Agares realized the situation was taking a strange turn as he saw the two heroes getting angry, but seriously thought he could lead the battle to victory with Kelva’s arrival.

Considering that the immediate situation prevented him from giving his all, it was true that Kelva definitely possessed the power to be of help in this battle.

Agares, seeing the two heroes with expressions akin to brutal assassins, naturally began preparing for battle.

He deployed magic around him, controlling dozens of blades and contracting his body to move in accordance with the imminent battle.

At the same time, he prepared a magic barrier.

This was an ability only those who had reached the rank of Legion Commander could use, a technique to summon a part of their home realm, the Demon World, which made the demons stronger the moment the barrier was activated.

No, to be precise, it allowed them to use their powers in their original form.

Even if they were Legion Commanders, the power of the demons who came to the middle realm was reduced to half its usual strength.

Thus, although it took some time, Agares judged that if he could deploy the barrier, he could achieve an overwhelming victory over the two heroes, and tried to deploy it while Kelva was buying time.

Just a moment ago.


Agares stared ahead with a blank expression for a moment.

Kelva, still alive and groaning in pain, was right in front of him.

Nothing had happened.

Kelva was still in front, and like Agares, he seemed to have realized something had gone wrong and was preparing for battle.

Nothing had changed.

However, something indeed had changed.

It was something like a very slight sense of discord.

Surely, reason had not yet caught up, but instinct kept signaling that something had changed at this moment.

The next moment.

Agares realized that the two women, who had expressions as ferocious as deadly assassins just moments ago, had vanished from before his eyes.

He realized they were now behind him.

And he saw.

Kelva, who had been preparing for battle just a moment ago – his body burst into purple blood in all directions, torn to pieces.


Realizing this, Agares immediately abandoned his attempt to cast a barrier and poured all his magic into bodily reinforcement before swiftly turning around.


Upon turning, he saw a wolf and a half-demon already within striking distance.

Seeing the murderous intent laced with venom in their expressions, Agares instinctively spat out blades.


Instinctively, yet also directing his attack to where the two heroes were inevitably going to dodge, Agares tried to plan his next move but couldn’t.


The wolf and half-demon didn’t dodge the attack, even though it was aimed where Agares surely couldn’t miss.

The blade pierced through the wolf’s shoulder and the half-demon’s thigh.

Blood splattered in all directions from them.

However, having allowed the attack, the two heroes who had already closed the distance suddenly reached in front of Agares.


With a chilling murmur of cold intent, they extended their swords and claws.

In just a few short seconds.


Agares, the Third Legion Commander who had, in a mere few days since his arrival in the middle realm, obliterated three territories and five villages from history,

was shattered into pieces.


Thus, dismembered, all that remained was his head.

Filled with boundless malice and murderous intent, Agares felt a moment of doubt and fear as he looked up at the two heroes gazing down at him.


He soon felt shame and an unbearable rage at himself for feeling fear.

Therefore, Agares desperately thought about how he could distort the expressions of those looking down at him.


Soon, he found a way.

More precisely, he deduced a fact by combining the fragments of information Kelva hadn’t heard with their reactions.


[Do you think Lartania will be safe just because you’ve stopped me?]

With his body slowly vanishing, Agares threw out that taunt.


Seeing their expressions harden at his words, he smirked maliciously.

[Hmm, I see you didn’t hear about the advance party coming with me. They’ve probably already arrived at Lartania, meaning you all are-]


As he opened his mouth, Merilda stepped on it, instantly crushing his head and killing him.

And then.

The two heroes, having wiped the fierce, murderous expressions from their faces, disappeared with looks of urgency and desperation.

Around the time Rin and Merilda were rushing back to Lartania in desperation.

Kairon, a well-known hero known as ‘The Infector’ and a close aide to Duke Landaron, leading two legions towards Lartania, muttered as he saw the walls of Lartania ahead of him.

“We’ve finally arrived.”

A relaxed smile appeared on Kairon’s face, who was soon to wage war against the Lartania territory.

It was not the most appropriate expression for a commander about to go to war.

However, not only Kairon, but also including his adjutant and the soldiers nearby, none wore a grim expression.

The soldiers were disciplined, yet their faces showed aggression and confidence.

This meant that none of the soldiers facing Lartania felt any tension at this state, and as Kairon got closer, his smile turned into a smirk as he got a clearer view of Lartania.

“Even the walls haven’t been properly constructed.”

Having fought numerous territorial battles under Duke Landaron, he was a hero who could easily assess Lartania’s strength.

Lartania’s walls appeared to merely serve as walls without any additional capabilities.

There seemed to be no magical barriers, just ordinary walls.

Furthermore, the number of soldiers on the walls was only in the hundreds, and the poorly constructed wooden gate seemed weak enough to be destroyed instantly by a single large-scale spell from a mage.

In effect, even if Kairon did not demonstrate any strategic command and simply gave an order to charge, Lartania would fall instantly.

The soldiers Kairon brought to demolish Lartania were all several times more efficient than regular soldiers, having been nourished by demonic blood.

Indeed, Lartania seemed so weak that it would surely fall just by releasing the demon legion behind them.

Thus, after much contemplation, Kairon smiled and gently stroked the hilt of his sword.

Had it been a regular war, he, as a commander, would not have needed to step in, but upon assessing Lartania’s power, this war had essentially become a game to Kairon.

A game of slaughtering fleeing soldiers and civilians.

Naturally, such acts would have been unthinkable in normal times.

Even if this was war, it was forbidden to slaughter the civilians of the opposing territory, even if the soldiers were fair game.

Of course, this was not necessarily due to Kairon’s moral stance but rather due to concerns about reputation.

Even though he might not have noticed it himself, there were undoubtedly spies from other territories present, and such unilateral slaughter becoming known would not bode well in various ways.

However, Kairon had been ordered by Duke Landaron to annihilate the Lartania territory regardless of the reputation consequences.

“It would be fun.”

He smiled at the thought of enjoying this as a game, regardless of those watching.

As he gradually approached Lartania.


Kairon saw.

A man at the end of Lartania’s walls, smiling at him.


“…The lord?”

The Lord of Lartania.

Kairon’s basis for identifying him as the Lord of Lartania was not special.

It was because, at a glance, those standing beside him looked like heroes.

Kairon, who had expected the lord to be trembling inside his castle due to the spread rumors, felt puzzled seeing him on the walls.


Soon, he could see the Lord of Lartania opening his mouth.

More precisely, after hearing the words of a hero next to him, the lord looked straight at Kairon’s location as if asking for his position.

Feeling puzzled, Kairon soon realized through his own unique trait and the hero-specific vision that Kim Hyunwoo was saying something to him.

After staring intently at the Lord of Lartania shouting something for a while, Kairon was soon able to read his lips.

“You, guys… are f*cked…?”

Seeing his lip movements, Kairon cocked his head in confusion. Soon, as if confirming his reaction, the red-haired hero beside him began to speak to the lord.

A moment later.



Continuing towards Lartania, Kairon saw Kim Hyunwoo raising his hand, pointing towards the sky.

And naturally, Kairon, looking up,

saw a massive iron mass flying towards him, and with a puzzled expression, before he could even figure out what it was, it crashed down with a tremendous noise.


Light appeared in the world.

And after that-


Tinnitus overwhelmed him.

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