Tunnel Rat

Chapter 66: Herald

The Brood-Mother wasn't going to be winning any races, Milo thought. He watched as she slowly moved through the cave they were in. One leg took a step, braced her huge body, then a leg on the opposite side. After several steps a point was reached where the weight shifted to a new set of legs and she moved forward. She bent forward, her head went to the floor, and her huge mouth gouged out a boulder's worth of stone that she chewed and swallowed. Then back to moving. Twelve steps by twelve legs, advance a few yards, and then chew some stone.

One leg, in particular, got larger and larger, and then with a 'crack', a large piece of stony armor fell off the leg, and stood up on its own. The immature stone lurker followed along, joined now and then by another until a dozen of them suddenly began moving down the tunnel system toward the town. They weren't fast, but many times quicker than their mother.

Shifty grunted in disgust, then whispered. "She's sending out scouts, or soldiers to fight. Probably knows when they die, so she sends more. All they cost her is rock and time."

Milo agreed. "If the miners and rangers weren't killing them, she'd have an army by now."

Shifty looked again at the massive stone monster. "As if it needs an army. But you're right. So what's the plan? We've sat and watched for a while. Are you thinking of trying to distract her or do you have some secret Engineer plan to take her out?"

"I have a plan. Maybe not a great one. And already put one part of it in motion. But I think I just might try and see if I can distract her for a few minutes, and test out some ideas. I need to know how she moves to make my plan have a chance at working. Something that slow I should be able to avoid easily." Milo took off his pack and prepared to move up behind the monster.

"What do you need me to do?" Shifty said in a slightly hesitant voice.

Milo nodded at him. "You have the important part of yelling out warnings, and watching my back."

Shifty nodded. "Got it, boss, I'll watch your back. I'm good at that."

Vary had run as if all the ghosts of his ancestors were urging him on. And maybe some of them were. He slowed up as he got close to where he expected to find the Engineers, shifting his gait into the half-run that he'd been trained in to regain some breath. No one wanted to have a messenger run up and not be able to give a coherent report. Just as he was coming in sight of the camp, he sped back up to a run for a good-looking finish.

"I need to talk to the Senior Engineer." Several dwarves pointed and a couple yelled back to the crowd. Vary quickly found Two-Screws and Throttlecog who were trying to get some point across to a group of rangers. He pushed his way through using surprise and elbows to get to the front of the crowd.

"I've got a report from Senior Engineer Milo!"

Anyone upset at getting an elbow to the ribs stifled their complaint. One old miner yelled, "Give the runner some room, he's got a report."

Throttlecog looked over at him and then paused for a second. "Give us your report, Apprentice Engineer Varyhold." He smiled at the young dwarf. "We'll be having a bit of a talk later. What's Milo got to tell us?"

"We found the big lurker. It's more than just a brood-mother. It's a World Boss named Uthneragrubban.

Low murmurs and a few cries of astonishment came from the crowd. Two-Screws gave a long, low, whistle. "Well, that changes things quite a bit. Milo got a good identification on it?"

"No sir. Too high a level for him or me. But Corporal Shifty has a keen eye and high perception. He got a good identification of her. Oh...I should just share this?"

Throttlecog nodded. "Might as well, son. Nothing good ever came of holding back info about a critter from the people that have to fight it."


"Here it is, sir. Milo...uh, Senior Engineer Milo, that is, says we need to fight it far away from here. He's worried it can trigger a quake if it starts burrowing up." The information appeared to anyone nearby as Vary shared the monster's information with them. Burnock had just reached the group after hearing that a runner had come in. He paled at the revelation of what they were fighting but stifled the fear with anger.

"He can say whatever he likes, but Milo isn't in charge. I am, and I say that we aren't moving from this spot. We have resupply from the city and can get the wounded up to healers. I've got a hospital being set up in the guild hall."

His voice rang out with authority and the deep-rooted knowledge that he was right. The crowd shifted uneasily, but no one said anything that put his authority in doubt, until a gruff voice that was used to being heard over the loudest of machines called out.

"Not as of now, you aren't. This emergency supersedes Clan and Guild politics. The mines and city are in danger. This is now an Engineering Operation and every last one of you is drafted!"

Throttlecog's voice rang out loud and clear. It had a commanding quality that swept away any doubts and gave the miners some hope.

You might be reading a stolen copy. Visit Royal Road for the authentic version.

