The male's eyes widened, there was nowhere left to hide. "My name is Lank."

Nix frowned, it looked so much like he was bullying him, to anyone who would walk in.

Even though he hated bullies or being bullied, he never wished to be one.

"Why is it that you must be so dense, you know so much as to what I am but you have no idea what I'm talking about?" He said, his voice now sounding more condescending than before.

"A piece of advice, never pick on anyone because you think you are better than them or feel intimidated by them. Bullying is never the answer." He left it at that on a final note.

Shoving his hand into his pocket, bringing out the medal pass, he turned towards the direction leading to the dorms.

He could hear his classmates whisper to each other.

"So cool!"

"Lumina is so lucky!"

"I wish I shared a dorm with him, I would have–"

Nix increased his pace, now this augmentation didn't feel great anymore, it felt more like a curse instead, he couldn't even filter what he heard anymore.

'Focus on something much better and uplifting.' He told himself.


Nix staggered backwards. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked as he looked up at the student who had collided into him.

"I– I'm so sorry." The female said with a dazed expression on her face.

"I'm sorry, please accept my apology." She took a step back.

Nix looked at the female closely, he was sure he had seen her with Lumina.

"You are the friend of Lumina, right?" Nix asked.

"Yes." The female affirmed with a nod.

"The one who had followed her," he continued.

She looked up at him, pushing back a strand of her blonde hair that had fallen in her face.

"How did you know?" Fae asked.

Nix paused for a moment, he was about to ask the girl a question but decided against it. "Nevermind that." He said slowly and bowed slightly as he took his leave towards his dorm.

Her eyes slowly darted towards his bare feet in confusion.

"Wait!" Fae called out.

Nix halted in his steps, he looked over his shoulders, "It better be a good reason!"

Fae thought over what she had wanted to say but instead went with the latter, "it's about Lumina."

She knew this would spark his interest, him turning in her direction finally was a proof of that.

"What about her?" He had a look of worry, she hadn't returned to class since the moment he had seen her leave, till he was done with the test in Zoar.

The only person who had been with her was pretty face's friend. This made him anxious about what might have happened.

"Is there anything going on between you two?" She asked in barely a whisper.

'Anything? In what sense exactly?!'

Nix blinked several times, trying his best to process what he had heard. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

Fae grimaced at his words, that question was meant to be a one time thing, she was sure he had heard her in the first place, but yet he wants to listen to it again?

"I can't seem to process Lumina's feelings towards you, ever since she heard about your gift, she had been acting a bit strange." She revealed.

"How strange?" He questioned.

"She wouldn't say, but her eyes kept darting towards the bed, she wouldn't go to sleep on it, no matter how hard I persuaded her." Fae searched Nix's eyes for any sign of recollection of what might have happened.

She had thought probably her best friend had been sexually assaulted by this handsome male in front of her.

He did look strong and had a cold aura that was indeed inviting but also worth keeping a distance considering the amount of power he possessed. What other reason could shake up her tough skinned friend in such a way?

Nix thought for a moment on what she had said, putting lots of meaning on it. There must have been a reason she had specifically made mention of the bed.

Then it clicked, he was facepalming at how low she must have thought of him at this point.

All that had transpired between them the previous night, was him not letting her sleep on the bed using his passive gift. That was the only way to deflect her gift.

He pointed his finger towards her, opening his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Trying again, he finally got the voice to say it out.

"Do you think that I– I sexually assaulted her?!" He frowned at the only suggestion that could come to his mind.

Fae looked awkwardly to the side. Even though she had contemplated that as an option, his tone of voice clearly states otherwise.

Tilting her head in confusion, she wasn't quite sure as to why Lumina had acted that way. "I do apologize if it sounded that way."

"What a sick presumption." He snarled, he instantly regretted listening to her in the first place.

Fae jumped back in fear at his reaction, he really did seem angry with her for that specific reason.

"Please speak with her, if you can." Fae bowed, scurrying off in the opposite direction.

Exhaling, Nix realized he had wasted valuable time speaking with her. He actually blamed himself for being so drawn in on the mention of Lumina.

'What is wrong with you, Nix? You barely know pretty face.' He slapped his cheeks.

Bringing out his pass, this time the pull wasn't as great as the first time. This time he casually walked with it until he got to his door.


Walking in, he heaved a sigh of relief as he found no one in the room, the bed was still in the same way he had laid it. He could see why her friend had been so concerned about pretty face.

The sound of trickling water coming from the bathroom alerted him of the fact she was truly in.

Tiptoeing, he jumped onto the bed. There was no use in bothering himself about the reason for her unusual behavior.

He had slowly drifted to sleep on the bed when he heard the sound of a door opening. He was instantly wide awake, listening to the sound of the light footsteps of someone walking out of the bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Lumina screamed upon sighting Nix. Her hands clutched the towel wrapped around her chest, her eyes were wide open in panic.

Nix looked around, in case he was actually hallucinating. The pass couldn't have led him to another dorm.

The whole position of the furniture was the same as it had been before.

"This is our dorm." He deadpanned, trying to lighten the mood. It did not work, the look in her eyes was anything but positive.

She walked over to the closet, "look at the wall, don't you dare look at me." She ordered.

He did as he was told, he could feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment. This was what he got for sharing a dorm with a female, and now he has her thinking his intentions were a little more than friendship.

He was glad her feisty attitude had returned, there was never a cause for alarm as her friend had thought it to be.

"Who are you, really?!" She asked, her voice was still slightly angry, but there was more than just anger in her eyes now. She had a hint of fear in them.

"Excuse me?"

"Who are you?!" She repeated, leaning on the wall, staring daggers at him.

He began to wonder if he was that scary, "This is Nix, you know me. I am an acquaintance, if not a friend." He said, hoping that would calm her down.

[You are yet to claim you level up reward]

His eyes darted from the interface then to Lumina. He was curious to know what was in store for him, but yet did so without raising any suspicions. He would have to find a way out of this mess.

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