About ten minutes later.

After finding out that Shadra was the same Shadra from the orphanage, Kim Hyunwoo briefly exchanged greetings and had a simple conversation with her.

“It seems like everyone is here because of reports, so I shouldn’t take up too much of your time, right? I’ll come back next time!”

Kim Hyunwoo nodded as he watched Shadra speak cheerfully with a smile.

“I was planning to visit the Mage Tower branch anyway, so I’ll come by either today or tomorrow after I finish my work.”

“Really! Then I better hurry and tidy up the office. I left it a bit messy with things here and there!”

“Then, should I come a bit later?”

“No! You can come today! I’ve been wanting to talk, like the conversations I couldn’t have with Dad. Just like back then.”

Kim Hyunwoo, seeing Shadra smiling brightly, just like she did ten years ago, nodded in understanding at her words, ending the conversation.

“Alright then, I’ll come by then.”

“Okay! Then I’ll be going? You have to come!”

Kim Hyunwoo, watching Shadra, the Master of the Blue Tower, disappear with an innocent smile, was lost in thought.

‘I never imagined that the character from that orphanage would become a 4.5-star mage tower lord…’

I thought it was natural for River to have been a 1-star hero for over ten years, but I never knew that the child I became close to in the mini-game because of honor points would become a 4.5-star hero.

‘How lucky I am.’

Thus, Kim Hyunwoo smiled.

Of course, in the world of Arteil, the profession of a mage is necessary not only as a hero but also as a support hero.

‘Of course, I don’t know if Shadra is more of an attacker or a supporter. But that’s something I can find out over time.’

I knew Shadra was a person related to the blue mage tower, but seeing her actions, it seemed very likely that I could receive her help, so I thought.

“Lord. Who exactly is that woman - no, the Master of the Blue Tower… What is her relationship with you?”

“I also, I have no idea either…?”

Kim Hyunwoo, noticing the serious expressions of Elena and River nearby, realized he hadn’t introduced Shadra properly after greeting her and belatedly began to explain.

A little later.

“So, the Master of the Blue Tower is the child you were very close with at the orphanage you supported ten years ago?”


“…Is that all?”

“Well, yes. There’s nothing much more to add to that story.”

After Kim Hyunwoo responded to Elena’s words like that, this time River asked,

“My friend? Considering that- that human woman was really clingy, wasn’t she?”

Seeing River speak with a very urgent expression, Kim Hyunwoo, after a moment of thought, responded,

“Well, she probably did that in the past too?”

Kim Hyunwoo, remembering that after playing the mini-game, Shadra would always, in dot form, cling to the lord’s avatar - that is, either hugging him or sitting on his lap, to collect the honor points worth about 150 won in cash, said,

“Well, she is an adult now…”

“Well… she definitely looks like an adult… Honestly, it felt a bit weird to be called ‘Dad’.”

Kim Hyunwoo, mumbling to himself as if he felt like he was doing something incredibly immoral, soon tilted his head as he saw Elena sighing in relief next to him.

“Ah, I’ll listen to the reports first.”

Eventually, Kim Hyunwoo concluded his speech by recalling why they had come up, and the report began.

Territory: Lartania

Territory Development Level:


Territory Population:

[Humans: 17,133]

–Owned Buildings–

[Lord's Castle LV1 >>> Upgrading 99% (Paused)]

[Walls LV3]

[Residential District LV5↑]

[Blacksmith LV5↑]

[Barracks LV4 >>> Upgrading 0%]

[Tavern LV3]

[Market LV3↑]

[Wood Processing Plant LV2↑ >>> Upgrading 0%]

[Restaurant LV3]

[Leather Processing Plant LV2↑ >>> Upgrading 0%]

[Stone Processing Plant LV2↑ >>> Upgrading 0%]

[Trading Post LV2↑]

[Secondary Walls LV3]

[Inn LV3↑]

[Administrative District LV3↑]

[Paved Roads LV1↑]

–External Buildings–

[Mercenary Guild LV0 (Under Construction)]

[Mage Tower Branch LV1↑]

[Blacksmith Guild Branch LV1↑]

–Owned Troops–

-Regular soldiers: 200

-Apprentice soldiers: 200

After receiving the weekly reports from Elena and River, Kim Hyunwoo sighed lightly and looked at the territory’s information window.

Although there was a disaster in making missiles, since all the materials had already been gathered, the building levels had comfortably increased.

Of course, the construction was temporarily halted due to the invasion of the demon army, but thanks to that, Lartania was now completely divided into before and after the demon army’s invasion.

What immediately changed were the houses in the residential district visible beyond the market.

The houses, which until Level 4 were uniformly similar, started to gain their unique characteristics abruptly as they reached Level 5, when Lartania began to seriously consume resources.

Meanwhile, dessert shops responsible for the happiness of the citizens and various spaces for relaxation began to appear within the residential district.