"Captain Burnock, get your rangers organized and let’s get the supplies loaded in carts and move the camp. Good job, by the way, sending your corporal. He got us critical information on our enemy. MinerDarnfeld, you just got promoted to Captain of the Miners. Get moving, head up the tunnels, and link up with Senior Engineer Milo. Take out any little ones along the way, they seem to be getting thinner. Vary, you lead the way for them."

Vary looked a bit nervous. "Sir, is it alright if I catch up? I have one more message to deliver for Milo."

Throttlecog narrowed one eye. "He doesn't want more cheese, does he?"

Vary shook his head. "No sir, he has a plan to get reinforcements."

Two-Screws chuckled. "Of course, he does. Go on, get on with delivering your message, and then catch up with Darnfeld."

Vary ran off looking for the human healer.

Belinda found herself racing up the stairs and ladders as she climbed out of the mines and reached the bottom of the Guild Hall. From there she pushed past anyone in her way until she got to the main hall. She paused then, looking around for an adventurer she knew who had a much louder voice than hers. She was just a junior healer in her guild, without a lot of friends. If she was going to get the word out, she'd need help.

"You got a problem, missy? You're staring around my Guild Hall like you need to say something. Plus, you're dirty, and tracking in mud. How many times do I have to tell you adventurers to wipe your feet?!" The speaker was the halfling at the big desk. Belinda remembered he was from the Horntoe clan, but couldn't remember his name. But he did have a loud voice.

"I've got a quest to give out, Mr. Horntoe, an important one!" As she started talking, she gained confidence. It was an important quest, and Milo had trusted her with getting it done!

The halfing rolled his eyes. "Sure you do. And I have Quest Request Forms you can fill out, pay the fee, and I'll post it on the boards. That's how things work around here."

Belinda took two steps towards him. "No, you don't understand...

"No, you don't understand!" Bernard was getting agitated, his second lunch had been interrupted, and the last thing he needed to deal with was an excited human. They always got too excited about things and then they got crazy. Sure enough, the human in front of him started acting crazy and shouting.

"Damn you! Listen to me! Uthneragrubban is coming! It's a gigantic Stone Lurker that breeds armies of lurkers. She's a World Boss! Milo thinks it might cause an earthquake and destroy the city. The Deep Rock Engineers are trying to stop it along with the dwarf rangers and the miners. We need help! We need every adventurer in the city!"

She paused, panting, and staring at him. A few adventurers and citizens of the city looked over to where Bernard was in a heated argument with a pretty young human.

Bernard took a deep breath. "Engineers? World Boss? Slow down, you're getting yourself worked up. Let's just...



The City of Shadowport is in Grave Peril! The first of the great World Bosses has appeared. (And way ahead of schedule!).

Uthneragrubban,Brood Mother of the Stone Lurkers, The Breaker of Heroes, and The Earth Shatterer is advancing upon the city. If she reaches the end of the caverns, she may well destroy the city with her stone-rending might!

The Ancient Guild of Deep Rock Engineers calls for all Brave Adventurers to join them in their quest to destroy this powerful creature!

Glory, Experience, and Uber Loot await the Victorious Heroes who stop this Legendary creature from the Deep Dark.]



Bernard looked shocked at first, but then shrugged and said. "Well, shit, guess that's how stuff works around here now. I'll get my spear and magic helmet and join up." He reached behind the desk, grabbed a pack, and put it on, along with a shiny gold helmet. Then he tossed a large white bag to Belinda. "Take this. Guild Hall first aid kit. It's a lot bigger on the inside than the outside."

Then he stood on the desk and yelled in a surprisingly loud voice for such a small humanoid. "You idiots saw the announcement! Get your asses in gear and follow the lovely Belinda and me down to the mines. We've got a World Boss to kill!"

Belinda reached into the magical first-aid kit. It was a portable hospital packed into a dimensional storage device. She'd heard of such things, but they were incredibly rare. And never this big. She pulled out a Hefty Mana Potion of Refreshment and downed it, instantly replenishing her mana and stamina. Then she was surprised by a system message.

[Message Delivered!

You have alerted the authorities of the lurking menace beneath them and the call for aid has gone out.

You receive 10 Enhancement Points and 500 Boss Experience Points.

New Ability: Raid Leader (CHA)

Someone has to herd the cats and do the paperwork. Welcome to the Glory of Management.]


Adventurers were pouring into the guild hall at a run. Belinda and Bernard led them downward to the impending battle.

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