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Chapter 234

"What happened last night?"

Kishiar countered with a peculiar expression.

"What's the relevance?"

"Something unusual happened after you suddenly fell asleep yesterday. In fact..."

Yuder was unsure of how Kishiar would take this information, but he continued speaking at a slow pace.

The surge of power that occurred when he had laid his hands on Kishiar to check his condition, the explosion of red energy that resulted, the four powers he had seen clearly like a picture. Recounting all that happened while he was in a half-dazed state was not an easy task.

"…Therefore, after exhausting all my energy, I unknowingly fell asleep."

After finishing his tale, Yuder hesitated for a moment before lowering his head.

"Even though it started from a place of concern, I have no excuse for acting rashly without your permission. I apologize for not telling you as soon as I arrived."

Kishiar was silent for a moment. Yuder could feel his gaze sternly scrutinizing him from above his bowed head.

"Is that the end of it?"

Kishiar asked.

"As far as I remember, yes."

"Are you sure there's nothing more you're not telling me?"




After a moment, Kishiar exhaled deeply. The sound of him leaning back into his chair was audible.

"I see… so that's what happened."

You, me.

His voice was a mix of complex emotions, even in its flatness. Yuder heard this tone for the first time in his two lifetimes. Fighting the urge to look up at his expression, he remained silent, staring down at his knees. Shortly after, Kishiar's voice echoed in his ears once more.

"In reality, there are hardly any true coincidences among all miracles that appear to happen by chance. I had a hunch. Even after verifying it at the palace, I thought there must be a reason all the way back. Whether a real fairy visited, or there was a cause I failed to notice."


The word 'fairy' resonated strangely in Yuder's ears, yet he remained silent, only looking down at his knees.

"So, are the spots truly gone?"

"Excuse me? …Yes, they are."

The subject changed abruptly, catching him off guard. Yuder reflexively responded before blinking his eyes in surprise.

"I find it hard to believe. Give me your hand."

Kishiar extended his hand with an inscrutable expression. Yuder glanced at the hand and slowly clenched his fist.

"If you mean my gloves, I can take them off."

"Isn't that unfair? If you manipulated the energy of a sleeping person without permission, then I should be allowed to do the same."

He didn't understand the logic, but Kishiar gestured for him to hurry up and extend his hand. Yuder eventually reached out his right hand, covered in a black glove, with an awkward movement. Kishiar, holding his hand elegantly with just his thumb and forefinger, proceeded to pull off the glove. His incredibly slow motion felt as intense as a bee's sting.

And finally, the back of his hand, marred by a faint bruise-like stain, was revealed.

"You said they were all gone?"

"I had to use my powers to help with the Sul Division issues earlier, so it seems to have spread a bit."

"I see. So, you used your power there too…"

He felt a piercing gaze on his cheek. The grip on his hand tightened, causing his fingertips to shudder momentarily.

"There was no part of it that wasn't reckless. I don't know what to say."

"...I'm sorry."

"Apologies are not for me to... Never mind. It's done."

Kishiar let out a long sigh. Moments later, a white light began to trickle from the hand he held. Once the gently infused power dissipated without pain, a pristine back of the hand was revealed.


"I've been thinking about what to say... but I can't come up with anything."

Yuder cautiously called him, wondering why he exerted energy even when healing from Lusan would have been enough. But instead of an answer, what came back was a completely different statement. Even after the healing was complete, Kishiar continued to hold his hand and slowly spoke.

"It's surprising to see how much you worried about me. And it's frustrating how you don't take care of yourself no matter how much I say... On the one hand, I also feel a bit anxious. It feels strange deep inside my chest."

“What should I do?” As his mumbling voice lowered, the touch of his long fingers tracing the now clean back of Yuder’s hand also slowed down.

"It's tough."

A very small violet dot, faintly remaining, shivered as if responding to his whisper.

"...You weren't angry, were you?"

Swallowing the eerie sensation, Yuder struggled to open his mouth.


"You mentioned that the early symptoms of the heat period unexpectedly disappeared... Uh."

For a moment, Yuder’s words were cut off as the tip of Kishiar’s finger that was stroking his hand suddenly pressed a little harder on his skin.

"No, that's not something to get angry about. How can I be mad at someone who acted for my sake? Rather..."

