True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 331 Daphnia Object

The sky was tinged with a fiery orange as the morning sun began to rise with its warm flow enlighting everyone's life, and casting long shadows over the Union of Dukas.

Velian, his face etched with anger, paced back and forth, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance. His mother, Daphnia, lay on a nearby bed, her face looking much better than before and determined. Kyla, a trusted ally and a student of Daphnia, observed the tense scene, her usually bright eyes clouded with concern.

"They must pay for what they've done!" Velian seethed, his voice laced with bitterness. "They're hiding something demonic, Kyla. I can feel it. And it's because of them that my mother is injured! Just because I don't want to harm common people, they think they can play with me,"

"I decided. I will massacre every single one of them, and tomorrow night, this whole city will be on fire," Velian said and tried to leave, but Daphnia suddenly caught Velian by his hands.

Daphnia, her voice weak but filled with compassion, interjected,

"Velian, my dear, we cannot become the very thing we fight against. We cannot unleash darkness upon darkness. There's more at stake here than revenge."

Velian's eyes narrowed, and his fists clenched.

"But they've hurt you, Mother! They've taken away your strength, and you're wounded because of them. How can you defend them?"

Daphnia's voice wavered with both love and authority.

"Because I raised you to be better than that, Veli. Violence only breeds more violence. If we mindlessly kill these people now, they will hold hatred toward us and in future, it might affect our kingdom,"

"We are protectors of light, of hope. Our purpose is to vanquish the darkness, not to become it. You should know more than anyone about the pain of losing someone important, don't you think it's bad for us to let others go through the same thing?"

Kyla stepped forward, her voice gentle but firm. "Velian, I understand your anger but the teacher is right. We must find another way, a way that doesn't involve massacring innocent people. We can't let our emotions blind us."

Velian's shoulders slumped, and he dropped to his knees beside his mother's bed. His eyes filled with confusion, reflecting a mixture of frustration and helplessness.

"I don't know what to do, Mother. I can't bear the thought of losing you. Without you, I'm lost."

Daphnia reached out, placing a tender hand on Velian's cheek.

"You are strong, my son. Stronger than you realize. Stronger than anyone. We will find a way together. But first, you must calm your heart and clear your mind. Only then can we find the path that leads to victory without sacrificing our principles?"

A silence enveloped the room, broken only by the faint rustling of leaves outside. Velian took a deep breath, his voice trembling but determined.

"I will try, Mother. For you, for us. I will find the strength within me to fight the demons without becoming one myself."

Daphnia's eyes softened, a loving smile gracing her weary face.

"That's my boy. Remember, love and compassion are the true weapons against darkness. Let them guide your actions."

Velian just shrugged his shoulders. And thinking about something else he can do to arouse confusion in this kingdom. ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"It's only lives, that I can't damage, so I will destroy all the important landmarks of this kingdom and give a warning to the higher-ups, let's see how they react," Velian thought and looked at Daphnia, and seeing no injection from her, he decided to go along with that plan.

"As long as you don't kill pointlessly, I'm okay with that," She said and started channelling her mana again, so she can repair all the damages.

While Velian crept through the dimly lit corridors of the building, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He had managed to convince Daphnia to permit him to carry out his audacious plan.

The destruction of the landmarks—the guild office, the general store for the noble class, and the barracks of the Union of Dukas—would be a decisive blow to the royals as well as the darkness that is hiding behind this city that had plagued the land for far too long.

His footsteps were soft, barely making a sound against the cold, stone floor. Velian's mind raced with thoughts of the lives that would be impacted by his actions, the lives that could be freed from the shackles of darkness.

He knew the risks were great, but the reward of truth was worth every sacrifice.

Reaching the rooftop, Velian surveyed the darkened city below. He closed his eyes, centring himself, and focused on the dormant power within him. With a whispered incantation, he called upon the mana that resided in his very being.

"Levitation," he chanted softly, feeling the energy surge through him. His feet left the ground, and he rose steadily into the night sky. Higher and higher he ascended, the city shrinking beneath him until it resembled a miniature model in his mind's eye.

As he reached the zenith of his levitation, Velian's eyes opened, their irises glowing with intense, golden light. He extended his hands before him, palms facing the targeted buildings. The air crackled with raw power, and the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble under his command.

"Velian," a voice echoed in his mind, gentle yet urgent. It was Daphnia, her voice filled with concern about his decision.

"Are you sure about this? The consequences could be dire."

"I understand the risks, Mother," Velian replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "But this is the only way to bring them out of their rabbit holes."

Silence lingered for a moment before Daphnia's voice resonated once more.

ραпdα- n૦νe|`c,0m "Very well, Velian. No matter what I will be on your side,"

With those words, Velian's resolve solidified. He focused all his energy, all his willpower, into a single, devastating spell. The incantation danced upon his lips, each syllable infused with his copious mana and determination.

"Decimate!" he roared, his voice reverberating through the night.

A blinding white light erupted from his outstretched hands, tearing through the darkness and hurtling towards the targeted buildings below.

The impact was cataclysmic. A thunderous explosion ripped through the air, consuming the guild office, the general store, and the barracks in a maelstrom of destruction. Flames engulfed the structures, reducing them to nothing more than smouldering ruins.

Velian watched from his vantage point high above, a mix of awe and sorrow washing over him. He knew that his actions would have far-reaching consequences, but he also knew that the time for change had come. Until now, he was defensive, but now he decided to be offensive.

As the smoke billowed and the fires raged below, Velian descended back to the ground, his mind filled with the weight of what he had done. The path ahead was uncertain, but he had taken the first step towards a future where they would have the last laugh.

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