'What the hell was the system thinking of giving me such a reward? No... what was I thinking, indirectly creating this ticking temptation?'

Closing his eyes, he refused to look at her.

[Master, you haven't given me a name] Her little hands tapped on his face to get his attention.

"If I give you a name, would you only appear when I tell you to?" He questioned.

[Of course] She giggled.

"Your name is Mune." He guiltily replied, internally hoping there was nothing like a language translator in this world.

There were things he had checked pertaining to the Japanese words and this was one of them. All he had done to name her, was take the most prominent part as her name.

[Mune? What a lovely name!] She squealed.

'No language translator! Got it.' He released a sigh of relief at saving himself the embarrassment.

Opening his eyes, he was met with Mune in front of him, she had her head resting on her palms, as she lay suspended in the air with her legs crossed over the other behind her.

The position she was in was significantly a dangerous one for him, her bust was prominently more pronounced than he had intended for him to witness up close.

'She is just a six inch person and figment of your desire, don't get any silly thoughts.' He gulped, turning away from her direction.

"I thought you agreed if I gave you a name, you would appear when I need you, just as the system says." He turned his back to her as he spoke.

Mune couldn't understand why her master wanted to get rid of her, after all she is the manifestation of his desires, shouldn't he be glad she was created just to help him?

[Master, do you not want me?] Mune questioned.

"It's not that, I just need a moment with the system to work on some things and I didn't call for you." He internally facepalmed at the lame nonsense of an excuse he was giving.

Morphing into an adult size version of herself, she stepped lightly on a thin disk of blue light, avoiding all of the mud below the disk.

Walking over to him, she frowned, folding her arms under her bust making it push up a bit.

Nix was startled by the ability of Mune to change into a size that couldn't be distinguishable with other females.

"You... you got bigger!" He pointed an accusing finger at her.

Mune's mood dropped drastically, even in this form, her master still didn't want her?

[Do you hate me that much] She had tears brimming in her eyes.

'Not the tears, please!' He pinched the bridge of his nose. He had enough of a teary moment in the past.

"No I don't." He said with a sigh. "I'm just confused as to why you were able to come forth without my approval."

Mune's mood brightened at that statement.

"There must be a bug in the system." He mumbled, closing all notifications.

[You did call for me] Mune nodded.

"What?" He questioned in confusion.

[In there] She placed her hand on his chest innocently.

Ba dum!

Ba dum!

Nix felt his heart thump faster, staring at her face. He tore his gaze away immediately, taking few steps backwards.

Clearing his throat to ease up the tension. He needed to think clearly.

"The system said I should tame Raiken." He casted a look across at the dragon which was unconscious for the time being.

[Yes it did] She nodded her head.

"What am I supposed to do with it? Clearly after defeating it, shouldn't I have an option to make it be under my control?"

Muse thought for a while, it was true. The notification was yet to pop up because he had made use of the reward 2.

[Does master want to be in possession of such a monster?] She tilted her head in confusion.

"Hell y–" He paused. "I mean yes."

[As my master wishes] She nodded.


[To Control Raiken: You need 300 points]

[Do you wish to continue?]


Nix frowned at the notification. Looking up at Mune.

"Care to explain what this is?" He pointed at the notification.

It was frustrating enough to risk his life for points, but getting more than half going into controlling the very creature he had subdued? Really?!

[It is how the system shows] She replied.

'How does that help?!' Facepalming, Nix narrowed his eyes at Mune who stared innocently at him.

With a heavy heart, he clicked on the Yes option.


[You have earned the class: Beast summoner]

Raiken's body morphed into a ball of black light, redirecting it's motion towards Nix, disappearing once it had touched his chest.

Nix felt a wave of energy course through his body.

"What just happened?!" He touched his chest.

[You have bonded with Raiken and would be able to summon it at will. In addition, it augments your health, energy, strength and agility] Mune explained.

Nodding his head to her words, for once he had been glad he actually had a guide.

[There is one thing you should know, master]

"What is that?" Nix answered.

[You can only possess the skill to tame and control dragons, nothing more. Any attempt to summon another would be rejected by the system due to the dragon's strong territorial behavior] She said in a tone laced with a warning.

Nix thought on the words for a bit, it did make a bit of sense to him. Even though Raiken was lurking inside him, it would regard him as its new territory.

'Does this make me a half dragon, half human protagonist?' He rubbed his chin in thought.

"Besides dragons, are there other creatures which are stronger?" Nix curiously waited for an answer.

Although he had made these creatures to be strong when he had integrated it into his art piece, there were several other things that weren't involved in his drawing that were popping up.

[No. The others are of lower rank or have been augmented artificially–therefore are merely trying to compete with its strength, but are mindless]

Nix placed his clasped fingers on his forehead, thinking of his next line of action. He had gotten a bit stronger. Getting to the academy wouldn't be much of an issue anymore.

"Where are the other dragons?" He asked.

If he could get more dragons to add to his summons, he could climb faster up the level.

[They are scattered outside the barrier of the city. Just like this place, there are many other unexplored territories around the city]


The user interface popped up, showing his status window.

[Name: Nix Lae]

[Level 4]

[Health: 98/200]

[Exp: 100/100]

[Energy: 93/300]

[Strength: 91/200]

[Agility: 94/200]

[Trait: Courage, Hope, Survival, Determination, Rage]

[Class: Wheedler, Beast slayer, Dragon tamer, Beast summoner]

[Summons: Raiken]

[Gift: Fire, Telekinesis]

[Points: 347 to be distributed]

He had observed the increase in the level of the parts augmented by Raiken. One thing was to be happy about, the energy level had increased exponentially to the benefit of using his gift more effectively.

"It's time to show those b*stards whose family they messed with." His eyes gleamed with determination.

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