Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 195: A lesson For You (2)

Chapter 195: A lesson For You (2)

While walking behind Bai Feng, Su Yu suddenly recalled something else. He cautiously asked, "Teacher, I defeated Chen Qi with the Skybreak Technique."

"I see." Bai Feng nodded and indifferently asked, "Did you buy the technique or did you get it through a fortuitous encounter?"

"Fortuitous encounter. I picked up a Skybreak Technique willpower text before..."

Bai Feng's face twitched as he listened to the story. If he didn't know the truth, he would have thought that Su Yu was lying to him. But he knew the true story. Nobody else would believe that Su Yu would just pick up a willpower text randomly.

"I understand. Pay me 200 merit points and I can register the technique under your name with me as the teacher."

Su Yu nodded. He curiously asked, "Teacher, are you the one getting the 200 merit points or is it the academy?"

"The academy." Bai Feng said, "There are limits to transfer of knowledge. Things I create myself can be freely taught. But the War God Art and Skybreak Technique are created by someone else. Sure, they are selfless enough to let the public practice their creations, but they can't do it for free. Spreading their creations without permission will get you in trouble. It's only fair to pay 200 merit points for the right to teach the techniques they created."

Su Yu nodded. That was reasonable. Who would be willing to spread their techniques or methods without any benefit?

Nobody created their method or technique out of thin air. To create a reliable method or technique, a large amount of time was required. One might even need to risk cultivation deviation to test the technique before completing the creation.

"Teacher, are we visiting Martial Uncle at the books depository?" Su Yu asked longingly, "Is Martial Uncle rich?"


Su Yu had a very good impression of that martial uncle he had never met before.

Even after fusing three Divine Characters earlier today, he was still feeling mostly fine. He only felt a little unwell instead of feeling like his head was going to burst apart. That was all thanks to the mythic destruction beast skull.

When he was attacking, he could feel that thing protecting his sea of willpower. That was a treasure. Otherwise, he would have probably been on the verge of fainting before he could even get off the ring.


Bai Feng rolled his eyes. "If he's rich, would he still need me to sell all our stuff to plug the holes? Give up. Apart from the mythic destruction beast skull, your martial uncle has nothing else. He is penniless. He is as poor as us."

Su Yu had nothing to say. But he was touched. Basically, his martial uncle was a pauper. Even so, he had still given the mythic destruction beast skull to Su Yu. What a good guy!

The two continued walking toward the books depository.


At the same time, near the ring.

A group of guards suddenly appeared.


Xia Huyou was instantly handcuffed. A Skysoar guard coldly said, "Audacious! Xia Huyou, how dare you organize illegal gambling within the academy? You're under arrest!"

Xia Huyou blanked out for a long while before hastily saying, "Please don't do this. Brother, please. I did no such thing. Just ask..."

He was about to mention a name when a nearby researcher urgently shook his head. The researcher was basically telling Xia Huyou to shut up and not implicate anyone else. Xia Huyou was stunned. Not even that person could solve this for him? Just what was going on? Not even an intermediate researcher could solve this?

But immediately after, a realization hit him. He hurriedly cursed, "Damn that shameless Wan-cough. Damn it! Someone screwed me over! Wan Mingze, was it you? Did you sell me out? I was only starting a tiny betting pool for everyone's entertainment. How can you be so shameless and get the Heart Cultivating Pavilion involved? What an asshole!"

He kept cursing. He must have caught someone's attention. Otherwise, a small matter like this would not be able to catch the Heart Cultivating Pavilion's attention. Since even that intermediate researcher wasn't willing to get involved, it was clear a big shot was involved in this.

"Everyone, if nobody ends up claiming the reward, it means someone else is targeting me. In that case, get a random person to snitch on me and claim the report. If the academy refuses to pay, ask for the name of the one who had reported me. Or maybe some big shot has personally reported me? In that case, I'll be paying close attention to see who's the one shameless enough to take from a bunch of children.

"Brothers, you can get 120 merit points! Don't let others get it! You might as well take it for yourself!"

Xia Huyou had barely finished his sentence when Wan Mingze, Xia Chan, Hu Qiusheng, and the other freaks ran off.

There was even a Skysoar cultivator hurriedly flying away.

That little fatty was right! They needed to go and claim the reward!

And if the academy refused to pay up, they would demand for the name of the one who had made the report. After all, the one who had made the report would be rewarded.

Even if the academy wanted to protect the identity of that person, they still had to show proof that such a person actually existed. If not, hehe, then they couldn't be blamed if they ended up escalating the matter!


Meanwhile, the students were stunned to see that even a Skysoar cultivator was trying to claim the reward. How could they be faster than a Skysoar cultivator?

That was quite a sizable reward.

Jia Mingzhen and the others looked at each other speechlessly. After a while, one of them laughed and said, "This little fatty is really very similar to that Fatty Xia. Look at how he created trouble for us even while he was being dragged away."

"Old Zhang, why don't you go claim the reward."

"Hell no. I'm not going to do something so shameless. Forget it. Let the kids get the 120 merit points."

"What? No! If you let one of those kids get the reward, isn't that the same as telling everyone that there is an issue with the raid? Why don't we...secretly give the reward to Liu Hong?" suggested Jia Mingzhen.


The others looked at Jia Mingzhen speechlessly.

"That kid has been keeping a close eye on us instead of spending his time doing something productive. Let him have the reward and leak the information. Xia Huyou would find out soon. The other black market traders would find out too. Those people hate snitches the most.

"Hehe...That way, we can even perform another raid on Liu Hong's black market transactions. He will make a loss even after getting the 120 merit points. The other black market traders will start fearing him. Doing this, not only can we shut his business, we can even slow the black market down for a bit."


The elders continued looking at him speechlessly.

What a ruthless scoundrel.

Jia Mingzhen did not mind. He smiled and said, "Giving Su Yu the reward is quite good too, but I've decided to give up on that idea. Su Yu is still not capable of handling that much pressure. Those black market traders could actually make it so that he couldn't even cultivate anymore. Liu Hong is still the better scapegoat. He is strong enough to take the pressure. He would only lose some money, but it doesn't matter since the black market has always been a high risk market."

Jia Mingzhen grinned, "12,000 merit everyone fine with getting 2,000 points each?"

There were five of them. After taking their cut, the remaining points would be given to the academy.

But immediately after, a voice rang out beside their ears, "All of you are currently students. Why do you need that many merit points? You can get 120 merit points as a reward for reporting this. As for the rest of the points, I have use for them."

Jia Mingzhen's face changed as he cursed, "Wan, you're the biggest scoundrel here!"

"Remember to keep a low profile..." Wan Tiansheng's voice rang out again, "I sent you to act as new students. I didn't send you there to mess around. Suppressing the geniuses isn't your main goal. Your main mission is to look for traces of the Myriad Race Cult. Don't mess around so much that you ruin my plan.

"Elders, since you like to play around, you can play somewhere else. Use your identities as students to get in touch with the hidden cult members and try to get into their network. It is much easier for students to do so. Also, don't stay together all the time. It almost looks like you guys have known each other for years."

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