True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 352 Andriya Vs Delviny

Delviny stood tall atop the fortified wall, her gaze piercing through the hazy distance. Her eyes squinted, trying to discern the source of the dark aura steadily approaching their once peaceful kingdom.

"This is strange! Is it a natural phenomenon?"

But she had to quickly swallow her words, her heart pounded in her chest as recognition struck her like a bolt of lightning. It was none other than Andriya, the notorious empress of the empire, who is also a necromancer that savagely attacked her beloved brother in the past, but escaped because of their incompetence.

With a resolute expression, Delviny's voice rang out with authority.

"Quickly! To the safety of the kingdom! Close the gates and prepare the defences! Ready the cannons with magical projectiles and arm the archers with their sharpest arrows! Quick! This is not a drill, ring the bell,"

The townsfolk scattered in a frenzied rush, heeding Delviny's urgent command. Fear and determination filled their eyes as they scurried to the sanctuary of the sturdy walls. They knew the impending danger, and they understood that their lives depended on their swift actions.

It took them a considerable amount of time to get ready, as the last of the townsfolk disappeared behind the gates, Delviny's mind raced with thoughts of her brother, Velian.

She knew that relying solely on him for protection wasn't her style. Either way, she had to let him know what was happening but still, she was determined to face this threat all alone.

She clenched her fists, determination etched into every line of her face. It was time for her to step up, to take the reins of leadership and protect her kingdom and their home, which will be filled with happiness.

With a deep breath, Delviny assumed the role of commander, her voice projecting strength and resilience.

"Archers, take your positions! Mages, channel your magic into the cannons! We must hold this darkness at bay! Do not falter! For our kingdom!"

The archers swiftly found their spots, their arrows nocked and ready. The mages harnessed their arcane energies, infusing the cannons with powerful magical spells. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the defenders awaited the imminent clash.

"Don't shoot until I order,"

ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm Delviny's mind raced, strategizing with every fibre of her being. She couldn't afford to let doubt cloud her thoughts. Andriya was a formidable foe, but she refused to let her kingdom fall under the shadow of the necromancer's malevolent influence.

She was also the woman, that ordered their assassination which gave her brother the scar, which she hated so much because it showed how much pain she brought to him.

"Andriya, you will pay for what you did, I don't care even if you're the devil, I will take your head and feed it to your son," Delviny clenched her hands in anger muttering those words giving chills to those who surrounded her.

As the dark aura drew closer, Delviny's eyes locked onto her approaching adversary. A mix of fury and determination burned within her gaze. She couldn't let Andriya harm anyone else she held dear.

"Prepare to unleash your magic upon that abomination!" Delviny bellowed, her voice carrying across the battlements. "We fight for our loved ones, for our land! We fight for justice and the light that still remains! Protect our home,"

The defenders braced themselves, their resolve firm. The cannons glowed with pulsating energy, ready to release their devastating payload. The archers stood tall, their bows taut, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Delviny clutched her weapon tightly, her heart pounding with adrenaline. With a final rallying cry, she ordered the attack, leading the charge against the encroaching darkness.

"Attack! Attack! Don't leave that woman alive, blow her up, mess her up," Delviny shouted and waited for the dust to clear up for a clear view.

But in front of her were the corpses of the zombie-looking monsters, and the corpse she wanted to see so badly wasn't there.

"What happened? Where did she go? Did anyone see what happened?" Delviny questioned, but then she suddenly felt a hard weight on her body.

"Hello! My stepdaughter, having fun? May I join you?" It was a familiar voice for Delviny, but at the same time, she hated it.

She hated that voice from the bottom of her heart, that she actually felt her blood boiling from the fiery mana inside her and suddenly her whole body blew up like an explosion causing Andriya to fall back.

"Ohhh~ how scary, both brother and sister are really annoying," She muttered and looked at the two demon-looking individual that landed next to her.

"Deal with small fries, and you stay with me," As soon as she ordered, they quickly acted upon her orders like empty vessels.

"Your name is Delviny, right? I remember you are that cheeky bray who always use to go against my idiotic son," Andriya asked with no harm in her voice.

But Delviny's face disfigured as the past memories came into her mind, as soon as she said those words.

"So what if I am?"

"Ah no! I just wanted to warn you Delviny, you can't beat me, I'm a competitor, you're just too weak to deal with me and look," Then she suddenly pointed at the goblin-looking person with wings on its back.

"This person is also a competitor, that tried to attack me, but guess what? I killed it and made it my servant. Apparently, it is an Imp,"

Delviny eyes twitched at her words because she could deal with one parasite as long as it won't try to consume her, but what if two of them appear. She could only rely on the stones that Velian, left but right now she had only one of them.

'Which one should I attack first? Andriya is a necromancer so as long as I don't die, she's no harm to me, so the obvious option is this other demon'

Delviny thought, but she got disturbed by Andriya's words, which caused her anger to reach the level of her limit of patience.

"Little bitch! Bring your handsome brother, I want to show him a good time, but he might die from the pleasure, bring him, you're just a little ant, don't even try to attack me," Andriya said with pride in her voice.

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