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Chapter 244

In the end, Melbon bowed deeply, laying flat on the floor.

"...It's not hard to speak. I admit that I was off guard, not expecting the Awakener to read even that old incident, but at the same time, I also had a feeling that this day would come."

Before revealing the truth, he hesitated, then managed to voice a single thought.

"However, I am... I'm concerned that due to today's events, the Prince will face difficulties, only that weighs heavily on me."

His words caused Prince Ejain, who seemed about to respond, to close his mouth helplessly.

Ejain must have sensed it. Out of all the attendants, Melbon was the only one who genuinely cared about him, not for himself.

"That's not for you to worry about. Stop making excuses and just speak."

"Yes, of course..."

Melbon, still bowing deeply, let out a long sigh, then hesitantly continued.

"In truth, I was a person who entered the palace with the purpose of observing and reporting on the Prince's surroundings from the beginning."

His confession was shocking from the start.

"But as I served the Prince, I increasingly wanted to devote my loyalty as a real attendant, and eventually, the thought of fulfilling my original purpose in entering the palace disappeared. Hence, from the moment four years ago when the Prince established a merit at the national border and returned to the palace, I completely severed my ties with them."

"If they had the power to plant someone in the palace, wouldn't they have let you go so easily?"

"I was prepared to deal with that much when I made my decision. And in fact, there have been no issues so far."

Evidently, Melbon was not as unprepared as he seemed.

'After all, despite the danger of revealing another traitor among the retinues, he took the initiative to provoke the atmosphere.'

Who, then, had planted Melbon in the palace? And why had they decided to keep an eye on Ejain from his youth, long before he showed his prominence?

"So, who exactly were those people who sent you?"

Ejain looked at Melbon's face and slowly muttered names he speculated.

"You said it wasn't the other princes, and those who would have been interested in me since my insignificant childhood... The third queen? Or Lady Marenta?"


"Count Blobs? General Kemel? Former Head Courtier Philiiamet?"


Despite saying it was during his insignificant childhood, the names that came up were seemingly endless. Ejain, who kept repeating unfamiliar names regardless of the changing expressions of everyone around him, sighed heavily and paused for a moment when no answer came.

"Could it be the King, my father?"

That was a name he seemed reluctant to bring up, in a voice filled with apprehension. And at that name, for the first time, Melbon also reacted.

"Was it really the King?"


Melbon, still bowing, shook his head in denial.

"Really, it's not."

"Then what the hell are you saying?"

The Prince's gaze hovered over Melbon's head.

"It's not this, it's not that... Even if you were a spy for Durban, I wouldn't be surprised, so just give me an answer."


In that moment, the atmosphere surrounding Melbon changed. Although no words were spoken, everyone watching him knew something was amiss.

The fact that Prince Ejain had just pressed the answer was what had occurred.

"...Durban. Is it really Durban?"

Ejain asked slowly. Melbon's shoulders quivered.

"I apologize, Your Highness..."

All emotions washed away from Prince Ejain's face in a moment. He stayed silent for a long time, with his kneeling servant before him.

And at that moment, Yuder remembered a piece of brief information from his previous life that he had forgotten.

'Rumor has it that King Ejain of Nelarn's biological mother was executed for colluding with Durban.'

It was information he had read before meeting the young new King of Nelarn as Yudrain Aile, the second Commander of the Cavalry and the ambassador representing the Orr Empire.

Durban and Nelarn were two of the countries bordering each other, with the Great Sarain Forest in between, and their relationship was particularly bad. Small local wars happened almost daily along the border area for decades, so the sentiment between the two countries could not be worse.

It was known that King Ejain struggled as there were hardly any relatives to help him during his Prince days. If the information he just recalled was true, it was natural. The reason he, who should have lived enviously as the Second Prince, spent a long time in the harsh border area and returned, and why he struggled to gather internal forces despite his excellent abilities, was suddenly convincing.

What emotions would one feel upon hearing that a spy from such an enemy country had been placed by his side since childhood?

The reason this question, which he would not have thought about if it were someone else's problem, came to Yuder's mind was simple. He momentarily saw Kishiar and himself in the Prince, who was extremely generous to his subordinates, and the servant who served him with a lie but eventually became sincerely loyal.

