Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1546: Struck By The Bullet

Chapter 1546: Struck By The Bullet

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Looking at the cars that were splashed with mud, Zhong Dapao laughed. “Haha, has the Bacholi river dried up? The little devil?s car is very strong to be able to drive on a road like this.”

A bodyguard pulled open the door. The King of Hpakant came out, took off his sunglasses and looked at the group of people arrogantly. He gave a fake smile and said, “Master Pao, we meet again. Are you surprised?”

Zhong Dapao said carelessly, “What is there to be surprised about? We just saw each other not long ago, so why would I be surprised to see you?”

Hearing this, Tu Qin was furious. “Zhong Dapao, how can you be like this when death is so near you?”

The King shook his head, laughed and said, “It?s okay, let him speak. These will be his last words. Write it down for posterity. These words will be called Master Pao?s Sayings.”

Tu Qin laughed. The King then pointed to a side road on the barren hill. “Let?s go and have a chat there. Let’s not stand in the way here.”

Zhong Dapao shook his head and said, “Sorry, we have nothing to talk about. I?m leaving, see you later.”

With that, he slammed on the accelerator.

At this point, the King of Hpakant waved, and the bodyguards on both sides whipped out short-barrel shotguns and pointed their muzzles at the group of people.

The King laughed and said, “Why are you in such a hurry? This is the road to hell.”

He pointed once more to the side of the barren hill and repeated, “Come on, let?s go there and have a chat. Don?t block the way here.”

Looking at the black muzzle, Zhong Dapao?s face darkened. “Suo Mo, what do you want to do?”

The King didn?t smile either. He said, “Don?t make me say it for the third time, Master Pao. Let?s talk over there or I?ll send you to hell here.”

Zhong Dapao had to surrender as he was held hostage at gunpoint. He pushed his motorcycle aside and walked to the mountainside.

Li Du released the space-time bug to search around and found no traces of the military or police. He thought this might not be a trap after all. The King really appeared to have the intention of engaging in a gunfire battle with them.

Therefore, he was relieved.

The mountain trails were rugged. The road he was walking was smooth without any bend or twist. After walking for a while, the group of people threw away their motorcycles.

They could not drive a Pajero on the mountain. The King walked behind with his bodyguards, pointing his gun at the people in front of him. He strutted with an arrogant swagger.

Li Du?s side was strong and fit, while the King?s side?s was weaker, so there was a gap between the two groups of people.

The King looked around and said, “This place is fine. There is no one here. The road and the barrier are far away. Nobody would hear a gunshot.”

Zhong Dapao said, “I still don?t believe that fella would dare to kill us because of his stupid ego.”

Li Du said, “Just be on your guard. Godzilla, distribute the goods. Liu Zi, you go and talk to them.”

“Hmm, OK.” Liu Zi smiled and turned to greet the King of Hpakant.

The King panted as he said, “Huh, huh, Master Liu, huh, huh, why did you come over? Are you in a hurry to die?”

Liu Zi pointed to him and said, “Okay, Suo family?s boy. What hasn’t Master Liu seen before? End this quickly, we?re in a hurry to get back.”

Hearing this, the King gave him a dangerous smile. He took the gun from a bodyguard who was beside him, pointed it at Liu Zi and said, “Damn, I?ll send you back in a hurry!”

Liu Zi was raised in the army and has led a tough existence in Hpakant. He had a lot of experience on the battlefield and was a formidable soldier.

Seeing that the King of Hpakant pointed the hunting gun at him, his sixth sense warned him that the situation was bad. He quickly ran over to a rocky cliff and jumped.

He was fast, but the King’s gunshot was faster. With a deafening bang from the gun, there was a spray of blood from Liu Zi’s body as he jumped halfway.

“F**k!” Liu Zi could not help cursing in a deep voice when he fell.

Zhong Dapao was surprised. He saw clearly that the shot would have hit Liu Zi in the chest if he had not dodged.

The King Hpakant was armed with a gun that shot like shrapnel at short-range and could easily end a person’s life due to blood loss.

Liu Zi responded quickly and avoided being hit in the vital organs. However, he received a nasty wound to the shoulder, ribs, and part of the back. Red stains of blood instantly blossomed on his shirt at the left side of his body.

Zhong Dapao was shocked, but when he heard the gunshot, he calmed down. “Liu Zi, hide! Young Master Li, take cover.”

The King raised the gun and laughed, “Haha, cover, you say? I?ll see what you fool will try to use for cover! Hahaha! Shoot them, kill them!”

He gave the order, and the men on the other side turned, lifting the black muzzles.

Li Du had ten rifles and fifteen pistols, which was enough to arm almost all his men, but he did not have time to divide the guns. Things happened too quickly, so he only had time to toss weapons to Brother Wolf and several experts.

Turning around, Brother Wolf and the others also pulled the trigger. The bullets went through the gun chamber and the silencer and made a strange sound, “Tatata!”

“Whew! Whew! Whew!”




Screams and cries of terror sounded together with the sound of gunfire!

Brother Wolf and the others did not shoot to kill. The range was close, and they aimed and shot at the adversary’s limbs. A rifle was much more accurate than a shotgun, and each of them was a sharpshooter, so the King’s bodyguards were easy targets for them.

A gun was a murderous weapon. It could not be used as flippantly as shown on TV.

When a rifle bullet hits the limbs, it will penetrate the muscle, tear it and cause severe bleeding. It will break the bone if aimed at the right angle. The bodyguards that were shot shrieked and fell to the ground, losing their combat power in an instant.

Li Du and Godzilla distributed out all their weapons undercover.

The King and his men were stunned. They did not expect this!

Zhong Dapao rushed up and lifted Liu Zi upon his back. Then he ran back, helped him lean against a stone and cried, “Liu Zi! Are you OK?”

Half of Liu Zi?s body was drenched in blood, and pea-sized beads of sweat appeared on his face in an instant. He clenched his teeth and said, “F**k, it damn hurts, it really damn hurts!”

Vampire found clean clothes, tore them and used them as gauze to give him first aid. Li Du shouted, “Does anyone have alcohol?”

Big Markelov, who was holding an AKM, tossed the iron jug at his waist and said. “Boss, I have some strong spirits here!”

Vampire grabbed the bottle and said to Liu Zi, “Hold on, I have to sterilize the wound and dig out the shrapnel. The shards are close to the blood vessel in several places. The pressure would cause severe blood loss.”

Zhong Dapao took over Vampire?s pistol, loaded it, looked at the other side coldly, and said, “Master Suo f**k you!”

With Brother Wolf and the other shooting, they quickly took over the situation.

The weapons in the hands of the King were mainly pistols and shotguns. He did also have rifles and submachine guns, but the shots produced by the latter two weapons were too loud. The sounds of pistols and shotguns would be quieter and duller. These two weapons were suitable to shoot without anyone knowing.

From this point of view, Li Du did not guess wrong. The other side intention was, quite simply, to kill them!

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