[Woah! Master, please don't move too much] She grabbed onto his locks, she wasn't prepared to hover just yet.

Nix's lips drew to a thin line at her complaint. How did she expect him to stay still while he was finally excited about something?

'You know you can fly, right? So why do you still stick with sitting on my hair like a bird on a nest?'

[Your hair is comfortable, and it smells nice] Mune shrugged, intentionally pulling on his hair to get a reaction.

"Ow!" Nix yelped, flicking her off his head.

He momentarily looked back at the awkward position Lank was in, and cringed. He had his arms and legs opened wide, his tongue sticking out as he snored softly.

'You really did do a number on him.' He chuckled at how stupid he looked like.

[Do you want me to test it out on you? It looks like you need a goodnight rest] Mune hovered in front of him, rubbing her hands while she let out a cackle.

'You wouldn't dare.' Nix narrowed his eyes, taking up the challenge.

Mune dropped her hands to her side, sighing heavily. She had hoped her spineless threat would get to him.

[Master, please get up] She flew to the door.


Nix looked to his left, shaking his head at her weird request.

Obliging, he stood up, folding his arms, he wondered what she was going to do.

'So... what's going on? We still have a disc–'

[Catch me!] Mune squealed, morphing into her adult self.

Nix instinctively opened his arms, catching her before she could hit the floor. 'What the f*ck was that?'

Mune laughed, wrapping her arms around Nix's neck, giggling with her legs kicking a little in the air.

'Did you hit your head or something?' He asked incredulously.

[No... I just wanted to feel the thrill of taking a risk, just this one time]

Nix looked down at her, grinning in an amusing manner. 'That's enough with the crazy,' He said, patting the back of her head, settling her down on her feet.

[I knew you couldn't resist me] She said, her face slightly tilted in an amused smile.

Nix rolled his eyes. 'Yes, I couldn't resist watching my guide make a bad decision when I still needed her.'

Mune's face fell, her heart sinking at this.

'I'm just kidding.' Nix chuckled. He was glad she was okay. He didn't like seeing her sad. He rubbed her head, causing her to smile again.

[Yes, that's better] She sighed, settling back into her miniature form.

'Quick question though,' Nix said, a hand on his chin. He didn't want to force her, but he wanted to know.

[Oh... Kay?]

'Can you bleed? Can you feel pain? Can you be killed? What if I had not caught you?' Nix questioned. He waited for her to answer.

She was silent for a moment, before speaking. [I don't know. I can't feel anything, after all I was created from your desires] She said.

Nix was shocked at her answer, and a little sad as well. He had hoped she would have some kind of resistance like he did.

[Anyways you had asked a question earlier, so, if you want to know about anything, well, let's find out] Mune said, a slight smirk on her face.

'Well I made mention of discussing something before we came here.' Nix deadpanned.

Mune looked at him confused. There were tons of things she had told him before he had gotten to the academy.

[Which one exactly, master?] Mune pointed out.

'About the dragons.' Nix hinted. Walking back to the chair.

Mune snapped her fingers, finally getting what he meant. [Oh, you mean those words]

Nix nodded his head.

[Are you planning to go search for them?]

'Why search, when you can lead me to them?' Nix reasoned.

[But... they are scattered outside the barrier of the city, unexplored territories] Mune countered, she dreaded going to such places.

'Are you scared? It's not like you're the one who is going to engage them.' He shrugged, pushing back his chair and throwing his feet onto the table.

[I'm not scared. After all, I'm not the one who's planning on confronting those beasts] She protested with a pout.

'Good, so how about I use my remaining sick leave to pay a visit to my friends.' He wiggled his brows, hoping to get a positive response from her.

[Since when do you have friends?] She narrowed her eyes.

He had actually meant the dragons, but with the way she had said it, he felt the need to prove he did have at least a friend or two.

'Lank's my friend, you're my–'

[No, it's just the system that set you up to this] Mune cut in, raising her chin.

Nix stared for a while, he couldn't quite place why her words had struck him so deeply. He had originally thought of Lank as someone worthy of redemption, like he had and that reminded him of himself–confused, impulsive, lost and lonely.

That was what drew him to Lank. The system only made him have the courage to approach him faster.

He didn't understand why she was always so antagonistic when he tried to get close to anyone, in his defense he rarely does.

'I can't believe I'm saying this,' He pushed back his hair, chuckling, 'but you're wrong!'


'If you think my friendship with him is purely based on the system, then I say our closeness is nothing but an act set up by the system also.' He reasoned.

[Master?] Mune's lips quivered at his words.

'I had been thinking about this for a long time, why is it that the system gives me such weird missions? Why are they mostly personalized?' He looked down at his hands, determined not to be swayed by Mune's teary eyes.

'Then it finally all started to make sense. It wasn't just making things personalized by random, it was being triggered by how I feel, what I know and how I perceive things.'

Finally summoning up the courage to lock eyes with her, he raised his head. 'So you tell me, was your creation or my bond with Lank merely set up by the system?'

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