The dog was really here and it had just licked her foot!!!! Her eyes were not deceiving her, this was no hallucination. Even the voice in her mind belonged to the dog.

"How, What?" she struggled with the questions in her mind.

"How am I here?" the dog asked.

"Yes." she replied.

"I am your newly contracted soul pet. I am not your ordinary type of pet by the way, I am Severus, a thirty first descendant of the king of hell hounds. Since we are not on friendly terms yet, you can call me His highness Severus."

She was about to respond sarcastically when her door was kicked open very loudly and her brothers came rushing in.

Adler was wielding a two sided battle axe which looked different from the one he had before.

Just like then in the Blue forest, he was swinging at the air randomly.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"What, what is it?" he asked. His head was moving left and right at a rapid pace.

"Sister has a beast in her room." Gregor her youngest brother said loudly. His little fingers were pointing at Severus that was lying lazily on her bed without a care in the world.

Adler's axe swung down, aiming at the dog.

"Stop." Scarlet yelled. "It's no beast, it's a gift from my master."

At the last moment, the axe changed direction narrowly missing the dog and yet to the shock of those who were watching the dog did not flinch or move. It appeared to be completely unaware of the danger.

In her mind, she heard Severus say, "I have the strongest bite and sharpest teeth in the heavenly realm. I once tore a chimera to pieces with one bite."

She laughed nervously and pleaded with him to shut up.

"I need to shower, I will see you all in a few minutes." She pushed them all out of her room, closed the door and slid down while leaning against it.

A few beads of sweat were running down her back and her there was a significant increment in her heart beat.

Why was this hound of hell here and putting her on tenterhooks?

"Hey Severus, if you are so powerful why did you contract yourself to me? As a matter of fact, what exactly are you? You have said that you once tore a chimera to pieces with one bite but when I met you last night you were just a tiny puppy."

"I needed a gullible grim reaper to help me escape and you are the most gullible of them all. Best of all, you said that you said that I deserved god food and you lacked a soul pet. It's a win-win situation for us both." he responded with pride in his voice.

She almost foamed at the mouth in extreme shock because she was being despised by an animal.

"I am gullible!!!" she said in shock. "What makes you think that I am gullible?"

Severus laughed and replied, "You jumped into a gateway of your own volition first of all. Only an idiot does that."

Scarlet was reminded of her very embarrassing mistake which led her here.

"Your picture is everywhere on the forum, you are being used as a tteaching aid on how to get strong souls to accept the mantle of becoming grim reapers." He chuckled some more.

She had no idea that Severus could access the underworld forum.

"I was going to continue running from those idiot reapers who can't feed me the food i deserve and yet they keep expecting me to hunt for them when I saw you. An infant soul cultivator who captured a level one soul eater. My, my, my, you are quite something."

"So you contracted yourself to me because of that?" she asked him. She knew that many reapers were impressed by what she accomplished but she didn't think it was that big a deal. It could be a one time thing unless she figured out how to do it again.

Severus lifted his body off the bed and stretched. "I just thought that you are an odd ball. An interesting odd ball and being with you will be fun. Now give me some meat before I decide to hunt. Keep in mind that I am feeling lazy so if I do decide to hunt, I will start with the little birds you keep in those poorly constructed cages outside."

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