Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 113 - Chapter 113: Chapter 40 Benefits Delivered to the Door_1

Chapter 113: Chapter 40 Benefits Delivered to the Door_1

Translator: 549690339

Far within the Courtyard Secret Realm, Shen Yuan looked at the message that popped up on the cultivation forum before him, a look of astonishment on his face.

“Being charged 1 point for each download due to excessive downloading? I already owe more than three thousand six hundred points?”

“Before I clear the points, I can’t ask questions or download?”

Shen Yuan felt a headache coming on.

He had thought he could download at will, but never expected this kind of preventive measure.

The more than three thousand six hundred classics that he had already downloaded were enough to establish a mid-tier scripture depository for the task.

But what Shen Yuan wanted was not simply a mid-tier scripture depository, but the Sainthood Attainment Enlightenment Array Formation, which offered the highest reward.

Such a treasure was rare, and Shen Yuan did not want to give up on it.

According to Shen Yuan’s calculation, downloading all the books from the cultivation forum would exceed ten thousand cultivation classics, and the number of cult-suppression secret tomes would far exceed ten, supporting him to attain the highest reward.

But the problem now was that the account had been restricted from


“The only way now is to find a way to fill the deficit of points.

As he thought, Shen Yuan’s eyes turned to the help-seeking section of the forum.

This was the only channel for Shen Yuan to obtain points at present.

Opening the help-seeking post, the top post was still about how to fix the grotto heavens sacred ground, posted by the superintendent of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau.

In the comment section, the discussion was still heated and full of arguments.

Shen Yuan quickly skipped this issue.

Without a doubt, Pot’s Heaven Divine Power could play a significant role in repairing grotto heavens sacred ground, especially since his Pot’s Heaven Divine Power had reached the Reaching Inner Hall Induction Level.

While he might not be able to fully repair it, there was a high probability that it could alleviate the collapse of the grotto heavens sacred ground to some extent.

However, the initiator of this problem was the superintendent of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau of the Great Xia’s Imperial Court, it may represent the top figures of the Great Xia.

Shen Yuan’s divine skills were now sufficient for self-protection, but he did not want to rashly get involved with the Great Xia’s Imperial Court, a formidable entity without a solution at the moment.

In case the collapse of the grotto heavens sacred ground involved too much, and the Great Xia’s Imperial Court must request Shen Yuan to go and repair it to keep the grotto heavens sacred ground, there would inevitably be many unnecessary issues.

Looking at the other help-seeking issues, most of them were mainly about the

Essence Refining and Qi Transformation cultivation stages. The points offered for these issues were very few, and most of them had only 1 point.

If he answered these questions, Shen Yuan could not tell when he would be able

to pay off the debt.

So Shen Yuan quickly selected the targets he could solve and were valuable


Because of the different levels of information he had come into contact with, many of the secrets that Shen Yuan had experienced firsthand, which did not seem like problems to him, had become unsolvable problems under the influence of a long period.

Soon, Shen Yuan set his sights on a help-seeking issue.

“During the era of the Great Yin’s Mortal Emperor, the Human Clan empire suppressed the entire Primal Chaos Realm, creating countless myths.

During this period, the Human Clan produced the Taixu Ship, a perfect fusion of formations and puppets, with a power that could contend with the Tao Harmony Taoist Doyen and was invincible in all directions.

Only two of the three Taixu Ships from the Great Yin era are widely known, the whereabouts of the other one is unknown.

Can anyone enlighten me and tell me where this Taixu Ship is?

Rather than a request for help, this post is more like a discussion thread, and Shen Yuan saw all kinds of opinions in the comment section below.

Some people firmly claimed that the Taixu Ship had gone to outer space to open a small world, while others said that the lost Taixu Ship was destroyed in the war with the monster tribe, but no one could get the approval of the person who asked the question.

Shen Yuan saw that the points for this problem were as high as 1000. Although it couldn’t compare with those seeking divine skills or clues to the cult­suppression secret treasures, it definitely wasn’t a small number.

Especially the answer to this question can get points as long as it is recognized by the questioner, and there is no need for a strong person to prove it.

After pondering for a while, Shen Yuan entered a series of texts and clicked send.

In Cang Province, within the Dayou-Miaohua Grotto Heavens, one of the 36 Little Grotto Heavens, a young man hurriedly entered the Miaohua Pavilion.

The inhabitants of Miaohua Pavilion were the current leaders of the Dayou- Miaohua Grotto Heavens, and the only true being of the entire sect that had awakened to the present world.

The young man had barely entered when he shouted excitedly:

“Master, that question about the Taixu Ship you posted on the Cultivation

Forum, someone may have answered it!”


A surprised, full-bodied voice echoed, followed by a flash of light, and an old man with a horsetail whisk, his hair and beard both white, appeared in front of the young man.

“Let me see it quickly!”

The young man didn’t dare to delay, quickly opened the Cultivation Forum. A comment had appeared under the question that hadn’t been responded to for a long time.

Falling Clouds: Ten thousand years ago, a Taixu Ship was involved in an attempt to kill Yunmeng Dragon Monarch in River Ji Dragon Palace. After the great battle, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch successfully escaped and the River Ji Dragon Palace suffered heavy losses. The missing Taixu Ship most likely destroyed in this battle.

While handing the comment to Miaohua True Monarch to see, the youth spoke up:

“I’ve specially checked the sect scriptures, and none of the two Taixu Ships with specific whereabouts have been involved in the Yunmeng Dragon Palace matter.

The destruction of Yunmeng Dragon Palace caused a great stir in the entire

Aquatic Tribe.