As Kishiar continued to speak while looking into his silent eyes, he turned his face as if to hide the naked expression that seemed to have melted away.

"It's unbearable to worry so much."

For a moment, an odd pang of pain brushed past his chest. His crimson gaze skimmed the trace of a spot left on the back of his hand.

"If the same thing happens again as it did last night, would you act the same way without hesitation?"

That wasn't a question. It was more of a certainty. And because his words were right, Yuder couldn't easily respond. As Kishiar narrowed his eyes in the silence, confirming his words were correct.

"Didn't you think it was dangerous?"

"…I thought the chance that might not come again was more important."


With a sigh, Kishiar raised a hand to his eyes. After a few breaths, he revealed his face again.

"Even so, it was too dangerous. Fortunately, nothing happened this time, but if anything had happened, can you imagine what I would have thought? I probably wouldn't have been able to forgive myself for seeking you out in such a way yesterday. Compared to that, what does the disappearance of the symptoms of the heat period that didn't even come matter?"

"No, you can't say that. That's…"

What Yuder wanted to say was towards him who had appeared after tearing his arm. As he was about to answer, a sudden realization came to him.

'... Did he bring out this reaction on purpose?'

It felt like an extension of the conversation they had last night.

Watching him stop in mid-sentence, Kishiar met his gaze as if to say 'Do you understand?' and firmly opened his mouth.

"That's right. It's the same."

He was saying that the resolve Yuder had to face the unknown for him, the origin of that impulse and desire, exists within him as well.

Distractedly, he quickly averted his gaze, and only then did Kishiar let out a faint laugh.

"So don't repeat the same thing until we know more about what happened yesterday. Understand? It seems to be not entirely unrelated to me, so I'll look into it based on the stories you've told me today."


Just as it had been before, there was no winning against Kishiar in a war of words.

But if that red light flowed out of his hand again, and once more connected with another power, if he fell back into that dreamy state, filled with strange certainty and entrancing madness, and got the answer he needed...

Could he really resist that impulse?

Especially if it had something to do with Kishiar...

Yuder looked at his hand, still held by Kishiar, and slightly furrowed his brow.

"But, Commander."


"When will you let go of this hand?"

He wanted to put on his glove slowly, but there was no sign of him releasing his held hand. Every time he slowly stroked it, a ticklish sensation arose, as if every hair on his skin was standing up. When he cautiously asked, Kishiar countered without changing his expression.

"Why? The cycle has passed, so I thought it would be okay to touch the approved part freely... Was that just a throwaway comment?"


It was difficult to respond because he remembered agreeing that it was okay for him to touch, and there was also what happened last night. Watching Kishiar's fingers slowly stroking even the inside of his palm, Yuder gritted his teeth.

'No other way...'

"...No. Please continue."


However, Kishiar, who Yuder thought would happily continue, instead released his hand with a disappointed smile at his reply. The man looked over Yuder's puzzled face and lowered his gaze deeply, pressing down his fine eyebrows.

"I'm getting worse, aren't I?"


He didn't hear well, so he asked again, but Kishiar only smiled and didn't answer.

'...At least he doesn't seem really angry. Should I consider this a blessing?'

Yuder, with a heavy heart, put his glove back on and finally noticed Kishiar's coat that was still next to him. He had been holding it all this time to return it, and he couldn't believe he had forgotten it in this short period.

"I...and I will return this as well."

"Actually, you didn't have to return it right away."

"Weren't you leaving it there for me to bring it back today?"

"There's no reason to. Why would I torment someone who's likely exhausted from staying up most of the night with such cryptic nonsense?"

"Then why..."

When Yuder asked back, surprised by his incorrect guess, Kishiar maintained a brief silence, then smiled with his chin propped up.

"Well... Let's say I just didn't want to leave it behind."

He didn't ask what Kishiar didn't want to leave behind. The intensity in the gaze he met was already hard to ignore, let alone the thirst that gradually grew more intense. Yuder braced his legs and rose from his seat.

"I see. Understood. Then, I will take my leave."

At that, Kishiar also stood. Yuder had assumed Kishiar must have some business to attend to as well, but that wasn't the case.


At the call from behind, which sounded as if it was holding something back, he turned his head reflexively. An approaching hand cupped his cheek. As soon as he tilted his head up guided by the cool touch, Kishiar, bending his body, met his lips in a deep kiss.

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