The next morning, Lisa got up first. She walked carefully out of the room to make them breakfast. That morning, she planned to make a simple breakfast. Since the boy's stomach couldn't take much food in the morning, Lisa ended up making only strawberry jam toast. 

The fragrance that came from the kitchen was pervasive, filling all corners of Vira's apartment. Not long after, the scent of black coffee filled the air as Lisa brewed for herself. 

After that, she woke William up by raining the little boy's face with a sweet kiss. Days like these, waking up next to William and spending time with the boy made Lisa grateful. Grateful that William was born in this world and that he is still alive so that she can feel this happiness.

Around 8 am, Lisa was in front of William's school gate. At first, the boy was fussy and did not want to be left alone with his teachers. But after being persuaded thousands of times, saying he'd be treated to a delicious fried chicken restaurant, the boy finally wanted to enter his school. 

Not long after his petite body disappeared from her sight, her feelings of happiness simply disappeared. Lisa turned around and called a taxi that happened to be driving in front of her. Her happy feeling was replaced by a lazy one because today, she had to go back to work.

Last night, she had not had the time to look for solid evidence to defend herself. 

Lisa had pressed the elevator button to get to her office, but she still didn't know what evidence to look for. How to get them to believe what she just said? Lisa doesn't know.

Yesterday, Patricia insisted that Lisa plagiarized her proposal. And of course the demonic woman behind the human mask believed everything Patricia said. Maria believed Patricia's words, and Lisa was sure that the two of them had worked together. 

Every time her mind drifted away to yesterday's problems, the burning rage filled her chest again, making it feel tight. Because of her anger, the woman was unable to smile and act to look fine.

When lunch time arrived, Lisa decided to languish in the office building. As she was calming herself down and brewing hot tea in the office pantry, she heard that familiar voice.

"Good afternoon, Lisa. Don't forget to give me proof that you really didn't plagiarize Patricia's proposal!" Maria greeted her cheerfully.

It just so happened that the lunch hour was almost over and caused some of Lisa's colleagues to have returned from the restaurant where they had lunch earlier. Several women who walked past the pantry turned and witnessed the incident.

If it weren't for the CCTV, Lisa would've killed that one demonic woman. After taking a few deep breaths, Lisa turned around.

"Good afternoon. Don't worry, I will provide evidence to you and Patricia in the near future," Lisa replied kindly, the woman didn't forget to smile sweetly.

Maria nodded her head as she couldn't keep a big smile off her lips. "Okay, I'm waiting for the good news!"

Without waiting for Lisa's answer, the woman turned around and walked out of the office pantry. Suddenly, several women who were still silent near the pantry were whispering to each other quite loudly.

"It's a shame if you copy someone else's work. If you can't afford to work on the project, it's better not to accept it! What's the point of accepting the offer if the proposal turns out to be a work of plagiarism!"

"Just let it be. Recently, plagiarizing other people's work is trending!"

"But it's a very difficult project, we were never offered to work on that one and were rejected outright! That's why I wonder why Mrs. Maria asked the new kid to work on the project. I can't believe it at first, just how great is the new kid to make Mrs. Maria entrusted the project to her? Turns out she's great at cheating!"

Even though the whispers weren't too loud, Lisa could hear their voices clearly. But she didn't want to be a stupid fool who'd never learned attitude. She wouldn't let herself lose her temper and spray them with cruel words!

At first, Lisa thought that Surya's disappearance from this company would make her days better. She didn't have to think about the man or the disgusting gaze he threw at her. The days before Maria came and interfered with her life were the most extraordinary days for Lisa.

Before Maria came, Lisa came into the office with light steps. The woman always ate out with Cicilia, her face always sparkled and a smile would never leave her lips.

But as soon as Maria came uninvited into her life, her happy days were ruined. Her days were ruined when Lisa was offered the project and when her proposal was said to be a copy of someone else's work. 

For now, Lisa doesn't have solid evidence to defend herself. As long as she doesn't have solid evidence, Lisa doesn't dare to defend herself. She could be laughed at and considered to have lost her mind.

Lisa could have defended herself in front of her colleagues, but most likely, people would scoff at her and her words would be twisted.

When it was time to go home from work, Lisa rushed to call a taxi to William's school. Lately, her face looked gloomy, there was no smile on her face. Even when William was now sitting next to her in the taxi, the woman still couldn't smile.

Arriving at the house, Lisa would make the boy dinner as usual. This time, she tried to remember what spices she put. She wouldn't let herself cook such a salty dish for her son again.

And she wouldn't let her disturbed mood affect William. Let her keep it to herself.

Fortunately, the taste of the food wasn't that extreme like the other day. Instead of being too salty or sweet, it's better to taste a little bland. And that was the taste of the dish Lisa cooked today. 


"Sit here, Mama still wants to work first," Lisa said while kissing William's forehead.

After dinner, the boy and his mother relaxed in the living room. William sat on the floor playing with the toys he had brought from home, while Lisa sat on the couch trying to find evidence to defend herself.

"Vira?" Lisa turned her head and frowned at the sound of door knocking, "What the hell are you knocking on? Did you forget to bring the key?

"I'm not Vira.." The man said as he stood in front of the entrance.

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