Many people believe that the Four Waterways Dragon Palace was jealous and feared being replaced by Yunmeng Dragon Palace, which led to this incident, even once shaking the stability within the Aquatic Tribe.

All in all, it’s not a glorious matter.

If the Great Yin’s Imperial Court was also involved, they would certainly suppress the related information, which could explain why the location of the last Taixu Ship cannot be found.”

Miaohua True Monarch stared at the reply from the ID named Falling Clouds, his expression changing for a good while, finally he heaved a long sigh and said:

“Perhaps this is the correct answer, give him the points!”

“Then ask him where specifically he got this information.

This person named Falling Clouds, his identity must be not simple.”

The youth nodded, and a few minutes later a message popped up.

Falling Clouds: No comment!

Of course, Shen Yuan could only reply ‘no comment.’ He couldn’t possibly reveal that he had personally witnessed the Taixu Ship at the scene where the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch was ambushed, could he?

Since he had already bagged 1000 points, there was no need for Shen Yuan to continue answering the other party’s questions.

A thousand points to a newbie who had just entered the forum asking questions about the Path was an unimaginably high score. So many points could be exchanged for a considerable number of formal spells and magic artifacts.

But for Shen Yuan, these thousand points were just a drop in the bucket.

Shen Yuan continued to purposefully look for high-scoring questions that he could answer in the help section.

“As records show, the Ghost Market conducted normal transactions more than three thousand years ago.

But nobody knows when the Ghost Market suddenly lost its fairness, ruthlessly plundering life-force and even setting up a variety of trading traps. What exactly caused the changes in the Ghost Market?”

Falling Clouds: The four pavilion masters found trading loopholes, manipulated the will of the Ghost Market, and secretly modified trading content.

Many people in the forum asking questions about the Path noticed a big shot named Falling Clouds had suddenly cropped up in the help section.

This big shot was not interested in answering any cultivation-related questions. Instead, he chose to answer obscure questions that had high scores, and had been left unanswered for many months in the help section.

Under normal circumstances, once these problems remain unanswered, they will eventually sink into the sea, ultimately becoming a discussion area where friends in the forum chat and boast.

But within a few short hours today, several tricky questions had been answered in succession. Every questioner had affirmed Falling Clouds’ answers, even including many people from grotto heavens sacred grounds.

This made many people in the forum realize that Falling Clouds, this so-called big shot, was likely an old monster that had awoken from the grotto heavens sacred grounds. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have known so many secrets.

More and more people started paying attention to the account named Falling Clouds.

In the Imperial Astronomical Bureau in the Imperial Capital, Xu Di held a cup of tea lazily, sipping it bit by bit.

Compared to other envoys with astonishing power and control over the state government, Xu Di, who was only in charge of forum management, seemed to have no power at all.

But for Xu Di, who was innately lazy, being a forum administrator where he could slack off every day was undoubtedly a good job.

All it took was a negligible effort each day to monitor any unexpected situations in the forum. The rest of the time, he could loaf about to his heart’s content.

“Another carefree day…spurt!”

After casually choosing to refresh the forum’s backend, Xu Di, who had not finished speaking, directly spat out his tea.

He incredulously widened his eyes at the name on the forum’s backend, even reaching out to rub his own eyes repeatedly.

“Ami seeing this right? In just a few hours, he went from a negative balance of more than 3,600 points, to a positive balance of more than 2,000 points and still rising.”

“Where did he get so many points from?”

Xu Di quickly checked Shen Yuan’s points acquisition record, which clearly demonstrated the questions he had answered.

After hurriedly browsing through it, Xu Di couldn’t help exclaiming:

“He can easily unveil so many secrets; could he be another spokesperson of a hidden major sect?”

“Falling Clouds, but why have I never heard this name before?”

In fact, it wasn’t just Xu Di. As Shen Yuan had answered many previously unsolvable problems, the whole forum was buzzing about him.

Many people were spreading the news, even the True Beings from the grotto heavens sacred grounds who had never appeared in the world were astonished by this person named Falling Clouds.

He revealed so many secrets with ease, some even dating back to ten thousand years ago.

Many people from Hidden Sects and grotto heavens sacred grounds began to rummage through their archives to find records about the two words ‘Falling Clouds’ to confirm his information.

While the whole forum was abuzz with Shen Yuan’s appearance, Shen Yuan found himself in a bit of a quandary.

The forum had only been created a few months ago and had not accumulated many questions.

From thousands of accumulated help request questions, he had carefully selected those he could answer.

But now all of those questions had been resolved by him. The remaining questions were beyond Shen Yuan’s knowledge, and there was still a gap of more than 3000 points left to fill.

This was not a small number, and without an informational advantage, Shen Yuan would likely take a long time to build up points.

The only option now seemed to be one path.

“Do I really have to take the risk to try and answer the superintendent’s question?”

Just as Shen Yuan was deep in thought, a help request suddenly refreshed in the forum. As soon as it appeared, it was pinned to the top position. This treatment was only given to issues offering tens of thousands of points.

The person who initiated the question was Sunn Lanyu. By the style of his name, he didn’t seem to come from a Hidden Sect.

He requested a clue and offered an extremely high reward of 10,000 points.

“The Dragon Seal of the River Ji Dragon Palace has been stolen, and I, Sunn Lanyu, am representing the River Ji Dragon Palace in asking the entire Great Xia for clues to the Dragon Seal.

If anyone knows the secret of the Dragon Seal, please let us know. Apart from the points, the River Ji Dragon Palace has additional rewards!”

“The Dragon Seal of the River Ji?”

A strange expression flashed across Shen Yuan’s face. In the storage space of his ring, a beautful seal brimming with spirit essence appeared in his hand.

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