72 Is Your Highness courting me? Part I

Ouyang Feilong frowned. What kind of upbringing had she had for her to be this brave?

“Are you satisfied now?” He asked after his whole face was revealed to the woman in his arms. With their current closeness, he could see himself reflected in her dark eyes, the same way that Bai Yu could see herself within his golden eyes that hid a certain meaning behind indifference.

Ouyang Feilong who was swayed by the fragrance from this body seemed to have finally gained his composure.

Bai Yu shook her head. “I still haven’t looked to my heart’s content.”

“A royal’s face is not so cheap that you can just look at it as you like.”

“But you still let me take off your mask and look.”

That was because he had let his guard down.

“If your big brother knows how shameless his sister is...”

“Big brother will also know that Wangye hugs me too.”


Ouyang Feilong gave up on negotiating with this stubborn little fool.


“Ow!” Bai Yu cried out as another stumble threw her from Ouyang Feilong’s lap onto the carriage floor. There was nothing to hold her since no arms were entwining around her waist and both of her hands were holding his mask.

Ouyang Feilong looked at the noble lady who acted out of character again and again. The self-proclaimed beauty was showing her unsightly side in front of him again.

“Owowow...” Her groans made his gaze unconsciously tinged with pity. Still, he made no move to help.

Bai Yu skewed her mouth and groaned even louder, making it sound as if she was in deathly pain when in truth, her backside was only slightly bruised.

“Owww. Ouch, ouch, it hurts so much, Your Highness. It seems like my bottom is badly hurt. I can’t stand, Your Highness, owowowowow.”

Ouyang Feilong’s mouth twitched into a smile. Here it comes again a silly trick from the little fool.

“Then should benwang take a look at your bottom to examine your injury?”



Right now, Ouyang Feilong’s beauty could not even make Bai Yu feel better. Just a while ago she was the one teasing him, but then moments later he could pay her back with a few words. Now that he had seen through her, she could not act as a damsel in distress and make him come help her up anymore.

“Sit up. We’re approaching Yue family’s mansion.”

“I can’t. Wangye had a part in hurting me, so you must help me up.”

The overly sweet tone of her voice made her words unbelievable to Ouyang Feilong. He could not be so naive and think that now Bai Yu was not using her charm to tease him like when she moved to sit on his lap. That thought made him want to tease her even more.

“Benwang is a man and also a royalty. What rights do you have to order benwang around?”

Bai Yu pressed her lips together tightly, then, she took something out of her sleeve pocket in desperate measure.

“The rights are given by this!” In Bai Yu’s hand was the black jade, shown proudly to its true owner.

“Wangye has told me that if I can use this jade when I need help, so I’ll use this today.” Her bottom did not hurt that much, but her vindictive desire wanted to stir him up.

Because her fate was unpredictable at times, Bai Yu could not always know that her actions would be perceived as evil, or that it would lead to others exacting their revenge on her or not. She felt that it was necessary to have this jade on her body at all times, especially after learning of its owner and the power this small item possessed. Still, she was discreet enough to not openly carry it around her waist and cause a rumor about her relationship with Ouyang Feilong,

“You use benwang’s identification jade for a matter like this?”

“And will you help me or not?”

“Heh!” He chuckled in his throat at her obstinacy. With one hand he grabbed the jade, the other Bai Yu’s thin wrist, before pulling her up to sit next to him.

“Ow!” Bai Yu’s bottom hit the cushioned seat. Though it did not hurt like when she fell to the floor, she still felt bruised. Without thinking, she hit her hand on his arm.

“How many more times do I have to say before Wangye knows how to cherish beautiful flowers?”

This man was never gentle with her. Even worse, he also used harsh words with her. It was not a surprise that she would forget herself and act aggressively in return.

Ouyang Feilong arched a brow as he looked at a pout on her charming face. The corner of his mouth turned up, feeling amused.