Similarly, the Blacksmith, having reached Level 5, transformed to almost the size of the Blacksmith Guild’s branch, truly signifying it as the territory’s blacksmith.

The wood, leather, and stone processing plants grew slightly larger than before.

And the bustling market streets spreading around those processing plants really showed that Lartania had become a proper territory.

But in fact, what Kim Hyunwoo was most satisfied with was the paved roads laid throughout the entire territory.

‘Now it really feels like a proper territory.’

While the outer areas hadn’t yet been properly planned and thus lacked paved roads, the interior of the territory had paved roads, making the territory’s atmosphere come alive and look respectable to anyone, which made Kim Hyunwoo smile.


He soon looked at the resource window.

Red Stones: 30

Blue Stones: 232

Gold Coins: 246,422

Magic Stones: 192,231

The resource window Kim Hyunwoo was looking at had definitely regained stability, unlike two weeks ago when he was barely maintaining the Package.

The Magic Stones, of which there were only 30, were accumulating at an incredible rate thanks to the mercenaries who flocked in after Kim Hyunwoo devastated the demon army.

The Gold Coins had also regained stability, more out of necessity than by choice.

‘It’s significant that we can no longer receive resources from Tesnoka territory.’

The reason Kim Hyunwoo had been able to grow overwhelmingly fast was that he had been able to buy resources from the Tesnoka territory.

However, with the demon race starting to appear in earnest in the Norba Kingdom, it became impossible to receive any more resources from the Tesnoka territory.

‘It’s probably because of the demons.’

For about three weeks, Kim Hyunwoo had a rough idea of what was happening in the Norba Kingdom, so he knew that the Tesnoka territory was no longer in a situation to sell resources.

Thanks to that, Gold Coins were accumulating in Kim Hyunwoo’s account.

Even excluding the falling price of Magic Stones, the structure of Lartania’s finances meant that unless money was being poured into growing the territory, the balance would inevitably accumulate.

Therefore, having looked at the territory window and the resource window, Kim Hyunwoo soon organized the tasks he needed to address in order.

-Increase the number of soldiers

-Develop the territory further

-Purchase a Proposal Ring

These three things were what Kim Hyunwoo needed to do at the current moment.

While public order was sufficiently maintained, the number of soldiers had to be increased without question from the moment the demon army invaded,

and, of course, the development of the territory could not remain at its current level.

And the Proposal Ring had to be purchased without fail.


Kim Hyunwoo unconsciously flicked his finger.

In truth, issue number one could be addressed immediately, and once the number of soldiers was increased, he already had plans on how to defend against one or two demon invasions, but issues two and three were problematic.

No matter how much the power plant was upgraded, resources and money were needed to develop the territory at a similar pace to before.

In short, there was a lack of finances.

Similarly, issue number three was in the same context.

To buy the Proposal Ring immediately, Red Stones were needed, and to gather those Red Stones, Magic Stones had to be amassed faster than currently.

‘Well, the speed of collecting Magic Stones is increasing, but…’

He wished it could be a bit faster than it currently was.

As time passed, Kim Hyunwoo became increasingly curious about why he had come to this place.

At the point where Kim Hyunwoo was pondering,

Elena and River, who had just reported to him and then stepped outside the office, were sure to meet Shadra, who had said she was returning to the Mage Tower branch earlier.


It was Shadra, speaking with a wide smile.

Elena and River momentarily wore puzzled expressions but similarly nodded in greeting.

“Ah, it’s nothing much, I was just about to head back, but since we’ll be seeing each other often from now on, I thought it was a bit rude to leave without saying hello properly, so I was waiting to greet you properly.”

At Shadra’s words, still with a pleasant smile, Elena and River momentarily looked stunned and unconsciously thought to themselves.

‘Maybe this person is surprisingly nice?’

Even more so, the more they talked, the more Elena and River couldn’t help but think that way.

After all, Shadra was much more amiable and conversational than they had thought.


“By the way, that’s a relief. It’s good that you two don’t have to worry.”

Following Shadra’s words, question marks popped up over Elena and River’s heads momentarily.


“…What do you mean by that?”

Elena and River asked.

“Are you talking about this?”

To them, Shadra, with the amiable smile she had just a moment ago, said,

“It’s a relief that neither of you seem to be the type that Dad likes~”

That’s what she said.



And with that, the air froze instantly.

After about three days, Merilda, who was anxiously wandering around the vicinity of the Norba Kingdom, killing any monsters summoned by the demons, possibly in fear that their necessity had disappeared,

“What does that mean? So, what did that woman say… ‘Dad’?”

“…She did say ‘Dad’.”

“She did?”

“It seemed like she wrapped her arms around his neck and deliberately pressed her chest against him as if to appeal.”

That was the report from Giral.

“What- what!?”

“…As I said, Master. That woman, her way of flirting is quite extraordinary.”

Rin also heard from Loriel about the great crisis that had come.

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