86 Do you have someone you like? Part I

Today at the throne hall, the news of citizens’ poor living conditions was reported to Ouyang Hongxian by the court officials. Citizens had fallen sick because of the harsh cold, though luckily, there was no sign of an epidemic happening again. Furthermore, there was a mysterious doctor constantly treating and examining people’s health, preventing the problem from worsening. Ouyang Mingxian then assigned Ouyang Wenrou who was adept in healing to find that doctor in secret.

Apart from that, there was also a problem that both Da Yang citizens and merchants faced alike. It was the snow bandits who had started advancing their raids more and more. Although he had already sent Ouyang Mingxian, the Emperor still could not rest easy. And when came news from Ouyang Feilong, informed directly by his black dragon unit, the two golden eyes siblings continued their discussion even after the morning meeting had ended.

“There’s someone behind these bandits?”

“That is correct.” Ouyang Feilong confirmed. “They were fully armed, and their fighting seemed like they had received training. Not like normal bandits at all.”

Ouyang Hongxian frowned. His handsome face was void of the usual kind smile. “What’s your opinion on this?”

“I’ve ordered lieutenant-general Bai He himself to investigate. I think we’ll have information behind the manipulator soon.”

“Wonderful.” The older brother nodded, satisfied. “We can’t let that boy know about this.”

Ouyang Hongxian did not want to involve Ouyang Mingxian in a matter that was still unclear, because it might lead to something even more dangerous. He only wanted to send his son to eliminate the bandits, as for the deeper details, he would leave it to Ouyang Feilong who had been responsible for this mission from the start. It seemed that these bandits were more or less related to the plague incident.

“Your Majesty, Bai De Fei is in trouble,” the Emperor’s personal eunuch rushed in to report him of the situation at Bai Xue’s palace.


Ouyang Hongxian frowned again. “What happened?”

“There is a fire at the consort’s palace.”

“Lead the way.”

The tall figure in a golden robe quickly stepped out of the throne hall. Bai De Fei had just received her new title, he could not afford anything to happen to her, no matter how small or trivial. He must show that he cared for her, otherwise his plan to use Bai family as a counterbalance to the Empress’ Wang family would crumble.

Wang family had Empress Wang as the nation’s mother and Ouyang Yongxian as the crown prince. Even with the Xu family, Bai family, and Yue family to keep them in check, Ouyang Hongxian had decided that it was time for him to pick the Bai family to act as the most apparent opponent to the Wang family. In doing so, he chose to give power to Bai Xue, rather than having Bai Yu marry a prince.

Ouyang Mingxian was not yet ready to become the crown prince, and the Emperor could not bring Miss Bai Yu into the royal family. The only choice that he had left was slowly lessening Wang family’s influence to pave the way for his favorite son.

His line of thinking had proved that Bai Yu’s assumption was incorrect because the one that supported Bai Xue was not either Empress Dowager Wei or Empress Wang, but Emperor Ouyang Hongxian.

The son of heaven of Da Yang went to De Fei’s palace as soon as he was notified. When he arrived, he met several young ladies gathered there. Ouyang Feilong who had followed his brother here was quite surprised to see Bai Yu among them.

“Dear consort, why are you in such a state?”

Currently, Bai Yu did not dare to lift her face. She was uncertain whether it was because she was intimidated by the Emperor’s presence or because she did not know how to act when she met Ouyang Feilong.

“Zhen heard that Bai De Fei’s palace mysteriously caught fire. Zhen never thought that the cause would be...”

“Your Majesty, I have ordered the royal maids to put out the fire.” Bai Yu knew what the Emperor was going to say next. Obviously, he would have discovered the moment he approached them that the fire was caused by Bai Yu. She was aware that she could not hide the truth from the Emperor in the first place, but at least let her get back at Bai Xue.

Bai Yu could only hope that the Emperor did not favor Bai Xue so much that he would punish her.

Ouyang Hongxian said nothing. He merely nodded once before going to help Bai Xue stand, displaying the love and care he had for his consort.

Ouyang Hongxian’s high level of magic enables him to retain his appearance and youthfulness. The picture of a man who resembled her past lover holding beauty in his arm with a gentle smile made Bai Yu feel uncontrollable jealousy as a fellow woman.

Bai Xue’s husband was this handsome and had such a high status. Her mother had sent her to meet such a man, why would she still resent them? Could Bai Xue not see what wonderful luck she had? Regrettably, that year Bai Yu was blinded by her love for Ouyang Mingxian and refused to become a royal consort, so her mother had sent Bai Xue instead. If it had been her, then right now she and the handsome Emperor would...hehe.

“First sister.”

A clear voice from Bai Hua jolted Bai Yu back to the present. Ah, seemed like her old habit had returned again.

“I’m dizzy. I’ll take my leave here.” It had been a while after Ouyang Hongxian had taken Bai Xue back inside and there was no sign of him coming out. There were only Bai Yu, Bai Hua, and Ouyang Feilong left in front of the palace. And so, Bai Hua took this chance to excuse herself.

