The Golden Witch Adria thought of her Guardian.

Who appeared and saved the Merchant Group when her parents were killed by Northern barbarians and the whole Group was on the verge of collapse.

Furthermore, the Red Dragon became the Guardian of the Tienus Merchant Group with the purpose of obtaining whatever she desired.

It has been over seven years since the Golden Witch officially took her as a Guardian.

During that time, Adria always offered part of the earnings from the Merchant Group as a tribute, despite never asking for more than what she was looking for, and always interacted with the Guardian.

At least in Adria’s mind, the owner of the Tienus Merchant Group was that Red Dragon, the Guardian.

And after seven years of such interactions under that belief, Adria definitely realized one characteristic about the Guardian of the Merchant Group.

That the Guardian of the Tienus Merchant Group, who claimed herself as such, really had no interest in anything except for ‘what she wanted’.

From the very first meeting, Adria had gifted her many things, despite her being emotionless.

Having learned trade from her parents who were merchants, her talent as a merchant was outstanding enough to greatly expand the Merchant Group beyond what her parents had managed, in addition to being chosen as a hero by the world.

However, she had never shown any reaction to Adria’s gifts.

Countless Gold Coins.

Rare jewels.

Weapons of the century, none of which could elicit any emotional change in the Guardian.

Instead, what Adria always faced was just a glance with an indifferent expression and a dry voice saying ‘well done’.

And therefore, Adria was in a situation where she could not easily compose her emotions due to the voice echoing in her head.

[Ma-Master. It’s really you, Master- sob- I thought I wouldn’t see you again…!!]

That was because she had never seen this side of the Guardian before.

The voice, clear enough to be felt beyond consciousness, gradually turned into a sobbing sound over time.

Adria was feeling even more confused by this.

“Um, are you okay? You look pale…?”

Soon after, realizing Kim Hyunwoo was looking at her with a strange expression, she regained her senses and answered.

“Ah, aah… I suddenly felt a bit dizzy. Maybe because I’ve been working hard these days.”

“…Aha, indeed, as a merchant who always works with the abacus, it’s natural to be tired from working late,”

Kim Hyunwoo responded.

Adria, while giving an awkward smile, continued to listen to the sobbing voice of the Guardian in her head,

“The reason I came here, as you might guess, is about the auction of the Execution Sword you entrusted to me this time. Besides, there seem to be many rumors already circulating, so there are various things I want to discuss. But before that, do you happen to know the Red Dream Dragon-”


-She couldn’t finish her sentence.

The reason was because of the intimidating voice, not the tearful one from earlier, echoing in her head.

Adria’s body froze instantly and she couldn’t finish her words, but Kim Hyunwoo, having heard her and somewhat guessed the meaning, spoke.

“If you’re referring to the guardian dragon of the Tienus Merchant Group you mentioned before, unfortunately, I don’t think I’ve met them.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I’ve never had any connections with dragonkind to begin with. Well… I did have one half-human, half-dragon acquaintance.”

Kim Hyunwoo said so and then continued speaking to her.

“…I don’t know much about dragons. Even though half-humans, half-dragons may look similar, their lineage is entirely different, so there’s no mistaking it.”

“…I see.”

Adria wanted to ask what that reaction was all about, but after the Guardian’s sharp rebuke earlier, she buried her curiosity.

“Ahem, getting back to the main point, I came to deliver the payment received from the Rapengan territory.”

Soon, Adria brought up the main topic while listening to the oddly panting breath of the Guardian.

About 30 minutes later.

Adria, seemingly having an urgent matter, handed over only the Gold Coins to Kim Hyunwoo and then,

“Let’s meet again next time. It seems I have to go urgently.”

After saying that, she left the territory.

Watching her leave with curiosity, Kim Hyunwoo then looked at the wealth window in disbelief, holding the Gold Coins in his hand.

[Gold Coins: 1,117,334]

Having sold memberships, the amount of Gold Coins, which was just around 110,000 before, had increased more than tenfold, leaving Kim Hyunwoo dumbfounded but also unwittingly smiling.

1.1 million Gold Coins.

Of course, it wasn’t a large amount compared to the Gold Coins Lartania had during its heyday, but for Kim Hyunwoo now, 1.1 million Gold Coins was as good as winning the lottery.

With 1.1 million Gold Coins, Kim Hyunwoo could do a lot right away.

‘I was planning to do this once the Labyrinth city officially launched, but with this amount, I might as well go ahead and spend it now?’

So, with a smile on his face, Kim Hyunwoo,


suddenly had a thought and pulled out the Execution Sword stored under his office desk.

More precisely, the Execution Sword that Rin, who had suddenly barged in yesterday, brought but did not take with her.


Kim Hyunwoo felt a strange feeling looking at the Execution Sword.

That was because, given the situation, it was as if Kim Hyunwoo had swallowed 1.1 million Gold Coins for free.

‘According to Rin, it seems she bought the Execution Sword from the Rapengan territory…’

Effectively, due to Rin not taking the Execution Sword for some reason, Kim Hyunwoo found himself in possession of it again despite having sold it.


Certainly, Kim Hyunwoo wasn’t harboring any ill intentions, but for some reason, he felt a strange emotion as he gazed at the Execution Sword.

As Kim Hyunwoo was deep in thought alone, looking at the Execution Sword left by Rin,

Adria, who had hastily left the territory after handing over the Gold Coins to him, was bowing to the Guardian displayed on the crystal orb with a confused expression.

No matter how much she thought about it, Adria couldn’t properly understand the situation.

‘Why does the Guardian know Kim Hyunwoo?’

Of course, Adria knew that Lartania’s territory was very large ten years ago and that the current Kim Hyunwoo was the man who had grown that territory.

Thus, just considering that, it was possible that Kim Hyunwoo and the Guardian knew each other.

After all, connections can be made anywhere.

However, just thinking like that felt very strange to Adria, considering the Guardian’s reaction.

Despite Kim Hyunwoo’s claim of having no connection with dragons, the Guardian referred to him as ‘Master’.

Thus, although Adria momentarily wore a puzzled expression, she soon bowed her head and said,

“I am sorry.”


“Despite The Great One not daring to command it, I regret speaking out of turn, unable to contain my curiosity.”


“If by any chance this has upset you, I will do whatever it takes to appease any anger The Great One might hold. Truly, I am very sorry.”

Adria bowed deeply, with all sincerity.



no voice was yet to be heard.

Upon this, Adria let out a deep sigh inwardly.

To be honest, she still had no clue about the relationship between the Lord of Lartania and the Guardian, but this made her realize one thing.

That is, asking about this relationship itself was like touching a ‘landmine’.

Thus, as Adria sighed over her momentary curiosity and reckless asking, just as she was about to speak again-


A voice was heard.

“Sigh, hee-”

The voice…

“Sigh, heehee…”

…Was heard?

Adria, upon hearing the voice, unconsciously raised her eyes to look at the screen from which the Guardian was appearing.

The Guardian appearing there was, astonishingly, looking at a recording artifact with a bright smile, a smile Adria had never seen before.

An artifact with a function similar to a modern-day camera.

Adria, who was blankly staring at it, soon realized that the artifact, faintly visible from the side, was recording Kim Hyunwoo.

Right after realizing that,

“Heehee… he,”

Adria stared blankly for a while at the suddenly malfunctioning Guardian.

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