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Chapter 236

"The atmosphere here is definitely quite different from where we've been," Kanna said cautiously, after they had passed through several cities and towns in the West.

"Even if people's expressions seem normal, there's a tension that's palpable everywhere."

Even without Kanna's ability to read information, Yuder could see that the Western regions were unmistakably on edge. It wasn't yet the period when monsters were massively emerging within the country's borders, but it seemed that news of damage from other countries had reached them piecemeal.

"Especially during such times, planning to pass through the Great Sarain Forest... the second prince of Nelarn must truly be desperate."

'Indeed, even if he didn't know, his life and throne were at stake...'

Yuder responded silently to Kanna's words, focusing on the muffled sound of hooves hitting the ground as their Misty Wind Horse galloped on. They had planned to reach a small town to meet with Prince Ejain by nightfall, but for some reason, the sky had started to cloud over a few hours earlier and was growing steadily darker.

"It's become cloudier than before, hasn't it? We should reach our destination before it starts raining."

Lusan, the priest who had been following closely behind Yuder, initiated a conversation with a loud voice, seemingly noticing his surveying of the sky. Unlike the others, who still had energy despite days without proper rest and continuous riding, Lusan looked extremely drained. He would've likely fainted if he had been riding a regular horse.

"Yes, but there's no need to worry too much."

"Haha... I suppose. I'm not worried. What could concern me when I'm traveling with such extraordinary people?"

Rubbing under his tired eyes, Lusan gave a wry smile. Turning away from Lusan's face, heavy with the desire to arrive and rest as soon as possible, Yuder glanced at the edge of the dark cloak of the person leading their party at the front.

To an unfamiliar observer, Kishiar seemed untiring as he rode his horse without showing any signs of exhaustion, it might have appeared that his previous sickness and rest were a lie. Guided by the direction-indicating magic tool bracelet on one arm, Kishiar moved forward without hesitation, the tip of his sheathed divine sword, Orr, rhythmically swaying to assert its presence.

'Has the Emperor made the announcement as planned?'

Kishiar had secretly mentioned the day before they left that the Emperor was planning to announce the new owner of the Divine Sword. However, during the more than two days of traveling to the West, Yuder hadn't heard any related follow-up news or rumors.

That was only to be expected, considering they had been riding non-stop, leaving no chance to hear any news. Yet, Yuder found himself increasingly curious and bothered each time he saw the Divine Sword at Kishiar's waist.

'While he himself doesn't seem to care at all, why am I...'

"Everyone, let's stop for a moment."

Then, Kishiar, who was leading at the front, raised his hand, signaling them to halt. As the entire party came to a stop, he pointed towards the horizon, where only the vast plains could be seen, and opened his mouth.

"There seems to be some movement over there, what does everyone think?"


Yuder turned his head toward the direction Kishiar pointed. Narrowing his eyes and focusing, he could indeed see something shimmering and moving in the distance.

"If it were the energy of the Awakener, it would have appeared clearer... What is that? A monster?"

"It seems like... monsters are fighting with humans."

Gakane cautiously answered, his companions apparently sharing his thought.

"It sounds similar to the clashing of weapons."

Nathan Zuckerman, a swordmaster, agreed.

"It seems so to me as well. Let's go and see. Everyone, be careful and follow."

They slightly diverted from their original direction and spurred their horses. Soon, the indistinct figures in the distance began to clarify.


"Run... quickly...!"

A handful of people were wrestling and tumbling on the ground to evade long, sharp objects jutting out from the earth. Bags and other belongings were scattered in disarray, and a few individuals, either injured or dead, lay nearby. The direness of the situation was beyond their expectations, prompting them to dismount immediately.

"What should we do, Commander?"

"We must save them first."

In response to Yuder's question, Kishiar, without hesitation, took a look around and issued orders.

"Emun. Gakane. Use shadows and darkness to conceal the survivors and bring them to us."


