Chapter 35 Courtyard Space_i

Translator: 549690339

The essence of Divine Skills lies in capturing the transformative forces of heaven and earth, harnessing myriad incomprehensible powers.

However, not everyone who attains Divine Skills can fully unleash their potential.

The Five Divine Skill Stages: First Peek Basic Access, Reaching Inner Hall Induction Level, Achieving Great Heights, Superb Achievement Level, and Brink of the Way Level, are the categorizations that cultivators use to measure their grasp of the Divine Skills.

Every advancement into a new stage triggers a transformation in the Skill. The comparison between a Skill at First Peek Basic Access and Brink of the Way Level, although being the same Skill, are two totally different concepts.

For instance, Shen Yuan’s Pot’s Heaven Divine Power, at First Peek Basic Access, could merely generate space hand grenades or storage rings. But once it reaches the Brink of the Way Level, it could open up grotto heavens sacred ground for eternal life.

However, the last fifth stage, the Brink of the Way Level, is already a legend, and only Heavenly General and Earthly Destroyer Divine Power can ascend to this fifth level.

This is because the Heavenly General and Earthly Destroyer Divine Power is a direct path towards the Immortal Dao.

As for Transcendent Divine Skills and Profound Divine Powers, they only have the former four stages.

With each advancement in a stage, the Divine Capacity Seed dims a little. When the Divine Capacity Seed completely disappears and becomes a part of the cultivator’s being, it is said to have reached the Superb Achievement Level.

Shen Yuan has the Pot’s Heaven Divine Skill, a Divine Skill capable of creating grotto heavens. Still, Shen Yuan has been using it to create space hand grenades. All this boils down to Shen Yuan not even reaching the First Peek Basic Access yet.

After successfully creating two storage rings, Shen Yuan managed to digest some Divine Capacity Seed, which allowed his Pot’s Heaven Divine Power to officially enter the entry level.

Upon reaching First Peek Basic Access, the Divine Sense Shen Yuan spends while using the Pot’s Heaven Divine Skill has notably decreased, his prediction of a forthcoming spatial collapse has become much more accurate, and he could make better use of a space hand grenade.

In addition to that, Shen Yuan’s perception of space has greatly improved, reaching the extent that he could detect the presence of any secret realm or blessed land in an area of a hundred meters radius.

Actually, stepping into First Peek Basic Access of Pot’s Heaven Divine Skill does not undergo any significant transformations; after all, it’s just the entry level. Compared to his own growth, Shen Yuan is more concerned about the courtyard in which he resides.

Looking around the entire courtyard, it remains a garden of elegance and freshness. Even after being rebuilt by the Fu Family people, there were not many changes.

But in the eyes of the current Shen Yuan, this courtyard has turned into a priceless treasure.

When Shen Yuan was digesting the Seed of Divine Power, there was a bit of Pot’s Heaven Divine Power’s essence that permeated and changed the external environment.

The spatial fluctuation caused by the momentary realization of the Pot’s Heaven Divine Power had enveloped the whole courtyard, unintentionally integrating the entire courtyard into a whole on a spatial level.

From a certain perspective, this small courtyard possesses the rudiment of an independent space.

This was an entirely unexpected surprise, but also a rare opportunity.

Now in the courtyard, Shen Yuan could exert shallow-level control with his Pot’s Heaven Divine Skill.

Anyone who tries to open the courtyard gate without Shen Yuan’s permission cannot enter the actual courtyard.

Anyone entering the courtyard would come under Shen Yuan’s notice.


With a slight move of his mind, Shen Yuan stretched out his right hand towards the void in front of him, fingers slightly closed.

Streaks of black fissures spread in all directions from the center of Shen Yuan’s palm, like a densely spread web, threatening to tear the entire courtyard into countless fragments.

The pitch-black rift reflected the profound space, a destructive force that was seemingly on the verge of arrival.

Both the Maine Coon and Bai Xue were shaking uncontrollably under the collapsing space.

