Chapter 935: Long Yang’s Contempt

At his words, the entire hall descended into silence.

Wanyan Jin’s intentions were as clear as day.

Right away, a court official said to Long Yang, “Your Majesty, since Princess Wanyan just wants a good future home, perhaps you could consider adding her to the imperial harem. That would also relieve Prince Wanyan of his concerns, and both parties would be satisfied!”

Long Yang stared at him icily. “Are you asking me to take Princess Wanyan as my consort?”

The official’s legs went weak under his penetrating gaze, and he corrected himself at once. “It was just a suggestion.”

Noticing the Emperor’s displeasure, the other officials immediately began hurling an onslaught of criticism at Wanyan Jin.

“You were the one who wanted to make peace, and now you’re also the one violating the agreement. Danjue certainly doesn’t seem sincere at all, I must say!”

“Breaking a promise – as expected of a savage!” Another person scoffed.

“You said you wanted to make peace, but what you’re doing is coercion! Did you think we, the mighty Great Shang, would allow you to get your way? Since you want to make peace, you should show your sincerity. We’re not the ones begging for an alliance, you know.”

As the attacks of the Great Shang officials escalated, the Danjue ambassadors grew uneasy, but Wanyan Jin remained as still as a mountain and looked at Long Yang. “What do you think, Your Majesty?”

Long Yang waved a hand to signal for silence. When all the officials had finally quieted down, he said, “What makes you think that Princess Wanyan is qualified to join my harem?”

Caught off guard by his question, Wanyan Jin frowned imperceptibly and retorted, “Princess Luosang is Danjue’s noblest princess and possesses exceptional beauty and character. How could she not be qualified?”

“Beauty and character?” Long Yang raised his voice slightly, the contempt in his tone blatant. “She took advantage of a child and poisoned me to achieve her goal, and you dare to say that she has exceptional beauty and character?”

At his words, Wanyan Jin’s face turned pale.

The Great Shang officials were all astounded.

The Emperor was clearly stating Wanyan Luosang of using a child to poison him for the sake of her selfish goals.

“Prince Wanyan, aren’t you going to give us an explanation? His Majesty was merciful enough not to convict her of poisoning him, yet you shamelessly push this witch to him? Did you think anyone could join His Majesty’s harem as they pleased?”

“We can’t blame Prince Wanyan for that. Danjue’s located in the Great Desert, after all. How would he know the meaning of etiquette and integrity?”

Wanyan Jin’s already pale face turned even paler. He coughed a few times before looking at Long Yang helplessly. “Your Majesty, even if you refuse to accept Princess Luosang, you didn’t have to slander a lady like that. I may not know much about Great Shang culture, but I do know how much reputation matters to a lady. If you wrong Princess Luosang like this, how will she be able to establish her future standing in the world?”

“Did you think you could shift the blame just because I didn’t convict Princess Wanyan of her crime?” Instead of getting angry, Long Yang asked airily.

The Great Shang officials immediately whirled around furiously to face Wanyan Jin. “Our Emperor treated you with courtesy, yet you repaid him with ingratitude and unreasonable demands. In that case, we might as well call off the alliance.”

Horrified, the Danjue ambassadors started whispering to Wanyan Jin in their language.

The last war between the two kingdoms was still vivid in their minds.

It was as if Great Shang practiced sorcery, for very few of their soldiers were injured in the series of battles, whereas the Danjue troops suffered devastating damage.

When another war was declared once again, Danjue surrendered right away before the battle could unfold.

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