"Kanna, get information from those we rescue. Priest Lusan, please provide healing. And Hinn, Finn, Yuder, and Nathan, hold off those monsters. You don't have to kill them, just buy time until all survivors are rescued. Understood?"


Yuder leapt off his horse and sprinted, stepping on the wind.

"Ah, Yuder. It's unfair that you're going first!"

He heard the Eldore siblings, bickering and following behind him as he ran, stepping on the wind as if hopping on stepping stones. Gakane's shadow followed swiftly behind him. As Yuder arrived at the battleground, he grabbed the arm of a man who nearly got pierced by something jumping out from the ground, then leaped high into the air.


The man, who was abruptly lifted into the air by Yuder, screamed with his eyes shut tight.

"Save the people!"

Yuder felt as though he had heard that voice somewhere before.

'Strange. Where have I seen him? In my past life?... No, that's not it.'

In such cases, his intuition was usually correct. Landing on the ground, Yuder shook the trembling man's shoulder.

"Compose yourself. We are here to rescue you. What's your name?"

"Me, Me, Melbon Clant...."

The man somehow understood they were there to rescue him. He curled up, whispering his name in a very small voice.

'Melbon Clant?... Melbon... Melbon, huh.'


As he repeated the name, a memory sparked in his mind like a bright flame. The face of the somewhat disoriented servant who had come looking for Prince Ejain while he was walking in the palace garden.

The man Yuder had saved was the same servant he had briefly encountered at that time.

"Do you know the Second Prince of Nelarn?"

"How do you know that!"

The man was taken aback, his head jerking up. Fear and caution clouded his battered, bloodied face.

"I have seen you briefly at the Imperial Palace before. Do you remember?"

"Im...Imperial Palace, you say? My memory is a bit..."

"Would you remember if I say I'm a member of the Cavalry?"

A tremendous sound erupted from behind, where the Eldore siblings were exercising their abilities. At that moment, Melbon gasped, swallowing a groan, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Aha! I remember now! That time, in the garden, when I saw the lost prince...!"


"The Cavalry. I heard we're about to meet with them..."

Despite his stuttering, a look of joy spread across Melbon's face as he repeatedly exclaimed 'Oh my!'

"Yes, that's us. But what on earth has happened here?"

At Yuder's question, Melbon quickly grabbed his hand.

"We encountered assassins on the way! We managed to handle them, but something must have been triggered during the process, and monsters started leaping out of the ground. And, but the prince... Our prince is still over there. Please, save him before me!"

Yuder glanced toward the direction Melbon had pointed. As the Eldore siblings and Nathan fought with what looked like tails sprouting out of the ground, he saw someone struggling to get up in the distance.

'Oh no.'

"Understood. You should go ahead."

Gakane's shadow swiftly approached them. Thinking the shadow was a monster, Melbon screamed. Yuder quickly handed him over to the shadow and turned around.


Ignoring the sound of Melbon flailing in the arms of the mere shadow, Yuder took another leap into the air. As he momentarily hovered, the situation below became clear.

The movements of the people, the attacking monster, and even the current location of Prince Ejain.

'From here it's clear. That monster is undoubtedly attacking by extending its tail from the body hidden underground.'

It was a monster he had faced a few times in his previous life. It wasn't recorded in the monster book because it rarely showed itself. It lived by hunting with its long, sturdy black tail, usually satisfied with plants, and rarely preyed on humans. However, if its body hidden deep underground was provoked, things changed. The body, much smaller and weaker than the tail, was its weakness.

'It seems like Prince Ejain and his party touched where its body was buried while dealing with the assassins.'

In dealing with the monster, one shouldn't focus on the tail. It was crucial to expose the body first and attack it for a swift defeat.

Yuder etched all the information clearly in his mind and stretched his hand downwards.

"Everyone, back off!"

And as he descended, he conjured a massive force.

With a deafening wind noise, his clothes and hair fluttered wildly. The land below, reacting to the power flowing from Yuder's hand, erupted upwards, creating multiple hollows. As soft grass and gentle soil scattered in all directions, someone screamed.

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