"Mama I'm hungry ..."

William whined as he put his head on Lisa's lap. The boy already knew what he had to do to win his mother's heart. He only needed to widen his eyes and pursed his lips.

And that's what William is doing now. 

"Hungry, huh? Well then, let's eat before we visit Papa."

Lisa looked up and said the name of the restaurant near the hospital to the taxi driver. The Chinese restaurant that Lisa is referring to is famous for its noodles. They said, people flocked to the restaurant just to buy noodles.

After finishing a plate of noodles with seafood, Lisa got up from the chair to pay at the cashier. At first, Lisa wanted to immediately pay, visit Oscar for a while and then go home. But suddenly, a feeling of guilt rose in her heart when she remembered that Oscar was lying on the hospital bed because of her.

Finally, the woman bought Oscar a package of noodles. After asking William to wash his hands, Lisa took the boy for a walk to the hospital. Perhaps, because the boy's legs were still short and his stomach too full, their journey took 15 minutes though the distance from the hospital to the restaurant wasn't that far.

Dani accompanied Oscar last night until the man couldn't sleep. So now, the burly man was given permission to go home. When Lisa and William entered the room, they saw only Oscar was there.

Lisa couldn't imagine what would happen if there were only Oscar and her in the room. Especially after their hot kiss this morning. But luckily, William came and removed the awkward atmosphere between them.

"Daddy!!" William said happily. 

With his little feet, William ran and climbed up Oscar's bed. The boy was moving so fast that Lisa was afraid he might accidentally hit the man's bandaged arm.

"Ouch, ouch, William, be careful, please..." Lisa said as she put the plastic bag containing food on the table.

But of course William did not pay attention to his mother's words. So excited that he met Oscar again, the boy couldn't stop kissing the man on the cheek.

"Hi, buddy." The man let out a deep laugh, then kissed his son in return. His unbandaged hand curled stroked William's head.

"How is Daddy now? Does your hand still hurt?"

The look in William's pitiful eyes made Oscar's heart feel like it was being torn apart. Actually, the stitches still sting and sometimes hurt when the air in the room is cold. But the man didn't want to worry his only child.

"It's better than this morning. In two days, Papa can come home and pick you up at school!" Oscar replied enthusiastically. 

It's no secret that Lisa's heart feels warm when she hears the conversation between Oscar and their son. The warm feeling made her unconsciously give a faint smile.

Not wanting to let her ex-husband and child see her faint smile, Lisa turned around. The woman opened the styrofoam and moved the noodles and the seafood drizzle on a glass plate. 

"William, come on down now. Let Papa eat first!" Lisa ordered while glancing at the bed.

Even though William squeaked in annoyance and pursed his lips, he still obeyed his mother's order. The boy got off the bed and ran to Lisa who was still standing by the table. His little hand gripped his mother's skirt.

"Come here." Lisa said. The woman turned around, her hand was carrying a glass plate filled with noodles.

Without saying anything, Oscar picked up the wooden chopsticks with a warm feeling. Although he didn't like the cold hospital atmosphere and smelled of medicine, he was starting to like it now. Lisa and William's presence warmed his cold room.

It's better for him to stay in the hospital forever in order to get the attention of Lisa and their little family to finally be complete again. Rather than to be at home or office, accompanied by his work that God knows when it will be finished.

As soon as the plate was on the overbed table, Oscar's eyes immediately lit up.

"Lisa, you still remember my favorite food!"

The words that came out of his lips were filled with joy. Hearing that made Lisa's heart melt, and her wall of defense finally shattered.

"Ugh, just eat it." Lisa replied without looking at Oscar. The woman pretended to be busy tickling William who was sitting on her lap.

Warm. The atmosphere in Oscar's room was filled with laughter and the giggles from his two angels.


Oscar has not been able to get out of the hospital in a week. The stitches were infected, so it made his body hot. But over time, after being treated and cared for with extra care, the stitches gradually improved.

During that time, Lisa always came to bring food for gim. Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner. Sometimes, she would come alone and end up sharing a hot kiss with Oscar. Other times, she came with William after picking up the boy from school.

Even though Lisa's breakfast menu is always the same— chicken porridge— Oscar still feels happy. Every time he ate the chicken porridge, he acted as if it was the most delicious porridge he had ever eaten. 

"Five stars, Lisa. Your porridge is like the one from a five-star restaurant!" Oscar endlessly praised her, causing Lisa's cheeks to turn red.

"Can you shut up or not!? That's stupid mushy porridge, I put too much water on the steam cooker this morning!" Lisa snapped while trying not to smile widely.

About half a month later, Oscar was finally allowed to go home. The bandage on his hand had been removed since last week. That afternoon, at 1 o'clock, Lisa was given various kinds of medicine and also an ointment that Oscar had to use if the stitches were painful.

At the door of the hospital, Dani greeted them in front of Oscar's black car. When he saw Oscar and Lisa walking side by side, the man quickly opened the door.

"Good morning, Mr. Oscar and Mrs. Lisa!" Dani greeted them enthusiastically.

Oscar cleared his throat, "Lisa, can you come with me home for a bit? There are still some questions I want to ask."

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