Yuder looked down at his hand, hidden inside the black glove. Kishiar did not hide anything from him, but Yuder was different. If weighed by the burden of the secrets kept from the one he served, there would be none heavier than him in this place.

Feeling uncomfortable as if a corner of his heart was scratched, Yuder turned his head. Around that time, Prince Ejain also seemed to have made up his mind and opened his mouth.

"...I believe we have uncovered all that needs to be discovered. Please release Jenn now."

The Prince did not speak any further to Melbon. As he turned his body and asked Kishiar, Emun immediately absorbed the darkness and released Jenn, who had been trapped.

"Oh, Your Highness! Please, just... just one more time...!"

The man, drenched in sweat, trying to cling straight to the Prince, stopped speaking with a choked groan the moment he saw the body of Faity lying not far from the kneeling Melbon.

"Ah.... Ah."

"Jenn, Melbon."

Prince Ejain spoke to the servants with an unprecedentedly cold voice.

"Your punishment will be decided after returning to Nelarn. Until then, suicide and self-harm are forbidden, and if you try to escape, you will be killed instantly."

A rigid wall formed over his face, which had been somewhat playful and humane until then. Surprisingly, that face was most similar to the face of King Ejain that Yuder knew in his previous life.

Jenn, seemingly deeming it difficult to change his lord's mind no matter what he said, slumped onto the spot and hung his head in despair.

"I do not wish to see your faces any longer. Leave."

Upon hearing the Prince's order to his attendants, Kishiar immediately gave a signal to his subordinates.

"Hinn, Finn. Lock them up in the upstairs bedroom."

"Yes. Understood."

The two servants were quietly escorted to the second floor, firmly gripped by the strong arms of the brother-sister duo who were more powerful than they appeared. Ejain kept his face turned away from them until the end.

"...I am deeply ashamed to show you such a sight after you've all traveled so far to assist me."

When everyone around had finally quieted down, the Prince stood up and bowed respectfully in front of everyone. The sight was more than enough to discomfort the Cavalry members, who were already at a loss on how to react to the Prince's overly revealed personal affairs.

"There's no need to worry about this incident leaking out."

Yet, Kishiar did not even blink and even smiled instead. When he gave a response to protect the Prince's honor and looked around at the Cavalry members, they all bowed their heads in unison, promising not to mention anything outside.

"Well then, may I ask how you plan to determine your return route to Nelarn?"

As if what had just transpired didn't matter at all, Kishiar promptly changed the topic. His behavior could easily infuriate others, yet Prince Ejain merely responded with a weary smile.

"I am growing increasingly convinced that there is no other way."

"So, you mean you intend to pass through the Great Sarain Forest without any changes in the plan?"

Ejain replied while looking at the western map still spread out on the table.

"Yes. I will return to Nelarn as soon as possible."

"Hmm... even if the Cavalry decides they cannot assist due to the excessive risk?"

Kishiar asked, with a playful smile on his face. Yuder guessed that this was probably Kishiar's way of testing Ejain.

'It's eerily similar to the attitude I saw when I took the Cavalry entrance test. It's kind of nostalgic...'

"I am aware that the Commander and the Cavalry came to help me, not to sacrifice their lives. How can I force you to continue if you deem the journey ahead too dangerous during the travel?"

Ejain calmly responded, then after a pause, he looked straight into Kishiar's eyes and continued in a slightly lower voice.

"In that case, I will proceed alone."

"Alone, with the two treasonous servants?"


"I have heard that you led many victories in a protracted local war with Durban through brilliant strategy, Prince Ejain, but doesn't this sound like a reckless answer?"

"I might not know what the world thinks of me, but I am not someone with extraordinary abilities. I have simply never given up in front of an enemy."

I have simply never given up in front of an enemy.

At that potent statement, everyone's attention was instantly drawn to him. Ejain just stood confidently under that gaze. The Prince, who was neither an exceptional Swordsman nor a Mage and not even an Awakener yet, showed no signs of intimidation, even in a situation without his loyal servants by his side.

"That's an impressive statement, but it doesn't help with actual survival."

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