59 I’m never disappointed in you Part I

All the way home Bai Yu did not say anything to her two half-sisters. Her maids had to walk on foot because the carriage was not big enough for five people, and so silence took over. Still, there was no uneasiness or pressure as Bai Yue had expected.

Bai Yue could not believe that her evil first sister could be this calm after losing to third sister. It was unfortunate that she was deprived of an amusing scene.

When the carriage arrived at Bai mansion, Bai Yu and Bai He walked through the front gate as usual, while Bai Hua and Bai Yue had to use the side gate according to their status. This time, Bai Hua did not cause a commotion like last time, and Bai Yu also did not care enough to look at her.

Bai He led Bai Yu to the main building to greet their father and mother, but when they arrived, they found that father had gone to stay overnight at second Furen’s residence. Their mother was the only one there. She seemed to be waiting for her and Bai He.

“Greetings to mother.”

“Greetings to mother.”

“You both sit down first.” Yue Mei said to them flatly. Hot tea was served as soon as the two sat down in front of her. Bai Yu and Bai He took a sip, elegant as ever, while also discreetly exchanging a glance.

“I heard that you and Bai Hua had a magic competition today.”

Cough! Both siblings choked on tea as soon as their mother finished speaking. Even with mental preparation, they did not expect her to mention it immediately like this.


“As for your third sister having magic, I don’t think it’s that impossible since her lowly mother’s also able to use a little bit of magic. But you losing to that wretched girl...what should I do with you, Yu-er?”

Bai Yu knew that even though she could let go, her mother might not be the same. As for Bai He, he was relieved to see that his sister did not obsess over her own loss. It was only a shame that his mother could not feel the same as him.

“I’m sorry, mother.”

“You asked for my permission to go train under grandfather, then why did you lose to that useless thing?” Her mother looked away, seeming like she refused to accept Bai Yu’s apology.

“Mother, Yu-er tried her best. It’s just that both I and sister did not expect third sister to have grey level magic that was one level higher than her.”

“If your sister was diligent with her training, she would never lose to the grey magic of an inexperienced person who just knew how to use magic!”

Bai Yu had to hang her head and accept her fault regarding this.

“You should’ve known that the color of magic doesn’t always mean strength. How one wields magic is the most important.” The eyes that were always gentle now reflected only anger.

“Tomorrow morning you will return to your grandfather’s mansion. If your skill does not improve, prepare to say goodbye to your title as Meihua Lady!”

Bai He reached next to him to lightly squeeze his sister’s hands.

“If you can’t even protect your title, then there’s no hope for you defending your status as Qin Wang palace’s first consort!”

“I understand, mother.”

“Don’t come back here, not until you’ve defeated that useless thing.” Her mother gave an ultimatum before standing up and walking away, ignoring Bai He’s call. Bai Yu could only bow her head and acknowledge her failure.

She was the daughter who was taught and brought up by Yue Mei. Being the number one beauty was an expectation, an order that Bai Yu must fulfill. Her first failure would naturally devastate her mother. Still, Bai Yu was determined to become better and stronger. She needed time to achieve that, but when she could, her mother would be proud of her just like before!

“Mother will calm down eventually. Don’t take her words to heart.” Bai He pressed his hands over his sister’s to console her again.

“Big brother...” Bai Yu looked into the eyes of her brother who had always been beside her. “...At today’s banquet, are you disappointed in me?”

Bai He held the hands of his sister who he had loved and cherished for all his life. He pulled her to his chest, his dark eyes shone a gentle love that reflected in his smile as he answered.

“I’m never disappointed in you.”

For Bai Yu, that one word...was enough for her.


The next morning, Bai He accompanied her to the Yue family mansion. There was no trace of her mother who had always come to send her off. But Bai Yu did not think too much about it. She did feel guilty for disappointing her mother, but she was also sure that her practicing and training would make her mother forgive her. She felt that she deserved to be ignored right now.

When they arrived at the Yue family mansion, they went to greet the elders. This time, Yue Huiling was unusually quiet. Bai Yu guessed that she must be careful not to offend Bai He.

“This time the commander general intends to stay at the capital until winter ends. Right now, the border was peaceful since the cold weather makes it harder to mobilize the troop.”

“Then you’ll stay here for quite a bit.”

“Yes, grandfather.” Bai He spoke to his grandfather Yue Chen, with Yue Chang, his uncle, joining in on the conversation here and there as another soldier in the family. Other women were sipping their tea, quietly listening to them talking. Even Yue Huiling said nothing.

Bai Yu had discovered an ultimate weapon against her biaojie. From now on, if she wanted to avoid squabbling with Yue Huiling, she would have to take her big brother along!

“Yu-er might be staying here for quite a while. I hope grandfather won’t mind if I come here to visit Yu-er and biaomei more often.”

“Now you’re using your sister as an excuse. Actually, you’re tired of studying at home so you want to come and train your sword here just like before, right?” The elder Furen joked with her grandson. Bai He had always escaped his lessons to Yue mansion, even though he had been warned by his father already.

