True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 294 Tournament XXIV - Result

Hours turned into days, and still, Velian always visited Hannah after that day to experiment on her and find something that would be useful to them.

The woman who wanted to prey on Velian and suck his life to make him a slave was unable to even go against him for a single second as he burned her body every time she disobeyed.

Hannah's once-beautiful face was now gaunt and hollow, her eyes sunken and lifeless. The mages had extracted vial after vial of her blood, hoping to find some weakness they could exploit.

Velian had to knock some sense into both Elda and Sariya during these days, hoping they would be a little bit more cruel and selfish instead of being naive.

The tournament went smoothly without anything major happening until the semi-final rounds started leaving only ten participants out of the hundreds they had. In this round, Amos was supposed to be fighting with the leader of the Blazing Sun group.

Delviny was supposed to fight with the female member of the Blazing Sun group, but for some reason, she purposely withdrew from her match sending Delviny into finals automatically.

When Delviny and Juno returned to see how Hannah is doing, they were horrified at what they saw.

"Velian, what have you done?" Juno whispered, with her face in pure disgust.

"Ugh~ how can you even stay there? She looks disgusting," Delviny also muttered looking at the woman in front of them.

Hannah was once the epitome of beauty, with delicate features that captivated all who beheld her and she used her charm to seduce men for food. Her long locks cascaded down her back like a shimmering waterfall, and her eyes sparkled like diamonds in the sun. But that was before Velian got his hands on her.

With Velian and mages trying to extract everything they can out of her, Hannah convulsed in agony, her once-beautiful features twisted and contorted until she was unrecognizable. Her hair fell out in clumps, her eyes turned a sickly yellow, and her skin became ashen and pockmarked.

Her body had demonic-looking spots showing her transformation. From time to time, she muttered some words and only Velian was able to hear them.

"Kill... You... Velia!,"

Hannah was a shell of her former self, her beauty stolen from her by Velian's sadistic experiments to reduce his sister as well as to find out about things he wanted to know.

She was a warning to all who would cross the path of this madman, a living testament to the horrors he was capable of unleashing upon those who tries to harm his family.

"Your Highness, we got enough black thing to search it on an animal, should we start the process?" One of the mages questioned, but before he could answer Delviny and Juno also joined him.

All the mages doing this experiment were either personally appointed by Velian or someone from his family, so he didn't have to worry about information healing or betrayal.

Hearing their plan, Velian nodded his head and looked at the normal-looking livestock pig that is stored in a glass cage. Even though it was normal by this world's standards, it still looks a lot bigger and meaty than a normal pig from Velian's old world so they had to use a bigger glass cage for it.

"Now let's see what this strange parasite can do!"

The air inside the prison was heavy with anticipation as Velian and her team of mages gathered around the glass containing the normal livestock pig. They were eager to observe the effects of the black colour parasite they had just inserted into the glass cage.

As they watched, the pig began to convulse and thrash about in the glass. Its once pink skin turned a sickly shade of black, and its eyes seemed to glow with an otherworldly light.

"What's happening? Is this some kind of a transformation?" Velian asked, his voice tinged with excitement.

"I'm not sure," one of the other mages replied, "but it looks like the parasite is taking over the pig's body."

Suddenly, the pig let out a guttural scream that sent shivers down the spines of everyone in the room. Its body began to contort and twist, and its once-normal features morphed into something grotesque and demonic.

Juno watched in horror as the creature before her changed in front of her very own eyes.

"This can't be happening, this isn't normal," she whispered while sending her hand to her sword.

As the transformation reached its climax, the demonic pig rose up on its hind legs, towering over the mages even going as far as breaking the glass. Its eyes burned with an unholy fire, and its teeth glinted in the harsh light of the prison.

"Get back!" Velian shouted as he scrambled to escape the glass. "Everyone, get back!"

Hearing his voice mages quickly escaped into the emergency room, where Velian ordered them to go if something like this happen.

At this point, this underground establishment was something more than a prison, as it had all the facilities to be a laboratory where human experiments are carried on.

Velian and Delviny stood back to back, their weapons at the ready, as the demonic pig charged towards them with fury in its eyes. The glass cage that was supposed to keep it contained was shattered into a million pieces, leaving the two warriors with no choice but to face the beast head-on.

"We can't let it get to Hannah," Velian said, gritting his teeth as he readied his sword. "We have to stop it here and now."

Delviny nodded in agreement, her bow at the ready. "I'll keep my distance and attack from afar. You take the front."

The pig snarled, its eyes fixated on the two warriors. It charged towards Velian, its jaws snapping as it prepared to tear him apart.

Velian sidestepped the pig's attack and swung his sword towards its side. The blade hit its mark, but the pig barely flinched, its thick hide protecting it from harm.

"Oh! Looks like it gives them abnormal strength, no matter how weak they are initially,"

Delviny fired a spell at the pig, aiming for its head. The arrow pierced through its ear, causing the pig to let out a loud roar.

Juno, who was keeping watch over Hannah, could hear the commotion from afar. She rushed towards the battle, her sword at the ready.

"You two need some backup?" Juno questioned, but knowing these two she knew if they can't beat something it was even more impossible for her.

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