Velian and his group members raced through the bustling streets of the Union, their eyes fixed on the woman who had attacked them during the tournament.

Velian still couldn't believe they were lucky enough to find a clue this early and that woman was one of his mortal enemies.

"Chase her! Don't let her escape, she's the woman from the blazing sun group, the one who escaped," Velian shouted at his group members.

The sound of their footsteps echoed in harmony with their determined hearts, driving them forward in pursuit. The woman's face was etched with fear, her every movement betraying the desperation that consumed her.

"Quickly! Don't let her escape!" Velian shouted, his voice carrying a mixture of anger and determination. His companions, a formidable group of adventurers and Daphnia, heeded his command and redoubled their efforts. With each stride, they closed the gap between them and their target.

The woman darted through narrow alleyways, zigzagging in an attempt to shake off her pursuers. Yet, Velian's keen eyes never lost sight of her. His agile form effortlessly navigated the labyrinthine streets, an embodiment of grace and precision.

"Stop running!" one of Velian's companions called out, her voice laced with impatience. "You won't get away!"

That companion was none other than Kyla, who was running like a wild tiger with how her legs worked. She was the fastest one after Velian, which was quite surprising since Daphnia was the one who is supposed to be fast after Velian considering her rank.

But the woman's resolve remained unbroken, her fear only fueling her determination to escape. With every passing moment, her breath grew ragged, and the desperation in her eyes deepened.

Seeing an opportunity, Velian summoned the power of the wind, channelling it into his spell. A shimmering gust of air fused around his palm, forming a deadly wind blade. With a swift motion, he unleashed it, aiming for the woman's leg. The blade sliced through the air, finding its mark and causing her to stumble, a cry of pain escaping her lips.

"Kuuh! Damn, it hurts, leave me alone," She shouted, as she fell on the floor with her head hitting a garbage bin.

Time seemed to slow as Velian closed in on the wounded woman, his eyes burning with a mixture of anger and resolve. He reached out, his hand closing around her arm in a vice-like grip.

"You thought you could attack us and get away?" Velian's voice was filled with righteous fury, his words carrying the weight of the injustice they had suffered. "You will answer for your actions."

The woman's face twisted in pain, yet her eyes held a flicker of defiance. "You... you don't understand," she gasped, her voice strained. "There's more at stake than you realize."

Velian's grip tightened, his patience wearing thin. "Explain yourself then. Why attack us? What do you seek? Who is that woman? Tell me everything,"

The woman's gaze darted between Velian and his companions, her expression filled with conflict. "I... I cannot... not here, nowhere is safe in this kingdom, you don't understand," she managed to utter before collapsing to her knees, weakened by the wound inflicted upon her.

Velian's group members surrounded the fallen woman, their swords at the ready. But Velian's gaze remained locked on her, his mind racing with questions. Who was she? What secrets did she hold? And what was the true purpose behind her attack? And why does she look scared more than them?

The chase had ended, but the true journey was just beginning, a tangled web of intrigue and danger awaiting them all.

Velian carried the woman and entered a building that looked like it was abandoned.

And he tied her up onto a chair, without letting her move so he can torture her while questioning her.

After doing that, he sprinkled some water on her face and gave her a few slaps, helping her gain consciousness again.

Velian approached her, his gaze hardened but his voice laced with an undercurrent of determination. "You have a choice now," he declared, his voice commanding. "Cooperate, and we may yet find a resolution together. Resist, and suffer the consequences."

The woman swallowed hard, her body trembling against the restraints. "What... What do you want to know?" she asked, her voice quivering with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Velian circled around her, his eyes scrutinizing her every move. "Tell us about the strange parasite that granted you power," he demanded, his voice cutting through the room like a blade. "And how does the Union fit into this tangled web of deceit? And the true identity of that woman whom you reduced from us?"

The woman hesitated, her gaze shifting from Velian to the group of warriors who surrounded her, their swords ready to strike.

Velian noticed this and brought his sword close to her neck and poked it lightly making a small wound on her neck.

"Next will be a full penetration, tell right now," In a stern voice, he said and slapped her chair.

"It's... It's some kind of a cell parasite," she confessed, her voice laden with a mixture of bitterness and resignation. "A parasite that bonds with its host, granting extraordinary abilities. But it comes at a terrible cost."

Velian's eyes narrowed, his curiosity piqued. "And what is this cost?" he pressed, his voice edged with a sense of urgency.

"The parasite consumes its host if the required conditions are not satisfied," she revealed, her voice laden with a tinge of sorrow. "It feeds on their life force, slowly draining them until nothing remains."

"What are the conditions?"

"We just have to kill other cell holders and cause chaos on the land, and the remaining twelve will fight each other at the same time and the winner will be able to make one of their wishes come true no matter what it is,"

A hushed silence fell upon the room as Velian and his companions absorbed the gravity of her words. The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their pursuit of justice.

"But why attack us in the tournament?" Velian inquired, his voice tinged with both anger and confusion. "And what does the Union have to do with all of this?"

The woman's eyes flickered with a mixture of guilt and desperation. "The Union... they have their reasons," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "They seek to control the power of the cells, to use it as a weapon against their enemies. At least that's what I heard, I don't know about much,"

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