Chapter 13 Clever Bai Xue_1

Translator: 549690339

With the first ray of morning sunlight falling into the cultivation room, Shen Yuan who had been waiting for some time, started to rotate the “Purple Clouds Elemental Qi Refinement Method” to capture the Morning Glow Purple Qi within the sunlight.

The Morning Glow Purple Qi is born between heaven and earth, and is the most basic Qi of heaven and earth, but even so, without special refining methods, even if one knows about the presence of Morning Glow Purple Qi, one still cannot catch it.

An intangible medium separates a strand of shimmering purple qi, which slowly merges into his body as Shen Yuan rotates his cultivation method. The Essence Element sedimentation inside Shen Yuan integrates with this Morning Glow Purple Qi, taking on a bit of regal demeanor.

And, outside the courtyard, Bai Xue, who was lying on the stone table, was staring blankly towards the direction of the cultivation room, her heterochromatic pupils had lost their usual sparkle.

In her mind, she was still replaying the scene from last night.

“I’ve been violated!”

“I’ve been violated!”

With insomnia all night, Bai Xue’s face was full of sorrow. Her palm-sized, small body was slightly trembling, as if she had borne a great deal of injustice.

For a kitten who had made a pledge to maintain cat rights and improve the status of the Cat Tribe, Shen Yuan’s seemingly casual actions were nothing short of the greatest insult to herself.

If it wasn’t for the clear understanding that her combat ability was basically on par with that of a large rat, Bai Xue would have picked a fight with Shen Yuan long ago.

As time passed, the morning sun gradually rose, spreading sunlight generously across the land.

Meanwhile, in Shen Yuan’s courtyard, the yin spirits that had lingered all night began to let out mournful wails. Their spirit body’s strength was simply insufficient to support them to transform into Ghost Cultivators, allowing the yin spirits to melt like snow under the sun.

They dared not hastily rush into Shen Yuan’s house to avoid the sun. It was ingrained in their consciousness that stepping there was far more terrifying than death. They wouldn’t dare overstep, even at the risk of their spirit soul dispersing.

Broken yin spirits scattered and fled within the courtyard, their pain and complete loss of rationality drove them to start killing each other. Their already deficient spirit bodies continued to shatter in the intense battles, their cries, deeply linked to their souls, appeared even more bizarre.

In Bai Xue’s eyes, such a sight was so cruel and terrifying. Yet for Shen Yuan, who was inside the cultivation room, it seemed that he had already become accustomed to it.

Those mournful cries of the spirits did not draw even an ounce of his interest.

When the last wisp of yin spirits dispersed under the jujube tree, the courtyard was filled with a large amount of residual power from the departed yin spirits.

The jujube tree and the green vine instinctively shook their leaves in celebration, and began to greedily absorb this unclaimed soul power.

For plants that have not yet developed Spiritual Wisdom and merely possess the instinct to absorb and expel Spirit Energy through years of cultivation under Shen Yuan, this rich soul power would become a crucial factor for the birth of their Spiritual Wisdom.

Bai Xue turned her gaze aside, choosing not to compete with the two plants for the remnants of these yin spirits. Instead, she looked towards the gate that opened just tens of meters away.

Compared to these yin spirit powers, Bai Xue yearned more for the world outside the gate.

She could clearly hear passersby’s footsteps on the outside road, the occasional roaring engine of the guide, and see birds freely flying in the sky.

It seemed that all she needed to do was to take a step, and she could easily walk out of this confined space that had entrapped her.

However, the clever Bai Xue already saw through everything.

Bai Xue’s attractive eyes turned towards the cultivation room, a trace of disdain appeared on her face.

“The big demon hasn’t even signed a spirit beast pact, he obviously wants to test me with this method. As soon as I choose to run, he will surely catch me and then legitimately torture me.

The cultivators of the Spirit Beast Mountain lineage in my inheritance memories used this routine to torment spirit beasts, then subjugated them completely, from their physical bodies to their spirit souls.

