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Chapter 158

"Why are you the one to make that judgment?"

Interrupting mid-sentence, the gaze of Crown Prince Katchian appeared serenely calm on the surface, yet held a chilly depth.

"Did I ever say you could?"

"N-no, Your Highness."

"I've known all along that you listen more to Duke Diarca's words than mine. But I didn't realize you were foolish enough to think your opinion superior to your master's."

Listening to the Crown Prince's low, murmuring words, a chill ran down the spine of the servant. The Crown Prince's face betrayed no anger.

"No, Your Highness. You misunderstand. I exist to serve you and only you. Why would you say such a thing?"

"Is that so? Then, are you saying your action of dealing with matters without informing me, who had issued the command, is merely a misunderstanding and not a sign of your disregard for me?"

"Absolutely not. From the moment you first entered the palace, I've faithfully stood by your side. Please don't doubt my loyalty."

Hearing the servant's words, Katchian was silent for a while. This was the first time the servant had encountered such a situation since serving the Crown Prince, causing him to feel rather flustered. The majority of those serving Katchian were appointed by Duke Diarca, but until now, that fact had never been a problem.

The Crown Prince, a calm and insightful boy, had always respected the opinion of Duke Diarca, who had placed him in his current position. He had never significantly rebelled against the duke's words. But what could have prompted him to speak this way now?

'Could it be because of the discomfort he's felt throughout the festival period....'

Duke Diarca had confidently expected to land a blow on Duke Peletta and his Cavalry during the festival, but he had not succeeded even once until this day. This failure had created an awkward tension between the duke and the prince for the first time, which in turn had led to the presence of only their third child and Kiolle at today's party.

It was enough for the still young prince to grow discontent with the capabilities of the Diarca household and decide to take matters into his own hands.

'If His Highness intends to draw a line and warn Duke Diarca, how should I report this matter to the Duke....'

As if reading the flurry of thoughts racing through the startled servant's mind, Prince Katchian remained silent for a long while. Only when beads of cold sweat began to stream down the servant's bowed back did the prince finally respond in his usual tone.

"I’ll let this one slide."

"Th-thank you, Your Highness."

"Act as befits your station and spare me your unnecessary thoughts. Do not give me a reason to doubt you."

"Of course, Your Highness. I promise I won't repeat such a foolish mistake."


After saying this, Crown Prince Katchian changed the atmosphere and issued a new command.

"Reduce the personnel searching for the assassin to a minimum and focus on pursuing Duke Peletta. He has abruptly slipped away; he must have an objective."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"And... the man I asked Duke Diarca to look into after the parade incident on the first day of the festival. I didn't see him today."

"My apologies, Your Highness. Could you clarify who you mean..."

"The Cavalry member who took care of the assassin in place of Duke Peletta."

"Ah, yes. I remember now."

Though he had spoken, the events of that day remained a faint memory in the servant's mind. There was indeed a Cavalry member who Prince Katchian had abruptly ordered to be investigated, immediately following the shocking event when the assassins ambitiously prepared by Duke Diarca all failed miserably. However, Duke Diarca did not take Katchian's words too seriously, acknowledging them superficially and subsequently conducting no investigation.

Prince Katchian also remained silent, and it was thought that he had forgotten about it due to the increasing tension with Duke Diarca. But, apparently, this was not the case.

"If the entire Cavalry has arrived today, he surely would have come as well. Was anyone missing?"

"Everyone is accounted for, as far as I'm aware."

Prince Katchian turned his gaze around, scanning the various clusters of people scattered throughout the vast hall. They were the Cavalry members, all dressed in identical white formal attire.

"I could have misremembered his face, it was such a brief encounter... but I can't help but be concerned. I was rather curious to see him again today."


Upon hearing the servant's confused murmuring, a trace of annoyance flickered across Katchian's face.

"That's enough. Go ahead and start the tasks I've ordered immediately."


With a hint of fear that the prince might detain him again to say something, the servant hastily retreated as if his tail was on fire. Left alone, Prince Katchian calmly returned to the other nobles and took a seat next to the fatigued Empress.

