Chapter 253: Not Dead

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Liao Ning was overcome with shock, rendering her unable to utter a single word. She had anticipated Loya’s desire to exact revenge on her, but the involvement of so many people caught her completely off guard.

Observing Liao Ning’s dumbfounded expression, Loya found immense satisfaction. “Very well, Father is waiting for me to attend to him, while you can await your demise here.”

Although Loya had finished speaking, she chose not to leave the cell just yet. Instead, she gazed at Liao Ning with a smile adorning her face.

After a brief moment, Liao Ning regained her composure. “Liao Nai, what do you intend to do with Liao Nai?”

The sole obstacle standing in her way within the empire was Liao Nai, who was currently under anesthesia. If Liao Ning were to meet her end, Liao Nai’s survival would be in jeopardy as well.

Loya regarded her with disdain. “Ah, so you finally remember your nephew? Perhaps he can keep you company in death. Don’t worry, he’s quite adorable, and I won’t be overly cruel. I’ll simply allow the laboratory to conduct some experiments on him until he perishes.”

Upon hearing Loya’s nonchalant tone, Liao Ning became consumed with anger, causing her to tremble. Loya, on the other hand, derived satisfaction from witnessing her in this state.

“Actually, I have done some investigation on you, so it’s not surprising that I know about your situation,” she added.

“Yeah, I don’t find that strange.” Liao Ning sneered. “So you set me up for the ancient food recipes? You even risked the lives of the king and the people of the empire for my life and the recipes? What a Princess of Dawn of the empire!” Liao Ning’s sarcastic words still stung Loya, who turned cold.

Sami’s plan was to frame Liao Ning and put her and Liao Nai to death. Then the Sam Family would offer the antidote to the elves. This way, not only would the Sam Family gain a better position, but they could also make a lot of money.

But Loya did not want that to happen. She was the one who had invested the most, and she needed to gain the most benefits from this incident. So she provided the poisonous green kale directly to the king and then presented the formula to save the king and the people.

“If you are willing to hand over the recipe, I will release Liao Nai and trade your life for your Elder Brother’s only son. It is a worthwhile exchange.”

Loya was confident that Liao Ning would agree to her proposal, so she devised this plan.

Upon hearing her suggestion, Liao Ning responded directly, “You must uphold your end of the bargain. The recipe is yours.”

“Really?” Loya’s eyes filled with excitement. “Don’t worry, I always honor my promises!”

“But I don’t possess the original version of the recipe. They all reside here.” Liao Ning raised her hands and pointed to her own head.

“If you desire the recipe, you must release Liao Nai, and I must be spared as well..”

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