I remember seeing similar skills in human videos, it’s called…CPU? PUA?”

Bai Xue expressed some confusion about the unfamiliar glyphs, but she had already seen through Shen Yuan’s small actions. So, she quietly lay on the stone table. Half an hour later, the door of the cultivation room gradually opened, and a satisfied Shen Yuan emerged.

For his first time refining Morning Glow Purple Qi, Shen Yuan was quite pleased. When the strand of Morning Glow Purple Qi seeped into his Essence Element, he distinctly felt a slow metamorphosis occurring in the properties of his Essence Element.

There wasn’t much prominent change at the Essence Refining Stage. However, once one steps into the Qi Transformation Stage, mastery over Mana is gained and this Morning Glow Purple Qi integrated with one’s Essence Element would cause a metamorphosis in the properties of Mana, which greatly exceeded those of ordinary cultivators.

The “Purple Clouds Elemental Qi Refinement Method” had a great advantage, especially in the cultivation of Spirit Soul techniques and the Eliminate Evil Spells. This precisely is the extraordinary nature of the mystic arts from an ancient and hidden immortal sect like the Falling Clouds Sect.

Thinking about this, Shen Yuan wore a smile and fondly stroked Bai Xue’s little head.

“Bai Xue, you’re so obedient, not running around while I was cultivating.”

Bai Xue silently rolled her eyes. She didn’t believe a word Shen Yuan said.

Shen Yuan’s cultivation this time only involved refining some Morning Glow Purple Qi. Although this Qi of heaven and earth had some special properties, it was trivial to high-ranked cultivators such as the Void Refining True Monarch.

Shen Yuan’s words reassured Bai Xue even more that he was pretending to cultivate just to keep an eye on whether she was trying to escape.

“The mastermind is sure cunning. But how could someone as clever as me be deceived by these petty tricks?”

Bai Xue was exceedingly proud of herself.

In a good mood, Shen Yuan drew back his hand, letting Bai Xue play on the stone table while he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

The conflict with the demon last night had ended, but it still brought some trouble. Destructions like the collapsed wooden walkway, the entrance door and the huge hole dug at the center of the yard needed to be attended to.

Additionally, since he had taken in Bai Xue, Shen Yuan had to get her some daily necessities like a kitty litter box and cat food.

“If only cats could use flush toilets,” lamented Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan’s breakfast wasn’t anything fancy, just a bowl of ordinary egg noodles. In the older parts of the city near the countryside, elderly villagers would often sell eggs from their free-range chickens.

Fried golden brown country eggs coupled with a simple bowl of clear water noodles still managed to awaken one’s appetite.

Shen Yuan sat at the stone table enjoying his delicious breakfast, while Bai Xue lay on the table, staring greedily at his plate of noodles.

Feeling a little embarrassed under Bai Xue’s intense gaze, Shen Yuan could only placate, “Little kitty, you can’t eat this stuff. Later, I will get you some cat food.”

Upon hearing this, Bai Xue gave Shen Yuan an expression of disdain, silently complaining in her heart, “Who wants your cat food? I want to eat human food!”

In Bai Xue’s opinion, cat food was nothing more than a cheap trick humans pulled on cats. Only by eating human food could she be on an equal footing with humans.

But she didn’t dare voice these thoughts in front of the demon Shen Yuan. She could only mumble in her heart.

In the untidy yard in the early morning, a young man sat under a tree eating his breakfast, while a black-and-white kitten on the table quietly watched him. The scene was filled with peace and harmony.

However, this serene scene was quickly shattered – a figure intruded into the open yard of Shen Yuan’s residence.

The intruder was a middle-aged man, who looked around forty. Dressed in a suit and leather shoes, he exuded a commanding aura. Among his entourage was a young man carrying a briefcase.

Entering the courtyard and seeing the mess, the middle-aged man subconsciously furrowed his brows. He then looked at Shen Yuan who was sitting beneath the jujube tree and asked:

“Excuse me, is Mr. Shen Yuan here?”

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