"Now that's enough!" Mrs. Neider cut in, afraid for his well-being if Lumina had heard his demeaning words.

Glaring at him, a black aura seeped out.

Immediately he noticed this, Vandaz shook in fear, "I– I'm sorry Mrs. Neider!"

Deactivating her magic, she shook her head in disappointment, "can't we all be a little cultured while conversing?" She facepalmed.

'Why was I put in charge of these loose canon students?' She thought with regret.

She had merely wanted to pick on Fae, but that witty reply was so sudden and concise to dispute.

"Vandaz please do take her question," she turned her attention towards him.

"Mrs. Neider?!" He did a double-take at her question, his face going red with embarrassment.

Lumina cast a dark glare Vandaz's way, even though he had not completed what he wanted to say before he was cut off, she could tell what he had wanted to say.

Fae placed her palm on Lumina's shoulder, "only those who are trash refer to you in that way. Ignore them." She whispered with the corner of her lips.

Lumina looked to her side, a smile on her face at the comforting words from her friend.

Nodding her head, she inhaled and exhaled. Immediately she felt a calm wash over her.

'Where are you, Nix?' She wondered as she looked at his empty seat.

"Have you seen Nix?" Fae questioned, tapping the corner of her lips with her pen.

"Are you sure I'm the right person to ask that question?" Lumina hissed, shaking her head at one of the most stupid questions she has heard coming out of the mouth of Fae.

"Oh!" She gasped in realization. "I mean do you know when he's coming back to class?"

Lumina took a moment to stare at Fae's dazed gaze at Nix's chair, "out of the question."

Caught in the act, she tried to arrange her posture, shaking her hands.

"I would never..." her voice trailed off and ended with a cough.

"Speak of the devil," Lumina muttered the moment she felt his familiar aura approaching the door.

"Who?" Fae questioned, tilting her head and confused.

Pointing at the door, she made a countdown, "3... 2... 1..."


A loud gasp escaped from all the other students as they watched Nix walk in.

"How did you know he was coming in?" Fae changed her glance from Nix and Lumina in utter disbelief.

There was no cause for explaining this to her, so she merely shrugged at Fae's question and gave a vague answer. "I just... did."

He was wearing a black shirt along with a white jacket and trousers along with a black belt, and metal chain on his neck.

His hands in his pocket, he casually walked in.

He had a broad smile on his face, knowing what was to await him.

"Stop right there!" Mrs. Neider called out to him, pulling off her glasses as her hazel eyes glowed in suspicion.

Vandaz had a grin on his face, slowly he sat back down. Glad that this sort of distraction presented itself.

'Haha, I'm no longer the center of attraction!' He whooped in his thoughts, giving a fist bump to his friend beside him.

"Booyah!" They said in a whisper after making the spirit hands.

"Good day Mrs... Mrs..." Nix had a hard time trying to figure out who she could be.

Although he didn't know her name, nor could he recognize her as one of his creations, he had a smile on his lips.

"What's with that face, young man?" She hissed, her magic seeping out, unsure as to why he would interrupt her class nor did she know who he was.

"I'm sorry if I came off as rude, I was just glad." He replied with a slight bow, still flashing that smile her way.

Secretly he was glad, if he couldn't recognize her, then it only meant one thing– she wasn't part of those involved deeply in the organization, nor was she a threat he needed to be wary of.

"Glad?" She repeated in the form of a question. She looked at the students who were all silent for some reason and attention directed towards him.

He simply nodded, not bothering to explain the information he would keep to himself.

He glanced over the crowd of students in search of faces he could recognize, especially Lumina's.

'Gotcha!' His eyes landed on Lumina at the first glance. In a fit of excitement, he gave a wink her way.

She blushed and looked the other way, the memory of what they had done the previous night flashed in her thoughts.

"Are you feeling okay?" Fae questioned, adjusting her seat and away from Lumina.

"What are you talking abou–" Lumina paused as she saw tiny currents course through her body and much visible on her face and hands. Putting it under control, her heart began to thump hard.

Locking eyes with Nix, he had a devilish grin, confident in what she had been thinking.

'F*ck you!' She cursed in her thoughts, covering her face and pulling her hood over her head.

'F*ck you, huh?!' Nix guessed with her demeanor.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Neider pointed an accusing finger at Nix.

'Great! It's been a while since I've introduced myself.'

"I'm Nix." He gave a slight bow again.

"He's a fire rank user, Mrs. Neider!" A female called out from the crowd.

'What the f*ck!' Nix rose his head, his eyes searching the crowd for the telltale.

He had hoped to be treated fairly for once and not some preferential treatment.

Now all that had been flushed down the drain the moment he heard a gasp from Mrs. Neider.

"You... You're a fire..." She took a step back, putting back her glasses.

Nix tore his hard glare from whoever had blurted out, that he was going to deal with that problem later.

"Mrs. Neider," Nix began slowly, he didn't know why she felt triggered by the mention of his gift. "I'm just a mere student like everyone else. Please don't make a fuss about this."

"Don't come close!" She shot a wave of her black magic in his direction.

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