“To be honest, I want to see grandmother the most.” The first master of the Bai family said with a smile. His sweet-talking made the elders all laugh. Even Yue Chen who always had a solemn look also smiled at his grandson’s words.

“Big brother, if you act like that then there’s nothing I can compete with you now.” Bai Yu playfully pouted at Bai He. She took the opportunity to insert herself in the conversation circle, now that she saw that Yue Chen was not too hard to approach like she had thought.

Ouyang Feilong had given her advice on how to pass general Yue’s test, so Bai Yu could not stay still and do nothing. The least she could do was talk.

“Biaomei is beautiful and sweet, everyone would be easily charmed by you. There’s no need to worry.” It was Yue Huiling who finally opened her mouth after remaining silent for so long beside her.

“But your beauty and sweetness are so little. So be careful not to be overlooked, biaomei.” Bai He said to his cousin. He understood the implication in Yue Huiling’s compliment to Bai Yu. He responded to it with a smile that did not reach his eyes, unlike what Bai Yu had always seen before. He knew well of his sister’s wickedness, there was no way that he himself did not know how to be the same.

Yue Huiling had always been like this. If there was a chance for her to be superior to Bai He and Bai Yu, she would surely take it. Still, no matter how hard she tried, she could not surpass Bai He. Even when they were both lieutenant-general, she still lost to him by quite a margin. And in regard to their relationship with the commander general, Bai He was closer to him as well. Ever since she was young, every time Yue Huiling lost to Bai He, she would vent her frustration on Bai Yu instead.

Bai He did not quite understand his biaomei’s thought process. They were relatives, and there was no point in trying to compete with each other at all. He might have always been mindful toward her, but he would not hesitate to retaliate when she crossed the line and touched Bai Yu.

“Alright, alright.” The elder Furen drew everyone’s attention. “I’m not biased toward any grandchild. Now that today we’re gathered, why don’t we find something to do.”

“What should we do, grandmother? Normally, we would hold a martial arts competition when biaoge visits. But now that biaomei who doesn’t know martial arts is also here, we might not be able to do that.” Yue Huiling had yet to give up on mocking her on her weakness.

“But a magic competition is impossible as well. Since biaojie’s magic level is the lowest, it’ll be hard to judge.” Bai Yu retorted with a sweet voice. So what if she did not know martial arts? At least her magic was stronger than Yue Huiling’s.

“No need to strain your muscle for anything. A selection process for special guards will be held today. Why don’t we go and observe together?” Her uncle interrupted before his daughter could reply with any ruder remarks. Yue Chang knew how much prejudice she held against the Bai siblings.

“What does grandfather think?” Bai He turned to the most senior person there.

Yue Chen nodded. “Let’s do that. You should stay for lunch here as well.”

“Yes, grandfather.”

Bai Yu followed everyone to the training ground without changing. Today she wore a dark blue dress with a fox fur shawl for warmth. It was one of the dresses she had designed in the way that was not too different from the dresses in this time. But, at the same time, it still looked so unique that it stood out.

Yue family’s training ground was spacious. The masters of the mansion all had seats on a raised platform in a tent set up for spectators next to the sparring stage. From a slight distance away, Bai Yu saw two women come to view the sparring as well. It was normal for this family for women to be able to spectate, though they were forbidden from entering the training area. The only exception was her biaojie who was both the lieutenant-general and the direct descendant of the Yue family’s main house.

Bai Yu surmised that those young girls were Yue Huiling’s half-sisters since the lieutenant-general became visibly irritated at the sight of them.

The sparring match started after they had arrived. This seemed to be the final round, so there were not many soldiers. Here, they would mainly spar by using martial arts, since not everyone could wield magic. It looked like Yue Chang’s son who was born from a concubine were in the group of soldiers as well. Even from afar, Bai Yu could recognize him from his clothes and jade tassel on his waist.

Bai Yu stared at the match in front of her, unblinking. It was largely similar to fight scenes she had to practice for movies, though there were some techniques she was not familiar with. The most important part of the fight was how they adapt their techniques and forms to take on their opponents. Bai Yu intently studied them, trying to remember the strategies they used by viewing them as scenes that she would have to act.

“In a bare-handed fight, these five were all neck and neck. I suggest they use weapons as well. What do you think, father?” Bai Yu heard Yue Chang voice his idea to his father. Though she was afraid that those weapons would draw blood, she was excited to witness their skills at the same time.

Shortly after, each of the last five men had a sword in their hands. In such an important sparring match as this, they had to use real swords. Still, striking with the intent to kill was forbidden.

Bai Yu turned back her focus to the fight again She did not realize that Bai He was looking at her with an amused gaze. Her manners might be impeccable as ever, but the sparkles of enthusiasm in her eyes were unhidden. Since when had his delicate sister been so interested in fighting?



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