Although she was pretending otherwise, he could feel the Empress's discomfort towards him, but he could easily ignore such minor irritations.

'She will have nowhere to go once the Emperor dies soon.'

Despite being part of the most prestigious imperial family of the Orr Empire, both the Empress, infamous for her weak blood as a lowborn from the Herne Duchy, and Prince Katchian, an adoptive child brought up from the Diarca family, were like outsiders brought in from elsewhere.

As the childless Empress, rendered so by the barren Emperor, he could well imagine the anxiety she must feel every time she saw him. That's why Katchian felt a minor sense of relief whenever he looked at her.

Always appearing alone in the official ceremonies on behalf of the Emperor, then retiring, the Empress was like a living proof of Katchian's bright future.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince! You have arrived."

Facing the nobles feigning concern about his near-assassination, the young Crown Prince offered a gentle smile.



Meanwhile, Gakane, who had been unable to enter the hall and was catching his breath, suddenly saw the towering figure stepping out and hastily rose to his feet. The tall Kishiar, who had been striding along, his numerous jewels clashing and ringing, stopped in his tracks upon seeing Gakane.

The eerie feeling he had earlier tried to resurface at the sight of Kishiar, but Gakane forcefully swallowed it down. At first glance, Kishiar did not look much different than usual.

"Commander, where are you heading to?"

"You're the one to talk. Why are you here all alone?"

"I am..."

Struggling to find the right words, Gakane finally remembered the letter from Lenore tucked away in his possession and quickly pulled it out.

"I was feeling a bit stifled, so I stepped outside for a moment and received this."

"A letter, you say?"

"The deceased Lenore Shand Apeto had left it to a servant, saying he wished to entrust it to Prince Revlin. After the servant delivered it and requested protection, I provisionally agreed and received it."

Usually, Kishiar would have responded immediately, but he merely looked at the piece of paper without saying a word.


Upon hearing Gakane's cautious call, Kishiar took a deep breath, closed his eyes, then opened them again.

"Be careful with that letter. It has a bad odor."


"When you return, send it directly to my office. Also, if you return to the hall, could you find Ever Beck or Steiber Rendley and ask them to oversee the Cavalry’s return on my behalf?"

"Oversee the return? Then, Commander, you..."

"I need to dine with His Majesty the Emperor today, so I may stay a bit longer. I had previously arranged this, so the assistant and Deputy Commanders are already informed. Just relay my message, and they will handle it. Don't worry."


Before Gakane knew it, Kishiar was back to his impeccable Commander-like demeanor as if his earlier strange behavior was a lie.

"Normally, I should personally order the return, but now… an unexpected matter has arisen."

"An unexpected matter, you say..."

"Could you handle it for me?"

Instead of answering the question, Kishiar issued an order. Gakane was slightly worried, but he nodded in response.

"Certainly. Then, Commander, do we send all the troops back without leaving anyone to accompany you?"


Kishiar, who had turned around again, gave a curt reply and looked somewhere. Following his gaze, Gakane saw a few groups of soldiers walking beyond the corridor. Judging by their scanning of the surroundings, it seemed they were investigating the death of Lenore.

Watching them quietly, Kishiar opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Asistant, Yuder Aile will stay. Don't worry."

Upon hearing Yuder's name, Gakane recalled that he had not seen him in the party hall for a while.

'Did the Commander send him on an errand beforehand?'

"Then, I'll leave it to you."

As soon as Kishiar finished his last words, he immediately turned around and disappeared. Only after his figure had disappeared to the end of the corridor did Gakane realize what the strange atmosphere he felt from Kishiar was.

'Ah. I see.'

It was anxiety. Kishiar, unlike his usual self, had briefly revealed a hint of restlessness.

Why would the Commander, who always maintained a smile and poise in any situation, abruptly leave the hall in such a way? Although Kishiar, a member of the imperial family, would not be in danger moving alone in the imperial palace, Gakane couldn't help but worry, having seen his unusual behavior. However, as a Cavalry member, Gakane knew that carrying out the task the Commander had entrusted to him was a priority.

He put the letter back in his pocket and took out his identity badge.

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