, so I will leave either this evening or tomorrow morning. My younger brother Nipollen, as I told you before...”

“Leave him to me.”

Ever stood up from her seat and confidently interjected. Pruelle, who met her gaze, lifted the corners of his mouth, his face expressing great relief.

"Yes. That will do."

"I heard you injured your hand yesterday, and I see you still have it wrapped."

As Kishiar said, Pruelle, who had bravely penetrated the "Protection of Blood" by cutting his palm in the security management team's dungeon the previous night, was still wrapping his hand with a handkerchief instead of a bandage.

"Meet Priest Lusan before you leave."

"No, no. It's not that bad. I'm fine."

"It might be hard to ride a horse if your hand is uncomfortable."

At Kishiar's suggestion, the red-haired youth furrowed his eyebrows as if he were troubled, but soon cautiously opened his mouth.

"I'm really fine. The wound itself has almost completely healed using the holy water I brought, and this is just... um, something I continue to do because protection is needed until it's fully healed."

Pruelle, having answered, bowed politely towards Ever, who was staring at him with wide-open eyes.

"Can I return this to you the next time I see you, Deputy Commander Beck?"

"Oh, yes. Of course, that's fine. You have a long journey, so you can throw it away without any burden if you like..."

"Throw it away?"

Pruelle responded forcefully.

"How could I throw away the symbol of warm compassion you bestowed upon me yesterday? I will surely return it to you, so please wait."

Ever blinked, not noticing the strange passion in his voice, and nodded.


"Now, everyone will be busy, so let's get on with our respective duties."

Kishiar, who had been watching them, waved his hand with a peculiar smile.

"Contact me anytime through the predetermined route if there are any changes."

That Baron Willhem had set the date for the party meant that the date for the secret auction had also been determined.

'Nahan is surely watching from somewhere.'

Those who wanted to take revenge on Duke Tain would surely appear somewhere, inflict significant damage, and attempt to find and take away the Awakeners among those who were victimized and trafficked.

However, there was no worry or fear. Kishiar and those following him had already finished all possible preparations and felt confident.

'...Whichever side it is, come prepared for things not to go your way.'

Strengthening his resolve, Yuder clenched his gloved hand tightly.

And a week later, finally, numerous carriages began to line up and enter the widely-opened mansion of the Willhem family and within the gates of Tainu.

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