“Benwang will consider it later.”


At the end of their skirmishes on the carriage, Bai Yu and Ouyang Feilong each got a win. Though if she was to be truthful, she had lost many times when she let herself be angered by him.

Bai Yu put her hand on his as she stepped down from the carriage. Her action was graceful, with no trace of hurt or irritation like when they were alone together. Bai Yu glanced at the carriage that had created both chance and crisis for her and found that its wheel was slightly crooked.

“Burn this carriage,” She ordered the driver then walked into the mansion without saying farewell to the royalty behind her.

Ouyang Feilong burst out laughing again at her petty revenge, venting her anger on the carriage instead when she could not win against him. Sometimes this woman was wicked and deceitful. Sometimes she was willfully stubborn. Sometimes she acted childishly spoiled. The sister of his subordinate had broadened his view countless times. It seemed he had to re-evaluate her yet again, this time more seriously.

“Miss Bai” The figure in red cloak stopped and turned back toward his call. She was faced with Ouyang Feilong who did not put his mask back on, even though she had left it for him in the carriage.

“You’re not going back yet, Your Highness?”

“Benwang has a matter to discuss with your grandfather. I had abruptly called Bai He because of this as well.”

“But grandfather’s building is not this way.” Bai Yu had no energy left to act innocent. She spoke to him so flatly that Ouyang Feilong gave up on teasing her further.

“Benwang just wants to give this to a certain little fool.”

The black dragon jade was handed to her under the silver moonlight again. Bai Yu instantly broke into a smile at the sight of it. She grabbed the jade without hesitation or coyness. It was as if all her anger was evaporated by this jade tassel.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

“Benwang was just teasing you back there. That request of yours did not count.”

“Obviously!” He was more or less responsible for her bruised bottom. He would have helped her even without using this black jade.

“Don’t just use it at random.”

“Wangye too. Don’t give this to anyone at random.”

“Benwang only has this one jade tassel. Benwang never gives it to anyone at random.”

“Commander general...are you courting me?” Bai Yu grinned.

“Benwang is not interested in foolish women.” Ouyang Feilong was unfazed. He was used to her shamelessness by now.

“Then why did benwang give this jade to me in the first place?”

“Because there was an idiotic woman who kept repeating that she saved benwang’s life.”

“Surely, Wangye must have been wanting to court me even since we were at the temple.”

“Maybe benwang should put this jade in your mouth to shut you up.”

“I’m a lady!”

“Benwang already sees that you’re a lady.” His golden eyes intentionally studied Bai Yu’s body. “But it was much clearer that first night we met.” After he finished his words, he patted her shoulder and walked away as a winner.

Bai Yu wanted to scream and cry but could do neither.

Ouyang Feilong!

You’re not a prince or any royalty!

You’re just a pervert!


The next day, Bai Yu threw her punches and kicks at Yue Chen’s magic dummy with the intent to kill. She could not believe that Ouyang Feilong’s impressive beauty, when paired with his sharp gaze and suggestive words, would make her face hot

Bai Yu was uncertain whether she was angry or embarrass. The only thing certain to her was that she had completely lost to him.

“Your skill has become much better. Because of the blindfold, you’ve started unconsciously unleashing your magic, and that makes your body stronger. The preparation step is done. From now on, I will teach you hand-to-hand combat in the morning and you will train sword fighting in the afternoon.”

Yue Chen praised her truthfully. Today, his granddaughter was able to destroy every dummy within one shichen while blindfolded. This was considered a satisfactory result, as expected of Yue Mei’s daughter.

“So I’ll train with grandfather?”

Though Bai Yu was glad that now she could do things other than punching and kicking, the thought of training sword fight with the legendary general somewhat intimidated her. If they used real swords, she would be full of cuts. And if they used wooden swords, she would be full of bruises. Either way, her big brother would be so worried he could explode.

“Your biaojie will be the one who teaches and trains you.”

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