Chapter 163: Chapter 84: God Invocation Incense_1

Gong Buhuo had lived for ten thousand years, having traversed three long periods of Spirit Energy depletion, becoming the senior-most elder of Mount Laojun.

But even with his longevity, he was still overwhelmed by the crazy idea in his mind.

The powerful immortal who had ascended to the Upper World to dominate one side, reincarnated, became the Supreme Taoist who suppressed an era, and persisted to the present through ten thousand years.

No matter how you looked at it, it seemed more like a story than a fact that should exist in reality.

But the two tablets in front of Gong Buhuo, shimmering with a soft glow, symbolizing the identities of the Founding Ancestor and the Supreme Taoist, resonated with each other, suggesting that the reality of everything was as he imagined.

“Elder, Taoist Senior Brother, is it really you?”


Within the Courtyard Secret Realm, Shen Yuan, who had just put the mixed cat food next to the Spirit Pool, suddenly sneezed.

A sigh as delicate as a mosquito’s buzz came to his ear again, accompanied by a clear sound like that of someone kowtowing.

Bai Xue, who was about to taste the delicious food, raised her head curiously, looking at Shen Yuan with a worried little face.

Shen Yuan rubbed his nose and listened carefully again, but heard nothing, so he said casually to Bai Xue, “Don’t worry, I am fine.”

Hearing Shen Yuan’s words, Bai Xue bowed her head and began to savor the delicious cat food. The dragon fish in the Spirit Pool was staring at the cat food and blowing bubbles, but Shen Yuan ignored it.

The dragon fish stayed in the Natural Spirit Pool every day and was flushed with Spiritual Liquid, it didn’t need any food for nutrition.

In the end, Bai Xue felt pitiful for the dragon fish, who looked sorrowful with its dead fish eyes, and threw a few pieces of cat food into the Spirit Pool with her small paw.

The dragon fish swallowed two pieces of cat food excitedly and tossed the River Ji Dragon Seal into the sky again, continuously smacking it with its tail as if playing a ball game.

Seeing the harmonious scene in front of him, Shen Yuan smirked and sat back at the stone table under the tree, casually took out an ancient book about deities from the Storage Ring that he had previously purchased at the auction, and began to read it slowly.

Far away, within Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens, Gong Buhuo, deeply shocked, was still kneeling in front of the ritual altar in a dazed state, which worried Mo Li terribly.

As anyone could see, Gong Buhuo did not see himself as a person of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens. In theory, Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens should seek to suppress Gong Buhuo’s influence.

However, with the passage of ten thousand years, those old sect founding ancestors who could suppress Gong Buhuo died out from old age or succumbed to madness and perished during the long periods of Spirit Energy depletion.

Gong Buhuo, an elder who was not a direct descendant of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens, had become the absolute pillar of the entire grotto heavens.

Even the other four elders who were still sleeping in the Forefathers Palace, whether in terms of seniority or cultivation level, could not compare with Gong Buhuo.

Now it was not Gong Buhuo who needed Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens, but the entire Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens that needed Gong Buhuo to stabilize it.

So Gong Buhuo could act so recklessly and could freely use the treasure of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens.

One could say that Gong Buhuo was the anchor of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens.

If any accident were to happen to Gong Buhuo due to the information he provided, he would be the sinner of the entire Mount Laojun, and even if he had high talent, he would still face severe punishment from Mount Laojun.

In the nervousness, Mo Li could not help but call out in a low voice towards the old figure kneeling before the ritual altar:

“Elder Gong?”

This call successfully woke Gong Buhuo from his previous trance.

Seeing Gong Buhuo stand up, Mo Li finally took a deep breath in relief.

Just when he thought everything was over, he suddenly heard Gong Buhuo say:

“No! I must confirm the truth!”

“As it involves the Sect Master’s secrets, there must not be any errors!”

Mo Li, who just let his guard down, was on edge again.

Gong Buhuo took a step forward, and the space in front of him changed, he disappeared into the Forefathers Palace.

The next moment, Mo Li and Gong Buhuo appeared on the summit of the mountains in Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens, where there was only a shabby pavilion and an ancient brass bell.

Gong Buhuo walked into the pavilion, raised his withered right hand, and struck the ancient bell heavily.

In an instant, tangible ripples spread in all directions throughout Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens. The ancient bell’s sound seemed to cross the river of historical evolution from the ancient primordial period into the present world.

On the summit of the mountain, layers after layers of formation intertwined, and the clouds fluttering under the white sky manifested a palace standing on the clouds.

Cloud Top Sky Palace!

The legend about this name suddenly emerged in Mo Li’s mind.

Ten thousand years ago, Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens used all its power to refine a super-large Daoist artifact, which served as the control hub for the entire Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens, and was named Cloud Top Sky Palace.

But with the advent of the ten thousand-year Spirit Energy depletion period, the Sect-suppression Taoist Device like the Trinity Genesis Cauldron fell in rank, and many disciples of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens thought Cloud Top Sky Palace had already been destroyed.

Who would have thought that this Daoist artifact palace was hidden in the auspicious clouds of Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens.

Massive amounts of Spirit Energy were rapidly sucked away the moment Cloud Top Sky Palace appeared, turning into a huge Spirit Energy vortex between heaven and earth. The tornado, thousands of meters high, seemed to become a huge pillar supporting the sky.