Bai Yu’s eyes and Bai Hua’s met for a brief moment. She knew why the heroine was in such a hurry. She curtsied to Ouyang Feilong, the only higher rank noble here, preparing to say farewell and followed Bai Hua back, but her action was interrupted by the Emperor.

“Why don’t you and Bai Yu come and take a walk with Zhen?” The owner of golden eyes gazed at his brother’s eyes of slighter lighter tone before turning to smile at her.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

She was the only one to answer him. Ouyang Hongxian showed another kind smile before walking forward. Ouyang Feilong followed behind his brother silently, after he was Bai Yu who held her hands in front of her while keeping her head slightly lowered. Before leaving, she did not forget to nod to Bai Hua, giving her the signal to hurry back.

The heroine is going to help the male lead. This villainess is in full support!

“Zhen heard that you came to visit your sister Xue-er. Unfortunately, a fire somehow started without a cause,” the Emperor spoke as he walked in front of her and Ouyang Feilong, heading to the gazebo by the pond in the beautiful royal garden.

At the large table in the middle of the gazebo, Ouyang Hongxian sat in the front, next to him were Bai Yu and Ouyang Feilong who sat side by side, turning toward the son of the heaven who did not concern himself with formality and manner when he was with his younger brother. Although there was Bai Yu with them today, he still did not enforce the rules with her.

“It is my fault.” She knew that his saying this meant that he did not let her go so easily after playing tricks on Bai Xue. But whether he would punish her or not still remained to be seen.

“Zhen saw that it was not your magic.”

“It was royal consort Bai’s magic, Your Majesty.”

“Hahaha. Very well.” Bai Yu who had been keeping her head low could not help but glance at the person who suddenly burst into laughter. There was no trace of irritation or annoyance she had expected.

Her brows knitted together. When she turned to the Emperor’s brother, she saw only a slight curve on the corner of his mouth. Those sharp, enchanting eyes were looking at his teacup, not toward her to help give her an answer.

What are these two brothers laughing about?

“Is Your Majesty not angry with me?” When no one seemed to want to explain anything, Bai Yu chose to ask straightforwardly. Instead of being angered by her scaring his beloved consort, he laughed so loud it echoed throughout the garden. The servants who heard him were all frowning just like Bai Yu.

Although Ouyang Hongxian was gentle and calm, he rarely laughed. To make his laughter rang so loud, this Miss Bai Yu must have something that piqued his interest.

“As your Shifu, zhen would of course feel glad to see you advance in your training. What is there to be angry?” His golden eyes that looked at her were filled with mirth.

“But the royal consort...um...”

“Seeing her lose her composure like that is truly a new sight for zhen.”

Bai Yu immediately turned silent. Even after showing how much he cared for her sister, he still found enjoyment in her predicament. If somehow he decided to tease her as well, then she would never be able to pay him back. The best course of action here was to stay low and leave this place as soon as possible.

“Long-er told zhen that you have just started following the guidance. That letter only described the basic techniques, yet you have made such impressive progress.”



Bai Yu pressed her lips together in an attempt to suppress a smile. She tried so hard that dimples appeared on her two cheeks.

“Miss Bai,” the owner of the name ‘Long-er’ spoke with a tone as if to reprimand her.

Even the commander-general of Da Yang was still his little brother in the eyes of the Emperor, no matter how powerful he had become...Wasn’t that too cute?

“It is an honor, Your Majesty.”

“You could even absorb other’s magic to use as your own without Zhen’s instruction. Zhen probably has nothing to teach you anymore.” Ouyang Hongxian gazed at the woman in front of him with glistening eyes, impressed by her antics today.

“Yu-er still has a lot to learn. Still far from worthy of Your Majesty’s compliment.”

“You’re already this capable while having a lot to learn. If you’ve really learned more, won’t Zhen’s brother have an even harder time dealing with you?” He suppressed a smile the same as Bai Yu.

“Brother.” The person who had been staying silent spoke up. But the older brother did not stop, not when the only woman whose name was uttered by his brother was right in front of him. He had originally intended to marry her to his son, but now that his antisocial brother was interested in her, he would have to tie the knot between them. His honor as an older brother was on the line.

“Miss Bai Yu.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” It was a mystery as to why she answered and straightened her back like that. Ouyang Hongxian’s voice made her whole body tense up.

“How old are you?”

“I am seventeen, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor held up his fingers, counting them, before turning to smile at his brother. “Only ten years apart.”

“Brother.” Though no name was said out loud, Ouyang Feilong knew that ‘ten years apart’ that his older brother said was meant to be his and Bai Yu’s age.

“Miss Bai Yu.” The older brother ignored his brother’s brows that were pulled together so tightly it could become a knot.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Bai Yu answered again. As the only woman here, she wanted to just teleport away right now. She was not sure whether the Emperor was teasing her or Ouyang Feilong.

The next question made her unable to find her own voice. Uncontrollably, her face became hot.

“Do you...” His golden eyes stared at his brother, before turning to stop at the young lady he had called just moments ago. The corner of his mouth curved up and he asked. “Do you have someone you like?”


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