Pushing some branches away from his face, he spat out, cleaning his face.

'Bug!' He coughed out, holding his throat.

[It's not going to kill you!] Mune rolled her eyes, casually phasing through the branches that were in her way, not bothering to dodge any like her master did.

'Says the one that could phase through things at will.' He retorted, gritting his teeth.

[You are flexible though] Mune chuckled, changing her form into a gelatinous blob, wiggling her body, mocking him.

'Good thing I look better than you did when I did whatever that body movement was.' He said with a cringe.

With a pout of disappointment, she reverted to her miniature form.



He rested his hand on his knees, wiping the sweat on his forehead. The only thing he was grateful for was the shade the trees gave, only letting a few rays of light seep through from the places where the branches didn't overlap in twists and shoots over one another.

'When drawing the map, how did I miss this detail?' He fumed, breaking another branch in front of him in frustration.

[It didn't catch your fancy and this is not the same path that leads to the village where you have seen people walking around] She deadpanned.

He had been walking for over an hour in this forest wasteland. Yet, he had stared at the map several times to confirm he was going in the right direction, but the arrow which hovered over his creation only confirmed his disappointment.

[You could use your speed] Mune looked awkwardly to the side, then upwards just so she wouldn't witness him glare at her.

Nix shook his head, that wasn't the best option to go with, no matter how tempting that sounded. If he uses it on something as non-engaging as this, his agility stats would be drained before he engaged the


'I can do this without the use of augmentation, what's...' he pushed on another branch, ducking before it retracted and hit him in the face.

'... a simple branch even in their hundreds going to do to me?' He finally completed.

[Stupid master] Mune muttered under her breath, her cheeks filling up with air.

'What did you say?!' He raised a brow, reaching out to pull her down to his height.


She zoomed forward, purposefully making it obvious how easy this obstacle course was simple for her.

'If I get you, you're so...' His eyes narrowed as a bright light clouded his vision.

Using his hand to shield his eyes, he closed them and a few seconds later he opened them. Tiny sparks of lights trailed in his vision and moved about in the air.

Shaking his head, he knew this was due to the light and tried to correct his vision by massaging his eyes for a bit.

'What the...' he felt ripples and a cool liquid continuously flow past his ankle.

Forced to open his eyes, he looked down at what that could be.

'A brook?' His tense muscles eased, as he gave a satisfying breath of relief.

[Finally! There you are] Mune came up behind him.

Walking out of the brook, he shook the water out of his shoe. 'This is not my day at all.'

Pulling out the map, he studied the next direction he was going to take. The arrow pointed to the left, with a name written above—Fegan.

This brought a smile onto his face, even though it didn't lead to the village like he had expected it to be, he was glad he was going in the right direction.

[Looks like he changed his location] Mune snickered, happy about the new development.

With a scoff, he focused his attention on the map, it was his idea to incorporate the visuals and details from the scroll while he drew out the arrow, this way it would be easier to locate his target.

Rolling it back up, he slid it into his bag, holding onto the strap, he exhaled.

'Say no to being nerfed.' He repeated in his mind, looking dejectedly at his arm, his right hand clenching into a fist to his side.

[Correction! Say no to dying] Mune folded her arms, frowning. He didn't have the right mindset and that troubled her. If it was losing his arm, she wouldn't have been so scared the moment she had seen the signs on his arm.

Shaking his head, to a weird degree that put a smile on his face. He proceeded to walk in the direction westward.


Hiding in some bushes, he was wary of a cottage in the middle of a forest. His guess was that could only be where Fegan lived. Pulling out the map, he examined it just to be sure.

The arrow affirmed his thoughts, the arrow had grown bigger and its pointer which was on the cottage kept flashing a bright white light before reverting to its original black.


A rustle in the bushes made him alert. Looking behind him, he immediately activated his gift.

[Gift: Fire in effect]

'Sh*t!' He cursed at how unfortunate he was, he was literally in a bush, hiding. His gift wasn't a friend in such an environment. Although he knew the fire couldn't hurt him, any wrong move, he should be prepared to lose his map and most importantly his clothes.


His eyes tried to keep up with his presumed location of the person, this couldn't be Fegan, the arrow had made sure of it, then who?


He dodged by a hair whatever attack directed at him, taking a quick look, he saw a kunai bore deep into a tree.

'What the heck… ninjas?!' He jumped out of the way as more kunai was thrown in his direction.

"Show yourself if you're confident!" He challenged, taking a defensive stance as his fists were covered in blue flames.

In the shadows, he could hear a sinister laugh. "Oooo we got a fire user!"

Nix eased his stance a bit, swayed by something strange he had noticed about the voice.

'A female?!'

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