Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 53 Repercussion Of Trying To Be Selfless

'Marked? Why does bullsh*t always happen to me?' He opened one of his eyes, his body shaking, he used his left hand to navigate his steps.

[Master you need to get some rest] Mune cried out, there have been rare cases of this ever happening to anyone.

Nix shook his head, he wasn't going to rest, not in the same room as Lumina. He dreaded spending any time in there with her, it would only hurt more to watch those glaring eyes, or not even a glance at the least.

Several times he had tried to reason that this phase would soon be over, he had made a full recovery due to the health potion. Even after that, she still gave him a cold shoulder and it got worse the more he tried to explain the situation without giving out too much information.

He had risked his life, but it was for the greater good–his mates. As much as he wanted to ignore their presence then, his instinct kicked in when their situation reminded him so much about his mother and brother.

[But master–]

"Are you my guide or are you just going to keep on pestering me?" He growled in anger, unable to speak telepathically to her anymore.

Her persuasion was aggravating his anger, so was the throbbing pain in his right arm. He couldn't even bear to look at the veins which had branched down to his fingers anymore.

[I exist to help you with anything you need] Mune replied firmly.

Looking ahead, a smile was forced onto his lips, the library was just a few steps away. He couldn't turn back now, there was still Lank to speak with.

"I can't go back." He persisted.

[Master...] Mune's voice trailed as she watched him hold his hand, making his way to the library.

"What do you know about this..." he looked down at his hand, frowning at its condition, "...thing?" He hissed to the pain.

[It's a mark which could he likened to a defense mechanism in certain objects, it's said that the only way to fully cure this is to coerce the person who had placed it to cancel their hold on it]

"So that means the person who did this is still alive." He reasoned.

[Theoretically speaking–yes!]

"Why theoretical?" He frowned at the weird possibility of things becoming more complicated.

[There are cases when it isn't just one power but multiple, this way, the efficiency is higher] Mune looked at his arm worriedly.

This was never supposed to happen to him, he wondered if he had made a mistake by destroying that medal on Agatha's chest in that manner.

'This is what you get for trying to be selfless.' He scolded himself in his thoughts.

"There are two ways to go about this, either I kill them or coerce them to cancel this, right?"

[Master? Kill a person, really?] She folded her arms, shaking her head.

"I was just kidding." He nervously laughed, hissing right after as the sharp pain brought him back to reality.

'No you were not!' A voice in his head corrected immediately.

"I would just need to do a little chit chat with such a person, I promise." He forced a smile, but his twitching brows gave him away.

He was trying his best to endure the pain, but by the passing minutes it was getting a lot harder to maintain.

[Master, you need to rest! You could do this some other time]

"No, it's now, there is no way I'm going to do a make up mission." He grimaced at the dreadful thought.

This was meant to be by far the simplest mission he got, and he wasn't going to let it go to waste by forgoing it for a torturous set of mini tasks later.

Mune was conflicted, even if he didn't get enough rest, there was no way of delaying the inevitable. If he was still as persistent as he was now, the pain was sure to knock him out cold and slowly drain his life force, if he was to succumb to it.

Opening the door, he stumbled in, falling to the floor on his side.

[Are you alright?!] She whooshed towards his side, the moment she had heard a thud.

Nix used his left hand to push hinder up, he began to chuckle softly, pushing back his disheveled hair from his face.

[Did something happen to master's brain also?] Mune tilted her head in confusion at the unbelievable possibility of that happening.

Nix heard what she had said and only laughed a bit louder.

Mune had her mouth gaped open, confusion setting in deeply, his current reaction didn't match up in the slightest to what had happened a while ago.

"It's funny how I can naturally open a door few hours ago and now I fell completely to the floor because I struggled to open one."

Mune's eyes widened at his explanation, but her brows furrowed, thinking if that was the reason for his laughter, that was still scary in its own right to be conceivable.

"Breaking news," Nix brought his clenched fist like a microphone, pretending to be a reporter.

Mune raised a brow, she was beginning to fear that there really was something wrong with her master.

[Master, what is my name?] Mune hoped if she started from scratch, then they could find out the other things she might have missed in this weird personality.

He stared at Mune for sometime, almost giving her a high expectation on what he wanted to say. His mouth opened slightly as if he was indeed going to answer her question.

Turning his head away from her direction, he ignored the question, continuing with his announcement. "...the once intimidating Nix had been relegated to falling to the ground because he couldn't make good use of his right arm anymore and a pain in the hand is gradually weakening his whole body due to his selfless action. All means of avenging his family washed down the drain."

Nix laughed at his words, not because they were funny, but because it sounded so inconceivable that even he didn't believe it would happen. Not once when he was drunk did he ever come so close to being so powerless as not being able to open a door and walk in at the least.

His mood darkened immediately, gritting his teeth as the veins began to throb once more.

Mune's mood depreciated after hearing what was on his mind. She finally understood the reason for his laughter and was saddened by her inability to help.

"I know something which could help." He raised his head, his face was devoid of the once glum look he had.

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