Like Family (1)

“Why do those bastards always……”

Grinding her teeth, Yoon Seol-hwa muttered. Kka-deu-deuk. A chilling sound leaked from her mouth. 

“…Always, not let me rest.”

The happy new year was stained with a terrible blaze. The fire brightly burning the streets dyed Yoon Seol-hwa’s heart cold and dark.

“Kids, get ready to transform right now…” 

As Yoon Seol-hwa turned to give instructions to the magical girls, she met eyes with Han Jae-jung.

This isn’t just a place to be wary of villains, it’s a villain outbreak area. Highest mortality rate, lowest reporting rate. People are so used to dying by villains that they don’t even report it, so all kinds of illegal criminals flock here.

I’ve heard that in this area, people often disguise murders as villains’ doing too.

The magical girl White Davi will be fine, but will the ordinary person Han Jae-jng be okay…?

Obviously, he won’t be okay.

“…Jae-jung, let’s move quickly. We have lots of spare rooms.” 

“I’ll manage to look out for myself.”

“White Davi, protect Joo Ah-yoon and Jae-jung! Vega and I will engage in combat!”


“Hait (Yes)!”

The two answered powerfully.

“Alright, ikimashō (let’s go)!”

Han Jae-jung looked uneasily at White Davi, who came slinging an arm over his shoulder. She wasn’t in great condition after drinking. Her face was flushed and her steps were staggering. Joo Ah-yoon, whose arm was also being held by her, muttered worriedly.

“Hey, you’re okay right? I’m trusting you?”

“Ehehe…? Of course! Leave it to me!” 

“Wow, I totally don’t feel reassured.”


A small wand appeared in the chuckling White Davi’s hand. Baek Ah-hee and Yoon Seol-hwa had the same.

They shouted together:

“Doresu appu!” 

“Dress up!”

“Dress up.”

Three bright lights filled the room, and the three people transformed into completely different appearances. Fluttering cute dresses and hair shining like starlight in deep colors. They dressed up splendidly and magically.

Magical girls.

“Alright, let’s go~!!”

With enhanced strength, White Davi grabbed their waists and dashed off.

“Hey, hey! Where are you going!”

“I’ll evacuate you as far as possible! My sansitas (pawns) will escort you!”

Her steps were light and fast like the wind, and accordingly, Han Jae-jung and Joo Ah-yoon’s faces were mercilessly buffeted by the cold air.


A horn bugle appeared inside White Davi’s widely opened mouth. The deformed bugle with a ribbon gave a cute impression, but its effect was anything but cute.


The sound of the bugle soared high, shaking the sky. The two nearby grimaced at the tremendous sound.

The moment the darkness was moved by sound, the earth also shook. As the ground shook roughly like an earthquake, something gradually began to protrude one by one from the bulges that formed.

From the cracks, life forms with only bones and no flesh or organs popped out. Armored skeleton soldiers appeared above ground. There were nearly a hundred of them.

A crack also opened under White Davi as she ran.


Something huge like a beast with rotting wounds all over, like a zombie, rose up. Without hesitation, Davi mounted its back. 

Then she set down the two people she had been carrying on top of it. White Davi lightly patted their shoulders reassuringly.

“It’s okay! My magical pawns have been sanitized so they don’t smell and are clean! Senior has ridden them before, remember? It’s safe!”

“Uh…I guess…”

“Huh, I never thought I’d ride one of these…”

With this much force, they could defend against an S-rank villain for a while. White Davi’s jewel sparkled, and she grinned confidently.

“I’ve now perfectly carried out senior Blue’s orders! I’ve safely evacuated the helpless civilians and will return to combat! What’s the situation on your end?”

Her words lacked any consideration.

“…I get it. That’s just how she is.”

“Seems so.”

She was often like that in the original work too.

“…Ah, I see. Minasan (everyone)! I’ll return to the battle! Please get home safely!”

“But I’m far from my home now.”

“Sayonara adiós annyeonghi gyeseyo~!!” 

Without any hesitation, White Davi turned around.

“In the name of the stars, I bring you the blood mace! The pure white that will be stained red, White Davi is coming~!!!!”

Summoning another beast zombie, she mounted it and dashed off. 

Joo Ah-yoon chuckled wryly.

“That crazy bitch really…”

It wasn’t the cold but rather the noise that hurt her ears. She turned her head to look at Han Jae-jung. Not many words were needed.

“…What should we do?”

“What else can we do?”

Han Jae-jung, displeased with the rough ride on the unpleasant beast zombie, stretched out his hand. In his previously empty palm, a cold iron ball appeared.

“We have to do what we can.”

“Will you be okay?”

“I can last a few minutes. Plus with my ability…”

Like his current position, far removed from the combat zone.

“…I can at least knock them far away.”  

“Okay, I’ll help too. Sheesh… Having to exercise intensely right at the start of the new year.”

An iron ball also appeared in Joo Ah-yoon’s palm. It unfolded like a bird spreading its wings, becoming a belt buckle.

“Our situation was always like this anyway.” 

Han Jae-jung’s iron ball also unfolded, becoming a telescope-like buckle.

When they attached the buckles to their waists, steel wires appeared and wrapped around them. Starlight twinkled inside the lenses of the two buckles.


