775 Encountering Bandits

Changzhou was located in the south, with a fertile river.

The climate was comfortable. It was a very rich continent. People called it the beautiful and rich Jiangnan. Changzhou was just one of the states.

With the fusion of the foreign land, this place became even richer.

Su Xiaolu remembered that Zhou Zhi’s fief was in Suzhou, which was also in Jiangnan.

Su Xiaolu was not in a hurry as they traveled. It was already early autumn. In the mountains, there were many edible wild fruits that were ripe. She could not help but pick them.

When she encountered precious herbs, she would also carefully dig them down and plant them in the Space.

She also caught hares and pheasants, cleaned them up and roasted them for a different taste.

She taught Mantis Shrimp to play scissors papers stones. Whenever no one was willing to eat the burnt side, they would decide with this game.

She passed by many small towns and would also do volunteer consultations.

On the 21st of August, Su Xiaolu had traveled for a month. She had yet to reach Changzhou because she had taken the wrong path…

Fortunately, she met an Escort Agency. They were going to send a batch of silk to Changzhou. Su Xiaolu went with them because someone in their team had dysentery. Su Xiaolu was originally passing by and saved him when she saw them.

Only then did they get to know each other. In just half a day, the head of the Escort Agency, Yang Yi, asked Su Xiaolu where she was going. Su Xiaolu said that she was going to Changzhou. Yang Yi coughed and said that she had gone the wrong way because they were going to Changzhou too. They happened to be going the same way, so Yang Yi invited Su Xiaolu to go with him.

This was the first time Su Xiaolu had really walked alone. She did not expect to walk the wrong way. She only thought for a few moments before thanking him and agreeing.

The Escort Agency had a lot of goods and could not go fast.

Su Xiaolu was not in a rush, so she had a good time accompanying them. The Escort Agency walked around and had many surprising stories. Su Xiaolu liked to listen, so they liked to tell her stories.

For this, Su Xiaolu simply said that a story was exchanged for a pulse. In just five days, everyone became even more familiar with each other.

It wasAugust 27th. There was still a day’s journey from Changzhou. After resting for the entire night last night, everyone in the Escort Agency had recovered to their best state. Yang Yi rode his horse and patrolled the front and back. He frowned and loudly instructed everyone to hurry up.

Su Xiaolu was a little puzzled. She tilted her head and asked Old Huang, “Uncle Huang, why is Escort Yang so nervous?”

Su Xiaolu looked around. The mountains were layered. When they set off, Huang Tieshan pointed to the other side of a mountain and said that after crossing that mountain, they would see Changzhou City.

They were not fast, but according to the speed, it would not be a problem to cross the mountain before dark today.

Huang Tieniu’s expression also became serious. He explained to Su Xiaolu, “Xiaolu, you’re still young. You don’t know this, but the closer we get, the easier it will be to meet bandits in the forest. Look, this mountain is a good nest. We have so many things. We’ve already set up a lookout in advance. If we miss this place, we won’t have a chance, so we’ll definitely make a move today.”

“Girl, you don’t have to be afraid. We’re all old people and have seen a lot. Our Escort Agency isn’t to be trifled with. When the time comes, just find a place to hide.”

Huang Tieniu smiled gently. Su Xiaolu was young and knew medicine. The girl was interesting and everyone liked her.

Although she was carrying a sword on her back, which person in the martial world didn’t have a sword?

They felt that it was normal for Su Xiaolu to know a little martial arts. After all, a little girl who really didn’t know anything wouldn’t dare to go to the martial world.

It was a good thing that Su Xiaolu could protect herself. She was not from the Escort Agency, so she did not have to do anything for it. She only needed to protect herself. They would also keep an eye on her and help her if necessary.

Su Xiaolu smiled and nodded. “Okay, I understand.”

Su Xiaolu felt her blood surging. Bandits.

She had never seen them before.

She began to pay attention to the dense forest and observe. Where would the bandits hide?

There were 80 people in the Escort Agency. They supported the carriage transporting the goods with serious expressions and held the handle of the knife at their waists with one hand.

They arrived at a narrow place with a small river in front of them. Opposite the river was a group of people on horses with fierce expressions.

Yang Yi also roared and ordered, “Brothers, grab your weapons!”


The roar came from behind again. They were actually surrounded.

Su Xiaolu took a rough look. There were at least 400 bandits. They surrounded them from the front and back, blocking both ways.

“Escort Yang, put down your things and I’ll spare your lives.”

The bandit leader was a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard. He was loud and his tone was rough.

Yang Yi spat fiercely. “Hmph, don’t even think about it. If you want to snatch things from my Yang family’s Escort Agency, you can try to see if we are easy to deal with. All of you are healthy and strong, but you don’t want to work. You only do things like burning, killing, and robbing. This kind of despicable thing is shameless in the world. Today, I, Yang Yi, will uphold justice on behalf of the heavens and kill all of you stinky insects and rats!”

Yang Yi’s words angered the bandit leader.

Killing intent appeared in his eyes as he raised the saber in his hand. “Escort Yang, I gave you a chance, but you didn’t want it. The men will be killed, the women will be captured and brought up the mountain to have children. It’s not too late for you to regret it now. As long as you beg me to spare your lives now, we’ll spare you.”

The women who specialized in cooking and washing had already hidden in the carriage.

Huang Tieshan frowned when he heard this. He blocked Su Xiaolu’s figure and said, “Girl, go to the carriage. Today will be a fierce battle.”

There were so many bandits that they might not be able to protect Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu shook her head. “Uncle Huang, if I walk the martial world alone, I’ll definitely encounter it myself in the future. This is the first time I’ve encountered it. I won’t hide. I can hide this time, but I can’t hide in the future. I’m not afraid.”

Huang Tieshan looked at Su Xiaolu. He wanted to say something, but he felt that what Su Xiaolu said made sense.

The girl walked the martial world alone. How could those bandits let go of such a good-looking girl?

Since the girl was stubborn, he would let her be. It didn’t matter if it was her first time seeing it. It was fine as long as she knew the savagery and ferocity of bandits. In the future, she would know what to do. No matter how much logic she said, it was better for her to comprehend it herself, so Huang Tieshan didn’t say anything else.

Yang Yi’s expression did not change. He pulled out the longsword in his hand and did not answer the bandit leader, but he had already given the best answer.

A scholar could be killed but not humiliated. It was absolutely impossible for him to beg for mercy.

A fierce battle was about to break out. Both sides rushed across the line and raised the knives or swords in their hands. They waved, slashed, and stabbed.

Su Xiaolu tapped her toes and flew towards the bearded bandit leader.

Huang Tieshan only had time to exclaim, “Girl, no.” He had no chance to stop her.

Su Xiaolu’s actions frightened them. This was simply the best interpretation of youth knowing no fear.

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