Gong Buhuo took a step forward, disappearing from the top of the mountain, and the next moment he entered the Cloud Top Sky Palace.

Mo Li stood in a daze at the original location, and after a while, several powerful aura traces appeared on the mountain peak one after the other.

“Mo Li, why is it you?”

“What on earth has happened?”

“Why was the Cloud Top Sky Palace opened?”

Facing the stern elder sect leaders, Mo Li was at a loss for words.

At that moment, above the sky of the Cloud Top, the shadow of a pillar penetrating heaven and earth appeared. Accompanied by scattered flames and drifting wisps of green smoke emanating from the top of the pillar, it spread throughout Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto heavens.

In that wisps of green smoke, it appeared that people could hear the prayers of common beings, depicting the joys, sorrows, separations, and reunions of mundane lives.

“God Invocation incense!”

“That is a treasure that was used to communicate with the founding ancestors and the canonical gods of the Eight Bureaus of the Heavenly Court a thousand years ago, is there still such a treasure in the Cloud Top Sky Palace?”

“After the Great Schism, all methods of summoning gods and attacking gods have lost their effects. What sacred being is being summoned by this stick of invocation incense?”

The True Beings present were unsure, and Mo Li finally got a brief moment to catch his breath.

He quickly said:

“It was Ancestor Gong! Ancestor Gong was in the ancestral hall to worship the ancestors of past generations. He also established a monument of the Supreme Taoist.

But then Ancestor Gong seemed to sense something wrong and said that he must verify the truth, so he opened the Cloud Top Sky Palace.”

The seven True Beings present looked at each other and for a while, did not know what to say.

Whether worshiping others from the sect in the ancestral hall or recklessly opening the Cloud Top Sky Palace, beyond a doubt, both things were taboo.

If anyone else did such a thing, even a Void Refining True Monarch, they would have the courage to intervene.

However, this involved Ancestor Gong, and they did not dare to interfere at all.

They all survived from the previous Spirit Energy tidal Surge era, and had heard about an instance six thousand years ago, when Ancestor Gong had blatantly placed several empty tablets among the monuments of the founding ancestors.

At that time, the elder ancestors and the sect leaders knew what those empty tablets represented, but due to Ancestor Gong’s cultivation and seniority, they had to reluctantly accept.

Now Ancestor Gong suddenly rose from the coffin and although his actions seemed insane, it was consistent with his usual style.

“But, what exactly did Ancestor Gong go mad for? Is it because he received a message from the sect master who has been missing for tens of thousands of years?”

Only one True Being, who had an aura of death around him, seemed to think of something and suddenly exclaimed:

“Did you just say Supreme Taoist?”

All eyes were immediately on Turtle True Being, who was hunched over like a walking turtle.

This True Being had once signed a symbiotic contract with a turtle under the command of the Dragon Sovereign, and through his own longevity cultivation, he had endured two periods of Spirit Energy depletion and was an exceptional being who had survived from the Spirit Energy tidal surge era six thousand years ago.

Even some of the Void Refining True Monarchs might not be as senior as this Turtle True Being.

“Yes, the Supreme Taoist, does Turtle True Being know something?”

Turtle True Being’s lips trembled slightly, and his expression was still filled with shock:

“The Supreme Taoist originated from Ancestor Gong’s sect, and was Ancestor Gong’s elder brother in terms of seniority.

Ancestor Gong was not one of the strongest in the sect back then, but after being expelled from the sect for breaking the rules, he harbored no resentment towards the sect and instead revered it more.”

“I don’t know when, but all information about Ancestor Gong’s sect had disappeared, except for the legend of the Supreme Taoist, which is still circulating in the world.

That was a peerless genius who dominated an era, causing countless Taoists and sacred sages to seal themselves to avoid disaster, a truly important figure.”

“If Ancestor Gong’s actions really involve the Supreme Taoist, does that mean his elder brother is still alive?”

Following this statement, all the True Beings fell silent.

Ancestor Gong was already an unreachable wonder for them, let alone the Supreme Taoist who had dominated his time and was much superior to Ancestor Gong. If he truly survived to this day, what kind of charm would he have?

A thought flashed by, and all the True Beings heard Ancestor Gong’s authoritative voice echoing in all directions above the Cloud Top Sky Palace.

“The unfilial disciple, Gong Buhuo, is here to pray to the ancestors of past generations and sincerely requests that Supreme Taoist brother will show himself!”

As the words fell, the God Invocation Incense which had turned into green smoke and floated throughout Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens, suddenly underwent a change.

A large amount of green smoke gathered, forming a vague pictorial scroll between heaven and earth.

Everyone looked carefully and saw a white-robed banished immortal standing under a withered tree, allowing the leaves to fall on his shoulders.

In the ethereal immortal figure made up of green smoke, it seemed to reflect the insights of all beings contained in the God Invocation Incense.

One second he was a banished immortal descending to the mundane world, the next he became a farmer in plain clothes working in the fields.

One moment he was the ruler of an ancient civilization, commanding respect from all, and the next he became a beggar on the street.

The figure of the human world appeared on his body, and the green smoke from the God Invocation Incense could not capture his accurate shape.

Everything was changing, only the vague face remained constant, his deep eyes seemed to pierce through time and space, locking onto Rongcheng’s Fine Jade Grotto Heavens.

Without any movement from the banished immortal, a calm voice echoed throughout the grotto heavens.


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