[Deneb! Denebola! Deneb Kaitos! Deneb Algedi! Deneb Dulfim!]

[I obey my fate.]


Bright light bloomed over their bodies, the man wreathed himself in a murky white lightning, and the woman draped herself in a softly fluttering canopy like a butterfly’s wings.  

[Are You Ready?]








Blue Sirius saw the villain before her eyes.

Its appearance was as if it had torn off part of a sailing ship and attached it to its body. A monstrous being with an irregular beauty. 

This is September, the villain who had set fires in the streets since the start of the new year.

“The villain of Carina…”

“That’s right. That’s the source of my power. You seem to have quite good insight. Or maybe you just studied constellations diligently. Well, that’s not important right now.”

He reached out his hand.

“Care to join my ship?”

“What kind of question is that?”

Blue Sirius answered while moving her feet at the same time.

“Of course not.”

“I thought so.”

With a flash of her three swords, a massive iceberg erupted following their trajectory. September naturally dodged the attack by maneuvering his body.

“Hahaha, be afraid. You have quite the temper, don’t you?”

“Shut up!”

She couldn’t cause too much damage to the city. Blue Sirius blocked his escape route with some icebergs, then fired a blizzard in every direction he could move. A powerful blizzard that could grind anyone in its path like a blender.

It was Snow Blossom Path, one of her most used techniques.

As the ice shards rushed in with no way to avoid them, September grinned and reached out his hand. His right hand transformed into a massive cannon.

“That’s quite fierce.”

Bang! With a huge explosion sound, the blizzard evaporated.

“Let me introduce you. This is our ship’s elder. His name is In. His surname is No. Senior No.”

Sticky flames started gathering and dancing inside the cannon, warming up for an explosion.

“It’s a bit awkward to beat up a lady. Let me make a suggestion. You attack once. I’ll attack three times. Alright, I’ll count.”

Of course, Blue Sirius didn’t listen to the villain’s words. Once again, sharp ice blades condensed at the tips of her three swords.

“Three! Two, one!”

Bang! The sound of the cannon’s explosion and the howling blizzard wind overlapped simultaneously. The ice blades had the upper hand. A few ice shards that didn’t get fully blocked by the explosion pierced his shoulder and chest.

Looking at the crystals stuck in him, September clicked his tongue.

“Ehhey, I told you to attack once.”

“How cowardly.”

“A villain has to be cowardly, don’t they?”

September charged forward, swinging the cannon like a club.

“Did you want me to fight fair and square?”

“No, of course not.”

Sliding along the floor, Blue Sirius elegantly dodged that attack and moved her three swords again. The area where September had been standing froze over.

The chill starting from her feet soon spread over his entire body, successfully binding all his limbs in ice.

“That’s why I have to kill you.”

Blue Sirius pointed her three swords at him and looked around. It was strange. It had been some time since Red Vega started the evacuation. She should be getting back up soon.

As if responding to her unease, another villain appeared from a dark alleyway.

“Release my brother!”

He too had an appearance as if he had torn off part of a ship and attached it to his body. Similar to September’s look. It was immediately clear those two were related.

“Little brother, would you really listen to a suggestion without any conditions? That’s not how you negotiate.”

Another voice came from behind Blue Sirius. She immediately turned her head. A third villain with a similar appearance to the other two had appeared.

“Magic girl, if you don’t want your comrade to lose her life, release my brother.”

There was a swirling vortex in the air, and inside was someone Blue Sirius knew very well.


“I’m sorry! Big sis! I got caught!”

Red Vega grit her teeth in frustration. Blue Sirius furrowed her brows in consternation.

“What do we do!”

“My flames are being controlled by this wind! They keep coming back to me!”

“This is October, the second-in-command of the Argo Gang! His ability is controlling wind as you can see! Kneel before the power of the sail!”

“Little brother, shut up.” 

The way they used the titles brother and little brother indicated a very close relationship. It was quite unusual for villains to have such human-like familial bonds.

“Anyway, you saw it, right? If you don’t want to die right now…”



Blue Sirius sighed and said, “Take care of it!”

“Got it!”

A straight line of fire burst through the vortex.


“Thanks for gathering for me!”

And just like that, she subdued the second brother.

“Damn you, villain!!!!!”

White Davi, who had suddenly appeared from the back alley, bound the third brother with her skeleton minions.

“Yes, that’s right.”

The first one was already bound.

Just as the situation was settling down, two more villains appeared.

“Now… Is it your turn? What business do you have here since the new year?”

“It’s a misunderstanding.”

Han Jae-Jung was dumbfounded at how easily the situation had been resolved, much simpler than expected.

Why did I even come here?

T/N: Hi @everyone, sorry to say this but this novel will be dropped due to lack of support, It has been through a lot of mess wherein the subscription platform refunded the supporters their funds and closed the support page and that is why the Illustration page is no longer working. Basically that means there is literally a big loss of funds for this novel and I can not carry on like this as the cost for this novel is too much. Some chapters are still left but that will end in time. Just to note, I am not dropping this novel voluntarily as I prefer completing a translation, but this situation has forced my hands, anyways have a day.

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