True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 319 Enemy Commander

Velian and his group followed Jaosn, so they won't have to waste any more time with questions. They really wanted to leave because the fire of revenge was burning inside all of them, but Velian decided to abide by Daphnia's words and wait for a little bit.

"Sometimes information will help us in a way that we can't even expect so let's just take it slowly without rushing," Her words were wise, but Velian couldn't help hit doubt because how can this weak kingdom have more information than them? He knew this will probably be useless.

"Isn't it sad scenery, this city used to be bustling with crowds and people," While walking along the road, Jason muttered those words looking at the road and buildings that looked like they were haunted.

"Yeah, I don't care," Velian muttered under his breath, but Daphnia decided to listen to his story.

"So how did this happen? Is it simply because of that killer?" Daphnia asked to which, Jason looked at her with a stare.

"No! There's a bigger reason, I'm surprised you don't know why this happened to our kingdom," Jason said and looked at Kyla.

As they strode through the bustling streets, the weight of bitterness hung heavily in the air. Jason, a gallant warrior known for his fierce loyalty, could hardly contain his frustration. Clenching his fist tightly, he muttered through gritted teeth, his voice laced with anger and resentment.

"All of this because that wretched new kingdom stole our merchants and all the other investors. We couldn't even win our first offence attack, so who would want to remain with such an incompetent kingdom?"

Walking beside Jason, Velian concealed his true identity, a cunning smile playing at the corners of his lips. Little did Jason know, the very person he ranted about was standing right beside him. Velian, the enigmatic king of the victorious kingdom, had chosen to go undercover, relishing the opportunity to witness firsthand the consequences of his kingdom's triumph. Inwardly, he delighted in the irony of the situation, amused by Jason's ignorance.

Unable to contain his amusement any longer, Velian let out a hearty laugh, his voice echoing through the streets. The sound reverberated, drawing the attention of passersby, who couldn't help but wonder at the joviality of the two men and thus group. Jason turned towards Velian, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"What's so funny?" Jason questioned, his voice tinged with annoyance at Velian's apparent amusement in the face of their recent defeat.

Velian's laughter subsided, though a twinkle remained in his eyes as he replied, his voice dripping with a hint of mockery,

"Oh, my dear Jason. If only you knew who stands beside you, sharing in your frustration. If only you realized that the one you accuse of theft and incompetence is none other than the very person you address as 'wretched'."

A mixture of shock and disbelief washed over Jason's face as he stared at Velian, attempting to process the revelation. His words stumbled as he tried to articulate a response, but before he could form a coherent sentence, Velian continued, his tone sly and taunting.

"Let us continue to the commander's headquarters, dear commander," Velian suggested, gesturing forward.

"Perhaps there, you will find some solace in realizing that the victor you so ardently despise is much closer than you think."

Jason couldn't even believe what he was hearing. For a minute, he had to doubt whether he was being sarcastic or trying to do something to rile him up, but upon taking a closer look he realised something.

"That hair I heard so much about and handsome face, so you are the new king they speak of," Jason asked, but Velian didn't bother to answer.

Silent and astounded, Jason followed Velian's lead, his footsteps heavy with newfound knowledge.

Unbeknownst to him, his every word and gesture was being observed by the very person responsible for his kingdom's downfall. As they made their commander's headquarters, Velian relished in the irony of the situation, his laughter echoing within him.

"No need to be so wary, if I wanted to escape or kill all of you, I could do it even though you're already using assassins to follow me," Pointing at the roof of a random building, Velian said which caused Jason's face to show surprise.

"Ohhh~ so you noticed, as expected of the king that defeated us," He said and decided to battle since he is their enemy.

"I told you don't bother with fighting, you will die, let's go, I want to meet your king," Daphnia didn't know why he suddenly decided to reveal their identity, but she knew with his power nobody will be able to challenge him unless it is something abnormal like those parasites.

Kyla sighed and follow Velian hoping, they would be able to come to a discussion without any bloody battle.

And a flicker of surprise danced across Jason's face, momentarily masking his anger and confusion. He pondered Velian's proposition, realizing the gravity of the situation. A chance to bring forth their grievances and seek resolution through dialogue with the very source of their discontent—an opportunity not to be taken lightly.

"Very well," Jason replied, his voice firm, yet tinged with a newfound sense of purpose. "If it is an audience with our king you seek, then I shall lead you there. But tread carefully, for our king is a formidable figure, wise and discerning."

Velian nodded appreciatively, his countenance betraying a hint of curiosity. "I am eager to meet this king of yours," he responded, his voice filled with hidden amusement. "Lead the way, Jason, and let us see if the ruler of your kingdom possesses the qualities worthy of resolving this conflict."

Resolute, Jason gestured for Velian to follow, his steps purposeful as they made their way through the labyrinthine corridors of the castle.

Whispers trailed behind them, as the news of their unexpected guests spread like wildfire through the palace.

The main reason for this being the commander wanting to meet the king for the first time without any invitation.

As they reached the doors of the grand throne room, Jason paused, his hand resting on the ornate handle. He turned to face Velian, his eyes filled with a mixture of apprehension and determination.

"I hope you won't start another war," He left those words with Velian before opening the huge door.

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