They could feel the terrifying destroying breath emanating from the dark rift, as if the entire courtyard was held in Shen Yuan’s hands.

The matter of life and death was controlled by someone else. This horrifying power even made them feel suffocated.

The next moment, Shen Yuan gave a wave of his hand, and the space rift was forcibly flattened.

Everything in the courtyard returned to its tranquil state.

This was the greatest benefit of turning the courtyard into an independent space for Shen Yuan.

Located in this independent space, Shen Yuan could use the Pot’s Heaven Divine Power without the constraints of the world’s rules.

Shen Yuan no longer had to use storage mediums to create space hand grenades but could directly destroy this independent space itself, creating terrifying space rifts.

It could be said that Shen Yuan, who controlled the space, was the true master of the courtyard. Even the powerful cultivators above the Qi Transformation Stage could fall at any moment when facing such terrifying space rifts.

But in this early stage of the Spirit Energy Tidal Surge, how many people could advance beyond the Qi Transformation Stage?

The only regret was that this independent space was just over two hundred square yards of a courtyard. Unless the enemy entered the courtyard voluntarily, Shen Yuan couldn’t create those terrifying space rifts.

Moreover, this method of creating space rifts should not be used too frequently. The self-repairing ability of the courtyard space was nowhere near as strong as that in the Primal Chaos Realm. Frequent use could lead to the collapse of the courtyard space itself.

Once the courtyard space collapsed, finding a similar independent space would be as difficult as reaching the sky.

“The limitations are too great. It will just have to wait for subsequent development.”

Such thought flashed through Shen Yuan’s mind.

“If the Pot’s Heaven Divine Power advances to a higher realm, I will have the ability to use it to reshape the courtyard space.

With the Pot’s Heaven Divine Power’s might to create a world in the empty space, it’s entirely possible to transform the courtyard into a secret realm, even a minor grotto heaven.

Then, even if the Spirit Energy depletion comes again, I can live worry-free inside the grotto heaven!”

A smile inevitably appeared on Shen Yuan’s face.

The birth of the courtyard space finally provided Shen Yuan with a plot of land of his own in this turbulent age of Spirit Energy resurgence.

Even if faced with powerful enemies, retreating into the courtyard would be enough to protect himself.

Shen Yuan couldn’t help but look at the Darkness-Light Sword, which appeared like a bronze fire stick.

“If the Pot’s Heaven Divine Power could bring such considerable benefits at the First Peek Basic Access stage, what kind of response would the Earth Fiend Sword Art give in the Induction Level?”

But that was just a thought for Shen Yuan. He was clear that the Earth Fiend Sword Art was the Primordial Spirit Sword Control Method. To enter the Induction Level, he at least needed to develop his Primordial Spirit.

Given Shen Yuan’s current realm and the Strength of Divine Thought, it would inevitably be a lengthy process.

“Forget it; instead of the uncertain Primordial Spirit Sword, it’s better to consider the advancement issue of the Pot’s Heaven Divine Power first.

It was by capturing a hint of the spatial flow when opening up the storage space that I stepped into the First Peek Basic Access stage.

To step into a higher realm, I will certainly need more spirit objects to open up a storage space. During this process, the continuous comprehension of the essence of space could lead to the advancement of Divine Skills.

And also, higher quality spirit objects, because they themselves can open up a larger space, can bring a more comprehensive understanding of space.”

“As for more spirit objects…”

To this point, Shen Yuan looked at the Maine Coon.

The Fubo Dragon Monarch intended to invite guests from all directions, and undoubtedly many monsters would participate in the banquet.

Monsters usually dwell in deep mountains and old forests; they certainly have many spirit objects. At that time, trade with storage rings, Shen Yuan would surely obtain satisfactory spirit objects from them.

Having stood up from the stone table, Shen Yuan casually picked up the Darkness-Light Sword and glanced at the shivering Maine Coon.

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s go and see this so-called Dragon Sovereign’s feast!”

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